Stoopid Rethug Tricks: Blasting Carney on Day Castle Enters Race

Filed in Delaware by on October 6, 2009

Perhaps they’re playing three-dimensional chess at a level that only dogs can hear. But does this make any sense to you? John Carney, the guy who is running for the seat that Castle is leaving, gets blasted by some junior league RNC ‘wordsmith’ on what should be Mike Castle’s day:

Andy Seré, spokesman for the National Republican Congressional Committee, issued this statement:

“…As for career politician John Carney, he was the ‘frontrunner’ in 2008, too – how’d that work out for him? After eight years serving as Gov. Minner’s yes-man, Delaware voters rejected his brand of partisan politics then, and the only thing that’s different now is the office for which he’s shopping.”

Maybe this is just “Step on Your Dick Day”  at the RNC, but why blast Carney today? Isn’t this the day to celebrate the All Things Bright and Beautiful that Mike Castle Conjures Up? 

Do they think that Carney is gonna switch races? Do they want to lure Carney into the race? Or are they just PO’d that the young whippersnapper (aka under 70 years of age) had the temerity to hold Castle accountable?

I’m sure I don’t know. Your suggestions, please?

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  1. JustTheFacts says:

    Douche. Baggery.

    Career politican? John Carney held a real job longer than old Strokey McStrokes did…

    Can we start a wager on the date that Mike Castle falls off a stage? Whoever guesses the closest date, wins.

  2. Geezer says:

    I invoke Occam’s Razor: They’re just dickheads.

  3. cassandra_m says:

    Did anyone notice Castle’ having on about conducting a civil campaign that everyone in Delaware could be proud of? I suspect this operative just signaled how messy this is really going to be. Which is fine by me — making sure folks know Castle represents the party of Crazy Eileen is not going to be easy work.

  4. Delaware Dem says:

    Someone mentioned earlier that, if our candidate is Beau, the model for this race is Carper v. Roth and Obama v. McCain. Respectful of Castle for his years upon many years (decades even) of service to our state, but that his ideas of not only of the past, but they are failed ideas.

    Meanwhile, it will be surrogates on both sides doing the bomb throwing.

  5. jason330 says:

    My powers to predict the future are weak, but I really don’t see Beau in this race. For one thing Castle would never have gotten in (at 80 yrs old) if he thought this was going to be a hard fought race.

    As much as I hate to say it, I think some deal (brokered by Carper) has been struck with the Bidens.

  6. Delaware Dem says:

    And like I said, there is no way in hell Castle is going to get a free pass. Not for a US Senate seat. So if the candidate is not Biden, then he will get either Denn or Carney, or a mysterious candidate who, I have been told, wants to run.

  7. Brooke says:

    Even if a deal was brokered, Castle can’t have this seat. No.

  8. No way Carney switches races. Carney is the happiest man in Delaware right now. This childish press release from the NRCC probably just makes him laugh. Carney’s just waiting to see which loser the Republicans throw against him.

  9. Maybe this is just “Step on Your Dick Day” at the RNC,


    Isn’t it ‘step on your neighbor’s dick day’ since the GOP dicks are so tiny?

  10. Jason is always gloom and doom. I believe that the Daniello statement is where its at. The DEMs have held that Senate seat and are not handing it over. The only person who has a real shot is Beau Biden. Therefore Biden will run and from the polling, he will win easily.

    Is there another candidate for the Senate on the DEM side? There’s a primary for the House but I haven’t heard any noise about anyone stepping up for the Senate yet.

    I hope the DEMs keep Kaufman in the spot-light. He is a righteous liberal and we need him in the fight.

  11. Geezer says:

    “Therefore Biden will run and from the polling, he will win easily.”

    Huh? He’s behind, and the negative ads haven’t started yet.