Serious QOtD

Filed in National by on October 12, 2009

As I listen to NPR this morning, I hear them talking abou the US Chamber of Commerce.  It sounds all governmentally doesn’t it?  I used to think it was a branch of the government up until a few years ago.

Does anyone know what the US Chamber of Commerce is?  Who they represent?  How much money they dole out?  What interests they support?

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hiding in the open

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  1. It’s definitely a conservative organization. They have supported a lot of Republican candidates in the past although I have no doubt they call themselves non-partisan.

    We haven’t really covered it on the blog but there’s been a lot of activity around many big companies like Apple and some utilities giants leaving the organization because of their staunch opposition to any climate change legislation.

  2. RICO says:

    breaking news: local moonbats discover Chamber of Commerce is a business organization and not a government agency!

  3. Scott P says:

    From their website:

    The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is the world’s largest business federation representing 3 million businesses of all sizes, sectors, and regions, as well as state and local chambers and industry associations. More than 96% of U.S. Chamber members are small businesses with 100 employees or fewer.

    As the voice of business, the Chamber’s core purpose is to fight for free enterprise before Congress, the White House, regulatory agencies, the courts, the court of public opinion, and governments around the world.

    It’s a business lobbying group. And yes, they’re climate change deniers.

  4. xusumo says:

    Hmmmmmm, I wonder why my public utility (power and water generation and distribution)in my hometown is a member?

  5. I just happened to stumble over this article and this article about the U.S. Chamber of Commerce this morning. Obviously you’re not the only one thinking about them.