Funny… Except I Can (and Have) See It Happening

Filed in National by on September 10, 2009

Here’s a taste of a post at kos called Probable beltway evolution of Wilson’s “You Lie

Ezra Klein

Joe Wilson’s “you lie” comment might be a great boon to the Democrats in their bid to pass health care.


Michael Scherer (

Joes Wilson broke decorum when he screamed “you lie” which may come back to hurt Republicans.  Obama stared back at him and you could seem him twitch.


Rush Limbaugh

And ladies and gentlemen Mr. Obama was calling Mr. Wilson a liar so he had to respond.  Did you see the way that Obama twitched?  Ladies and gentlemen that’s the type of twitch you see from the type of man Obama is (unsaid: Black) when he’s ready for a barroom fight or to push you aside and ravage your sister.  We’ve all seen that twitch before and we’ve all known what it means.



Breaking Headline:  Obama twitch is seen as a challenge not only to Wilson but anybody who disagrees with him.  Obama wants a barroom fight – and watch your sister.



“The Twitch” – major backlash on Obama’s response to Joe Wilson’s comment – while Wilson is nothing more than a back bencher, Obama raised his stature by using body language to make what feels like to a lot of people a direct threat, to Wilson, the Republicans and their sisters.


Fox News

We are spending all day discussing “The Twitch,” which is getting people really riled up in the real America (show signs of teabaggers carrying signs saying “Don’t Twitch on Me!”)  We have noted body language psychologist Dr. Kraz Y. Town to talk about it.

Town:  Yes, I want to show you these pictures of Hitler speaking at Nuremberg.  You see the same type of twitch.


Go finish it!  Go read the rest of  Probable beltway evolution of Wilson’s “You Lie


About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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