Faux Outrage

Filed in National by on September 10, 2009

If I delve deep into my “fairometer” and ask it if it was wrong for the President to be called a liar I have to say it was not, in all fairness.  The problem was, the President wasn’t lying.  The other problem is that the Patriotic Party would have hung someone if it happened to their President.  Once again, the double standard happens and we as liberals and the opposition act outraged and upset.

Let the bastard be held accountable, let him be called out, let him be challenged.  Don’t give someone an open forum to spew their bullshit in front of millions.  Call his ass out when he lies.  I’m yelling at my television already when these guys yap on, Using their weasel words to keep them from being actually held to an actual point.  Call them a liar, I don’t care.  A spade is a spade right?

Yell, hrumph, tap the table, hiss, boo.  I dont give a fuck.  Question Authority.  Go for it.  Ohhhhh, but he’s the President.  Oh, sorry, I forgot, he has a direct connection to Allah or Yahweh or Jesus he’s not allowed to be challenged, gasp, on television.  Just let him speak, we will hold him accountable….20 years from now when his handlers are dead and we don’t have to worry about actually holding someone accountabe and getting into a nasty partisan squabble.

I’m upset this guy Wilson doesn’t work for me.  I’m jealous I don’t have a Chuck Grassley being dishonest and representing me.  Fuck man, give me a god-damned death panel type liberal liar please!  Please, Carper you can give me a bone for like one day.  Just lie, just tell me that the Banks you work for and whose buildings you have offices at are sucking every penny from me and are a bunch of skanky whores working on rt13 that are selling their credit cards like teethless blow jobs.  Tell me that the banks, chemical refiners and casinos are our Red Light district and while they may be hot and fun, they are going to take your money and cause your balls to swell up to the size of ripe Florida Mangoes!  I don’t care, just lie.  Tell me that we need to seperate church and state and that gays aren’t ruining this country! Tell me that the homophobes are!  LIE…PLEASE LIE! 

I’m upset that Mike Castle is working for the other guys and getting away with it.  I want them on my side.  I can’t go to their side, because, well I was raised to be, gasp, a catholic that actually believes in helping the meek and spreading the wealth.  That psalm, parable or whatever you call that scribble in the bible about a camel passing through the eye of a needle and fat rich people going to hell sort of actually resonated with me. 

But, God dam they are good on the other side.  I wish I could go over there.  They are so evil and willing to compromise their morality for power and money.  Jesus Christ, these guys are true capitalists!  Win at all costs, represent your biggest donors interests.  Play to your base.  I love you and hate you!   Come here (throwing down my papers in my hand, grabbing your head, squeezing your head and bringing it to my lips and laying a huge kiss on in absolute gratitude of your shear brilliance and cunning.  Then, pulling away and spitting at your feet in disgrace)  Come here!  Give me a hug, you rotten piece of shit!  You are good.  Hats off to you, you fucking scumbag.  You dirty whore. 

Why?  Why can’t you represent my base?  I was listening to Ted (Biden Benchwarmer) Kaufmann last night on NPR yapping away about Iraq.  IRAQ?? FUcking Iraq?  They guy had a hard on for his trip that he was on recently.  He went on yapping about some great book he read and got all professorial on the show.  WHO GIVES A FLYING FUCK TED!  We get it, you went away to the Green zone and saw dead bodies floatin gin the Tigris.  Awesome, you are like 3 years too late though.  So shut up and represent me in your last 14 months of nothingness.  You are in the best imaginable postion to speak out and represent actual fucking Delawareans and Dems, liberals, people that voted for Obama.  You aren’t running again, you are as pointless as tits on a bull at this point.  Stand up and rabble rouse you moldy turd.  Use your time and stand up.  You are on the downhill side of the hill of life.  Use those balls that hang to your knees and slap Grassley and that idiot from La in the forehead with them.  Chirst, LIE, Go ahead, it gets easier the more you do it!  Stop being all eloquent and smart.  Get dirty and lie for me. 

God damn I want someone to stand up for me.  Lie for fucks sake.  I don’t care.  Spew some non sense that Rebublicans are going to make me buy a gun to increase the deaths of blacks.  That they want us to start capturing illegals and hiding them in our garages until the feds can get them.  Go ahead and stand on national television and say that Republicans want to use nuclear weapons testing under my grandmothers teaset.  I don’t care!  LIE FOR ME. 

Please, lie for me.  I’m fine with it. I will applaud your ability to not care and pander to me.  I will even donate to you.  Just lie. Lie your ass off.  Go ahead, I dare you stand up and lie. 

My outrage isn’t at the disrespect, it’s at the disrespect I get as the base of the other side.  Where is my Congressman Wilson?  Huh?  Where are you?

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hiding in the open

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  1. I still agree that calling him out would be fine, but not at that forum. It can be on TV, etc, even. Then again, being able to whip out that clip of Snoop would have been more classic.

  2. pandora says:

    Oh my, you make a great point.

  3. nemski says:

    They’ve been lying for years — politicians of all flavors. The Republicans are taking a page out of Latin American politicians and calling the color red, green. Just blantant, boldface lies.

  4. anonone says:

    How absurd.

    We don’t need to lie, Donviti. We don’t need to elect liars and cheats. We don’t need a “Congressman Wilson.”

    Don’t forget the words of Harry Truman, “I don’t give them Hell. I just tell the truth about them and they think it’s Hell.”

    We need reps and sens that will tell the truth forcefully and vote fearlessly.

  5. Rebecca says:

    I’m reminded of a line from A Man For All Seasons (great movie) where Thomas Moore is talking to one of Cromwell’s supporters and he says something like . . .

    When you have pulled down all the laws designed to protect us from the devil and then the devil wheels around on you, where do you turn for protection.

    Remember, we are the party that believes government functions to protect it’s citizens. If we abandon truth we cannot serve the people.

  6. I think DV has a point, in that I want someone to fight for me. I’d rather they not lie but I wish they would show more enthusiasm for calling out the lies and distortions from the other side. In other words, why are we playing nice? I want to win. Will it matter in 5 years how it was done?

  7. Geezer says:

    “In other words, why are we playing nice? I want to win. Will it matter in 5 years how it was done?”

    Shorter version: “If you only knew the power of the dark side.”

  8. nemski says:

    Reminds me what my mom use to say to me when I complained that I didn’t have what they other kids had, “If everyone else jumped off a bridge, I suppose you’d want to as well.”

  9. Progressive Mom says:

    You’ve got a point, DV: I’d like someone to represent me, too. I’ve got TWO allegedly real Democratic Senators, and I’m not hearing from them at all. Not at all. Not on national OR local news. No support, no words, no fire and brimstone. No bully pulpit. Nothing.

    The Democrats are acting like the minority party, for the most part. And I’m sick of it.

  10. anonone says:

    DV is flat-out wrong. Rebecca’s point is spot on.

    UI, we ARE winning and we’re winning big. We don’t need to lie. 5 years from now it WILL matter how it was done. Want proof? Look at where the repubs were 5 years ago.

    We need more Senators like Russ Feingold, not reps like Joe Wilson.

  11. A1,

    I don’t want Democrats to lie, I want Democrats to FIGHT.

  12. cassandra_m says:

    It is difficult to call people out on their lies and distortions when those folks and their handlers come back and accuse you of not being nice and polite. All too often, Dems back down when folks bring up the “free speech” card.

    Notwithstanding the fact that “free speech” always has its limitations — it certainly does if you are in my house for a visit — it is important to stop letting other people set the terms of how you get to criticize them. I read a thing this AM where some wingnut was accusing Obama of being responsible for the outburst lat night. Why? Because Obama called repubs spreading the lies, liars. And so we see the beginning of the narrative — if Dems would stop noticing that we are liars, we repubs would stop reacting badly when called out on it.

    I want representation that fights for me too — but I don’t want representation who thinks that telling me that the government is taking over all of the health care (a lie) counts as fighting for me. I do want representation that forcefully corrects the stupid and the lies and speaks for what is really on the table.

  13. anonone says:

    Agreed 100%, UI. Donviti is pretty explicit: he wants them to lie.

  14. Donviti says:

    they already lie, I want them to lie for me!

  15. anonone says:

    But are you lying, Donviti?

  16. donviti says:

    did you take stupid pills this morning?

  17. anonone says:

    Did you take lying pills this morning?

  18. Delaware Dem says:

    Line of Day goes to Geezer once again. I now will forever picture Donviti as Darth Vader. LOL.

  19. ghost of Chapaquitic says:

    Have you ever thought that they may not be lying?

  20. nooneimportant says:

    Hey Chap- that wouldn’t cross anyone’s mind since the POTUS so very clearly and concisely proved that they were lying (as have many posters here who point to specific parts in legislation to disprove the lie.)

    So no, no one thinks they’re telling the truth because the lies they tell have been proven as what they are- LIES.

  21. Scott P says:

    Maybe he’s going with the old Costanza line, “It’s not a lie if you believe it.” Unfortunately, I don’t think most of them do believe what they’re saying. It’s all dishonest political theater.

  22. My honest assessment is that many don’t even know they are lying. They’ve heard this incessent spewing so often and with such furor, they’ve been fooled/brainwashed into believing it’s true. Really, think of how this evolved from special-interests into the majority of the right-wing office holders. It wasn’t overnight, it took persistence.

  23. Scott P says:

    You might be right. It’s certainly true of the majority of the town hallers. As for the elected officials, I’d like to point out that there is no intelligence test to pass for elected office. There were some frighteningly dim bulbs sitting in that chamber last night.

  24. cassandra_m says:

    And it takes a special kind of mindset to even avoid the fact that people and media around you are actually debunking your lies. For instance — the “death panel” thing has been thoroughly debunked for weeks now. But this afternoon, I heard Rick Jensen work really hard at some new rhetoric — that maybe they aren’t “death panels” but they sure would work that way. (I hadn’t changed my radio station when I went away for lunch). So maybe the label was wrong, but the fear that the government will pull the plug on grandma is still operational.

    At some point you do know. You just can’t fit either the fact that it was a lie or that something is not as fearsome as advertised into your ideological view.

  25. I think you’re exactly right Smitty. The teabaggers think they’re telling the truth. They are absolutely convinced that Obama is a secret Hitler/Muslim/Kenyan/socialist and they react with anger at anything that challenges that belief.

  26. jason330 says:


    You spoke to my soul dude. Where is our huge cabal of fucking bloodthirsty media “analysts” and pundits being treated like journalists? (Yes Republican dipshits, I know we have two fucking slightly liberal commenters. Bite me.)

    Where is our 24/7 bullshit spewing TV network? Where are our institutional liars and frauds dedicated to telling rich people how luck they are to live here while quietly passing health care reform while the GOP is on Spring break?

    Where are our warriors who have figured out how this shit works?

  27. jason330 says:

    Where is our Pat Buchanan who can say “Ronald Reagan Loved Cock!” one day and be back on MSNBC the next?

  28. Delaware Dem says:

    He’s back. Who had three weeks in the pool? LOL.

  29. jason330 says:

    Here and gone. I stopped in to read my man Smitty and happened to catch this tour de force.

  30. C’mon Jason – Castle has given us yet another deadline (end of September according to Celia).

  31. Delaware Dem says:

    You’ll be back, not because you can’t stay away, but because you are wanted here.

  32. all things in moderation says:

    LIE is a strong word, how about factually challenged…

    By CALVIN WOODWARD and ERICA WERNER, Associated Press Writers Calvin Woodward And Erica Werner, Associated Press Writers – Thu Sep 10, 3:15 am ET
    WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama used only-in-Washington accounting Wednesday when he promised to overhaul the nation’s health care system without adding “one dime” to the deficit. By conventional arithmetic, Democratic plans would drive up the deficit by billions of dollars.


  33. D.C. says:

    “Where is our 24/7 bullshit spewing TV network?”

    It’s called MSNBC you dope!

  34. pandora says:

    MSNBC? The one with three hours of Morning Joe? The one you can’t turn on without seeing Pat Buchanan? The one where Tom Tancredo is constantly a guest?

  35. rhubard says:

    Shorter DC: “Spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam, Lovely spam, wonderful spam spam spam spam spam spam spam…”

  36. Geezer says:

    “By conventional arithmetic, Democratic plans would drive up the deficit by billions of dollars.”

    Two hundred billion over 10 years, to be specific, meaning $20 billion per year, meaning two months’ worth of war. Got priorities?