Is It Over For Arlen?

Filed in National by on October 15, 2009

Rasmussen has a new poll on the Pennsylvania senate race and it’s bad, bad news for Arlen Specter:

The new Rasmussen poll of Pennsylvania finds Sen. Arlen Specter just barely ahead of his Democratic primary challenger, Rep. Joe Sestak.

The numbers: Specter 46%, Sestak 42%, with a ±3% margin of error. In early August, Specter had been ahead by 47%-34%.

The only upside is that Specter has a huge warchest, $8M. Joe Sestak’s tireless campaigning and his devastating commercial on Specter’s support for McCain/Palin is probably having an effect.

The poll also tested Toomey against both candidates and it shows the Pennsylvania is ready for a change:

In the general election match-ups, Republican former Rep. Pat Toomey leads Specter by 45%-40%, while Sestak edges out Toomey 38%-37%, with a ±3% margin of error.

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. nemski says:

    You lost me at Rasmussen has a new poll . . . .

  2. anon says:

    Specter will win the primary and the general.

  3. cassandra_m says:

    I thought that this primary was in the spring. I think that these two have a long way to go before a judgment of being in trouble yet.

    I am amused, however, that this race has made Spector into one of the most liberal Senators — he’s abandoned all pretense of “moderation” and gotten his Full Metal Liberal on.

  4. It’s proof that a primary opponent works! We need to get one for Carper.

  5. nemski says:

    Heck we need one for Biden!

  6. Specter picked allies that are increasingly unpopular in PA. The Governor is no longer popular and can’t help him. The President is in the 40’s. Specter will have to do it on his own. The interesting part is that he is still about 25 points ahead of where he would be in a GOP primary.

    I believe that this will be his last term and you will be saying Senator Toomey.

  7. wikwox says:

    Primary is a ways away yet, remember people tend to vote for the familiar. Also remember Toomey a.k.a. Kid Club For Growth will be tarred witht he brush of Bush/Cheyney Economics, might I add Liberally. I’d love to see Sestak beat out Spector just as I would love to see many old time Senators being beaten but don’t bet on it.

  8. Delaware Republican says:

    The PA race is early on but here is a tidbit which is interesting.
    “Forty-six percent (46%) of U.S. voters have a favorable opinion of Vice President Joseph Biden”

    “A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 47% view Biden unfavorably. While 18% have a very favorable perception of the vice president, 24% regard him very unfavorably. ”

    Mike Protack

  9. G Rex says:

    So PA Republicans are changing registrations for the privilege of voting against Arlen Specter again? Marvelous! Oh, and I hear Delawareans are moving to New Jersey to vote for John Corzine in the hopes that he will continue to raise taxes there and drive jobs out of the state, hopefully into Delaware.

  10. Gina says:

    Arlen Spector will not win, because people see him as a traitor and cannot be trusted. Now he is saying that he was a democrat all along. Well, then why wasn’t he officially? It makes you wonder…Too bad we cannot charge some of these politicians for treason. But, with voter fraud he may have a chance. Look who’s sitting in the White House…someone who cheated his way in there.