Delaware Liberal

Around the Horn Sunday

This week’s roundup of local political news from around the Delaware blogosphere. We have two three new blogs this week. Yes, Nancy Willing, I understand they are not new to the blogosphere, but they are new to this Roundup. And this Weekly Roundup will become more entertaining once the Matthews-Donviti blog gets going. The last two weeks were all about Castle, Biden, and Zachary.

The Palmer Lyceum
Scott’s thoughts on Castle running for Senate.

On Transmigration
Bishop Sprong of the Episcopal Diocese of Newark takes a stand on homosexuality. Except, it is not a stand you would think.

Delaware Business Blog
Their local business roundup this week and last week.
Delaware Earns AAA Bond rating and issues Build America bonds.

Is Markell behind dumping teacher tenure?
Kilroy responds to my post on Markell’s accomplishment by implying that we are saying he walks on water. He has a nice little blasphemous picture to go along with it.
Delaware’s NAEP scores drop
Kilroy for Congress. He is joking, but I think he should run. A man this cranky must run for something. 😉
Kilroy on the Christina School District / Zachary Christie incident.
I post this link to highlight something about Kilroy. He suffers from Arne Duncan Derangement Syndrome. The link is to a post about President Obama calling on Congress to repeal both DADT and DOMA, and somehow the post becomes about the Secretary of Education Duncan.

Lt. Governor Matt Denn’s Blog
Great Teaching

Delmarva Dealings
Nothing concerning Delaware over the last two weeks. Marva Dealings, no?

By the Numbers
John remembers his favorite Republican, his mother, who died late last month. My sympathies, John.
John looks at Christine O’Donnell’s chances in a primary against Castle, using the results of the 2006 GOP Senate Primary. He finds that two local races in 2006 may have affected turnout in that primary.

Kavips on John Carney fighting the ghost of Tom Carper.
Tom Carper, the Republican Senator from Delaware.

Delaware Way
Is the CRI a trojan horse? Of course it is.
Nancy takes on Celia, who has people running for posts who are not running for the posts, in order to give the DE GOP a shot in the arm.

Mike Musings
Sam Wilson really needs to go inside a library once in his life before he cuts funding to libraries.

Redwaterlily’s Ramblings
She did have some local posts this week on the Department of Corrections being unable to find a new or competent prison medical services provider, but there seems to be a problem with her server as her site is down.

Citizens for Clean Power on the Indian River Power Plant after DNREC ordered emissions reductions there.
Mike Castle and the nutcases.
Energy and the Environment in Maryland and Delaware.

The Mourning Constitution
Brian on why he has been politically silent lately.
Why Brian likes Joan Deaver.

Lower Slower Delaware
Has Joan Deaver become a Democratic Sam Wilson?

Kavips on John Carney fighting the ghost of Tom Carper.
Tom Carper, the Republican Senator from Delaware.

Delaware Way
Is the CRI a trojan horse? Of course it is.
Nancy takes on Celia, who has people running for posts who are not running for the posts, in order to give the DE GOP a shot in the arm.

Delmar Dustpan
A mail thief or vandalizer in Delmar?
DNREC on collecting acorns. And no, it is not about ACORN.

Progressive Delmarva
Nothing Delaware related over the last two weeks that I can see, but it is a prolific progressive group blog, and you should visit.

Sussex County Angel
She (and I am assuming the poster is a she) attended the 9/12 Delaware Patriots meeting. Read her thoughts here and here.
Angel on Castle running for Senate and on the 9/12 March in DC.

Resolute Determination
RD reposts a letter to the editor from Jim Bowers, saying layoffs are needed. I wonder how the GOP is going to attack both the President and the Governor for not creating jobs when they are advocating for layoffs. Yes, I understand the difference between public and private sector jobs, but still, a job is a job, and right now, the DE GOP position seems to be for cutting jobs.
While this is not local news, it is shocking enough to post: Homegrown Boy is for a public option.
HGB, who by the way is a very insightful blogger from the other side, says the latest Christina/Zachary Christie incident places our state legislators between a rock and a hard place. Charlie Copeland has his thoughts on this as well.
Joey Wise returns to Delaware.
Copeland on Denn moonlighting as an attorney and Meconi. What I find interesting is that Copeland has not reacted on his own blog to Castle running for the Senate other than to repost Castle’s announcement speech. For if he did, he would probably have to discuss the open Congressional seat…. hmmmm….
The Ron Poliquin website is launched. Boy am I going to enjoy that campaign….

Delaware Libertarian
Steve on Delaware’s acceptance of Real ID, and he praises Carper for being consistently against it. He is right on both counts.
A prayer for Bishop Michael Saltarelli
Tyler embraces Mike Castle’s run for the Senate. I would like to know what Steve thinks about it.

Delaware Politics
David’s regional roundup from this week and last week.
David and TW on the announcements this week regarding challenging Daryll Scott in the 31st RD. Poliquin and Smith in, Wagner out.
Timothy Pancoast on the Zero Tolerance idiocy in Christina last week.
David on the Castle v. O’Donnell race, and his divided loyalties.
David on the passing of Bishop Michael Saltarelli
Beau’s return has already had an affect on the AG office.
The DE GOP gets props? Well, yes, from the conservative NRO.

Delaware Liberal
The Delaware Legislative Travel Tabs.
El Som takes on Andy Sere of the NRCC and his attacks on Carney.
Delaware implementing Real ID? WTF?!?
Why is Beau annoyed at the prospect that he will or may run for Senate? He shouldn’t, since new polling shows him tied with Mike Castle right now. Indeed, check out the full details of that Research 2000 poll as it has favorability ratings in Delaware for Markell, Carney, Beau and President Obama, and shows Carney leading all possible comers in the GOP by huge margins.
George Will writes about Mike Castle and adds nothing.
A rundown of some legislative accomplishments of Governor Markell.
Rick Jensen comes in favor of vigilantism?
The CSB reverses the Zachary Christie decision.
Cathcart wants it both ways.
Protack wants to regulate banks.
El Som on the open House race featuring John Carney v. some nameless Republican.
Beau Biden runs!
Zachary’s story goes national.
Castle is in but his fundraising sucks.
Christine O’Donnell gets her Peak Wingnut on in reacting to Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize.
Zero Tolerance is Zero Intelligence.
Biden favored to hold the Senate seat for the Democrats.
With Castle running for Senate, the musical chairs in Delaware politics stop.

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