Weekend Fluffernutter* Round-Up

Filed in National by on October 10, 2009

*h/t Progressive Mom for the term

The wingnuts were very busy this week. First, let’s talk about former** head of the Republican party Rush Limbaugh.

Rush Limbaugh is going to serve as one of the judges for the 2010 Miss America pageant. I’m sure the contestants are thrilled that a man with a history of misogynist remarks is going to be judging them, but I think this just shows how antiquated the idea of beauty pageants are.

Limbaugh is also trying to purchase the NFL’s St. Louis Rams team. Several African-American players have said they will not play for a Limbaugh-owned team, including Mathias Kiwanuka (NY Giants) and Bart Scott (NY Jets). Sports media figures definitely think it’s a terrible idea.

Since alienating women and minorities is not enough for Limbaugh, he’s now engaged in a feud with Joe Scarborough. Scarborough criticized the right and Limbaugh’s glee at the failed Chicago Olympic bid and said:

I would like Rush Limbaugh to tell me … who’s he helping there other than Rush Limbaugh? Because I will tell you, middle Americans — Rush is smarter than that — middle Americans that swing elections see that, they go, ‘My God, the Republicans have gone off the deep end.’

Limbaugh responded, saying:

Scarborough doing his best impression of … neutered chickified moderate

Scarborough fought back:

[Limbaugh put] “testicles in a blind trust” [for Bush and] “stopped being conservative”

Yes, Rush has been quite busy, but he’s not the only one. GOP dirty trickster Floyd Brown, along with World Net Daily is starting an impeach Obama campaign. For what, I don’t know. I suppose it’s probably for not being a Republican and bringing health care reform, which is really close to Nazi-ism in their nutty minds. I’ll bet you’re not suprised to learn Brown is a birther too.

One last story from the WTF were they thinking files – GOP Congressional candidate Robert Lowry had target practice at a gun range with a target that had an outline of a human figure and the initials of the current Democratic Congresswoman (DWS, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz) on it.

In South Florida, members of the Southeast Broward Republican Club gathered at a gun range this week, armed with handguns and assault rifles. Club president Ed Napolitano said the purpose for the local GOP was to have fun, educate members, and send a political message.

Message delivered.

Though most of the targets of gunfire were standard gun-range fare — large silhouettes of a human figure — a few shooters used large color posters instead. They depicted a menacing figure, adorned in a kaffiyeh, the kind of headdress worn by the late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat. The person in the picture was holding a rocket-propelled grenade.

One of the shooters at the Tuesday evening event was Robert Lowry, a Republican candidate hoping to unseat U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Weston. Lowry’s target had the letters “DWS” next to the silhouette head.

Lowry said he didn’t know who wrote Wasserman Schultz’ initials on his target, but said he knew they were there before he started shooting. He initially described it as a “joke,” but after answering several questions he said it “was a mistake” to use a target labeled “DWS.”

Isn’t it interesting that so many “jokes” from Republicans involving killing liberals and Democrats. I guess I’m just one of those humorless feminists because I don’t get it. Perhaps we need to adapt the liberalgeek rule to apply to Republicans – if someone dies at the end of your joke, rewrite it until everyone’s alive at the end.

**Glenn Beck is the current head of the Republican party.


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. wikwox says:

    Just sit back and enjoy. Especially like the Limbaugh/Scarborough fued.

  2. Progressive Mom says:

    Thanks for the h/t, UI.

    I think this whole effort by some in the Republican party to “reform” its image by calling out the extreme wingnuts is merely a way of cleaning up the party’s act before next year’s elections. Some have realized there are critical elections they can’t win if they are the party of Teh Crazi, so a few — like Scarborough — are trying to move center.

    We’ll see if others get on the train.

  3. xusumo says:

    When did Glenn Beck become head of Republicans?…… Scarborough’s comment may be the shot heard round the Republican party. It is a break in the wingnut lockstep, which may trigger splintering and their followers may have to actually deciminate the rhetoric and chose which wingnut to follow. Hey Protack, which one will you choose?