Deep thought

Filed in National by on October 12, 2009

So, I was driving to work today and thinking that I remember when America back in 2000 was a rudderless, leaderless country.  We had no idea who our President was going to be for what, like 45 days after the election.  America, yes America, had no idea what was goin on with the elections.  We were sending lawyers to the Supreme Court to argue who should be the winner.

Then, on my way to work I hear about the fraud and rigged elections of Afghanistan.  I then think and wonder to myself, could you even imagine what must be going on over there?  They have no idea who their next leader is supposed to be and on top of that an occupying force waging war within their borders.

And here, back in the “real world” people like Dianne Fienstein are saying we need to send in more troops. AS if the fraudulent elections and leaderless Afghanistan doesn’t exist.

Carry on about your day like these two issues are seperate.  It’s only like 100,000 18-24 year old lives we are playing with.  No big deal.


War is awesome.

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hiding in the open

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  1. The Afghan War was called the good war by Obama, he needs to find the strategy to win and make sure the tactics by the military are supported.

    Karzai is no longer effective and it is hard to support a war in a country where elections can’t be held.

    Personally, no government of consequence means no more troops from the U S.

    Mike Protack

  2. RICO says:

    “America back in 2000 was a rudderless, leaderless country”

    Bill Clinton says “WTF dude! I was president then.”

  3. Donviti says:

    Karzai is no longer effective and it is hard to support a war in a country where elections can’t be held.

    just when I think you can’t contradict yourself you up and do it again and again and again and again.

  4. Liberal Elite says:

    Take a lesson from the USSR and just leave.

  5. Donviti says:

    and Ghengis Khan
    and the Brittish
    and any other invader they have had in their 7000 year history.

  6. delacrat says:

    Elections under foreign occupation are meaningless. Anything that Karzai does is inherently subject to external approval anyway. The real ruler of Afghanistan is Gen. McCrystal.

    The US staged two demonstration elections in Viet Nam, and we know how that turned out