Odds and Ends

Filed in National by on September 10, 2009

From a Talking Points Memo Reader on the President’s reaction to the petulant child Joe Wilson:

I love how Obama gave him The Dadfinger. He squinted one eye and pointed at him like “Don’t make me pull this speech over, son.”

And for some more hilarity, click here. What is it about whacked out conservatism that makes people unable to spell?

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  1. OMG, those signs are so hilarious.

  2. cassandra_m says:

    They are hilarious — especially those wanting everyone to speak English yet they can’t spell.

  3. anonone says:

    How’d that lady in the gray pants move her butt from her back to her front? That’s what I want to know.

  4. Progressive Mom says:

    I love ’em. My fave from last year was on wonkette for a month: a sheet made into a yard sign that said — “No muslin for president.”

    I agree. I prefer cotton.

  5. pandora says:

    Too funny, unless you’re a Republican and realize this is your base.

  6. I’ve got a different finger for barack obama.

  7. Puzzler says:

    Liberals fail to grasp that people in the rank and file right no longer have the capacity for shame about arrogant, abusive public behavior. Circa 2009, about 35% of our countrymen are tittilated by it. This guy could be Sarah Palin’s running mate in ’12.

  8. Delaware Dem says:

    And a Palin-Wilson ticket will get 35% of the vote, the lowest total of the popular vote since either 1964 or 1936.

  9. jason330 says:

    Speaking as someone who does not follow politics, If Republicans seem like they “stand for something” even if their passion is for utter horse shit, and Democrats seem willing to compromise on everything (Tom Carper like) with no core values, the republicans will pick up a bunch of seats.

  10. anone says:

    If Republicans seem like they “stand for something” even if their passion is for utter horse shit, and Democrats seem willing to compromise on everything (Tom Carper like) with no core values, the republicans will pick up a bunch of seats.

    It really is a little early for this and the economy is starting to turn the corner. If the dems pass a health care bill with some substance and some compromise (tort reform), we may be looking at a vastly different environment in November of 2010 than what seems to be the case today.

    But really, it only makes sense the dems will lose seats in 2010. They’ve had back-to-back massive election wins, picking up 31 seats in the House in 2006 and 21 in 2008. Many of these house seats were won in conservative or republican leaning districts.

    The dems won six Senate seats in 2006 and eight more in 2008 I think (plus Spector), to reach their current 60 seats. There are at least 36 Senate seats (with special elections) up for grabs in 2010. I could see the democrats picking up a few Senate seats, as many as four actually. Barring a complete implosion (not passing some kind of health care reform for instance), it’s hard to see how the dems fall below 56 in the Senate, still a considerable advantage.

    As a sidebar, it will be interesting to see if the dems follow the 50 state strategy again or target specific elections this time around.

    And the dems are raising plenty of money, especially those freshman dems in the house.

    But I agree with your overall point, the dems at some point have to take on these fear mongering, lying, right wing loonie toon wack jobs that are all that is left of the republican party. I think Obama began that process this week. Let’s hope the dem sellouts like Carper got the message.