Wednesday Open Thread

Filed in National by on October 21, 2009

It’s Wednesday and we have thread.

Are you suffering from Crazy Fatigue? I know I am.

Speaking of crazy, crazy birther lawyer/dentist/real estate agent Orly Taitz is appealing her $20,000 fine. Do you think she’ll get a fine every time she files now?

Here’s a taste of Taitz’s latest (bolded text in original):

Judge Land’s actions that amounted to misstating or misrepresenting ninety percent of what was presented in the pleadings and argument, completely ignoring ninety percent of the argument and facts, making extremely rude and demeaning remarks, showing bias; taken together, appear to be designed to silence her and, intimidate her and above all, punish her for what the Court perceived as political rather than “core” constitutional questions. It appears to be a thinly veiled threat to other attorneys not to pursue similar Constitutional issues, which will have a chilling effect on the ability of the public to use Federal Court system to uphold their constitutional rights. Judge Land’s remarks amounted to nothing short of political lynching, which turned into feast and celebration by the media mob.

I’ll bet you never expected to see the words “Orly Taitz is appealing” in a sentence did you?

Do you remember the contention that the Washington Post/ABC poll that showed high support for the public option and low support for Republicans was somehow flawed? It’s completely in line with other recent polls.

And that’s really the key here. The latest CBS News poll found 22% identify themselves as Republicans. The latest AP poll found 21%. Ipsos/McClatchy put the number at 19%. Gallup had the highest total for the GOP, at 27%, but the Pew Forum study had it at 23%, while NBC/WSJ found 18%.

Average those together, and we find about 21% of the public are self-identified Republicans. What did the Post/ABC find? 20%.

I think we have found a new game now – things that are more popular than Republicans. I’ll start the list:
Civil Unions for same sex couples – 67%
The Public Option for health care reform – 57%
Same sex marriage – 42%

Heh – it looks like Matt Yglesias had a similar idea. His statistic – 37% of Americans think the U.S. government has had contacts with extraterrestrials.


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (18)

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  1. nooneimportant says:

    I don’t have a lot of time today, since I apparently am coordinating a bunch of communist… (I’m a volunteer coordinator) but I saw these two article one from Glenn “I want my mommy” Beck and Michelle “I’m not crazy, I’m just nuts” Malkin and I am furious… As someone who works at a non-profit that REQUIRES volunteers in order to successfully help the community and operate year round…this just pisses me off.

    Crazy lady:
    Glenn Beck:

    I know this will get stuck in the possible spam folder… but it p#$$&$ me off.

  2. lizard says:

    ACORN Sting Team Releases New Video From Philadelphia Office ^ | 10-21-09
    Fox News: “ACORN representatives claim James and Hannah were kicked out of Philadelphia,” Andrew Breitbart said in a statement prior to the 9:30 a.m. ET news conference. “They also said publicly that, unlike Baltimore, Washington D.C., Brooklyn, San Bernardino (Calif.) and San Diego, James and Hannah never even mentioned prostitution before they were told to leave. James and Hannah will be joining me to set the record straight. After Wednesday, everyone will know what really happened in Philly.”

  3. nemski says:

    lizard, your obsession with ACORN is pathetic.

  4. Suzanne says:

    Random thought:

    The joy of motherhood is that you get to share all those illnesses with your kids that they bring home from school — including the flu.

  5. nemski says:

    It’s been the joy of fatherhood as well.

  6. Scott P says:

    Another random thought: Keep your damn kids away from mine! πŸ™‚

    Actually, I know I have been very lucky with my little one. She has an industrial strength immune system. She gets sick for like a day, then she’s OK. Our pediatrician half jokingly accused us of seeing another doctor, because we never go in for sick visits. Suzanne, I hope your little(?) one gets well soon.

  7. pandora says:

    Kids’ germs are the worst. They’d take down the Incredible Hulk.

    Off topic, but since parents are reading… I was cleaning up today and found this “NOTICE” from my daughter (written about 2 yrs ago when she was 10 and, luckily, stored in our memory box!)

    “XXXX (daugter’s name) is on strike. She is going to refuse to eat. She is also not going to verbally talk to her parents/brother. The most you’ll get out of her is 3 words. Kisses shall be withheld.”

    Oh yeah, that’s a keeper!

  8. Scott P says:

    That’s funny. I especially like how she left herself an out by specifying that she wouldn’t verbally talk. So I guess gestures and dirty looks are allowed? But anyway, was it notarized? I don’t think it’s binding if it’s not notarized.

  9. Suzanne says:

    Nemsi – didn’t mean to leave the fatherhood part out – but you know – there is two women at our house so – we tend to forget that there are families OTHER then ours….

    Scott – the little one just turned 15. AS i just wrote to one of his family members (on his father’s side) – “He is growing up so fast – he is now 5’6” tall, there is a hint of a mustache above his upper lip, he wears shoe size 10, and he has absolutely perfected the teenage eye-roll”

    Usually his immune system is really good but somehow this year he hasn’t been well – hasn’t slept well, etc. Must be his hor(ror)mones, I believe.

    Pandora – that letter is definitely a keeper – something to enlarge and print out in poster size for her wedding day or baby shower or something.

  10. pandora says:

    Great minds think alike, Suzanne! This “NOTICE” will definitely make a reappearance.I have a 15 year old son as well, who towers over me. No mustache signs, but I guess he takes after my husband.

    I loved the “verbally talk” line, as well, Scott. She’s convinced she wants to be a surgeon, but I’m thinking lawyer. πŸ˜‰

  11. lizard says:

    House Democrats Lock GOP Out of Committee Room A bitter divide over Countrywide mortgage scandal.

    wsj ^ | today | FREEMAN
    House Democrats Lock GOP Out of Committee Room A bitter divide over Countrywide mortgage scandal. By JAMES FREEMAN Democratic staff for the House oversight committee informed their GOP counterparts today that the majority has changed the locks on the committee’s hearing room. While Republicans previously enjoyed their own key to the room, they will now have to request access from Democrats. This followed a bitter partisan argument in which Republicans refused to take down a video from their website that contradicted Dem explanations about a closed-door meeting on the Countrywide VIP loan scandal. As we reported last week, the committee…

  12. pandora says:

    LINK, or shut up, lizard/RICO. I’m through searching for your info.

  13. cassandra_m says:

    Ignoring RICO is pretty much the best strategy. Apparently someone told him we were interested in wingnut talking points. There is no reason to do his work for him.

  14. lizard says:

    Harry Reid Lashes Out at Republicans After Senate Sinks Medicare Measure
    Politics Daily ^ | 10/21/2009 | Patricia Murphy

    After a month of praising bipartisanship, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid lashed out at the GOP on the Senate floor Wednesday when a Medicare measure he brought up for a vote failed amid concerns about its impact on the deficit.

    The bill would have prevented a 20 percent drop in Medicare reimbursement rates to doctors that is scheduled to take effect in January.

    Reid angrily blamed the loss on bad intelligence from the American Medical Association, which he said promised him 27 Republican votes (he got none), as well as Republican dirty tricks designed to impede Democrats’ progress on meaningful reform.

    He made no mention of the 13 Democrats who sided with Republicans with statements of concern over ballooning deficits and budget overruns, nor that the Medicare measure failed to get even a simple majority of senators.

  15. Cassandra – that’s because the wingnuts are not able to make sense of the words they read — the words DELAWARE LIBERAL to them just mean that they can liberally spew their stupid crap all over this site. Oh yeah, and because they know people come here to read the blog and if they had their own blogs, nobody would give a rats ass. This way they feel as if someone listens to them. Personally, I love that scroll wheel on my mouse whenever certain names pop up – scroll right past them to the next one.

  16. anon says:


    Mine has the teenage eye-roll down already, and she’s just 5. I’m in for a very long adolesence…

  17. Brooke says:

    Is this a place I can complain about this “National Park” idea? Is anyone else finding it… well, downright embarrassing? I’ve seen some weird ideas for “parks” over the years (Ohio, come-on) but this looks like a joke, to me. It’ll have to be called “The Delaware Snipe Hunt National Park.”

    I’m upset, actually.

  18. Paul says:

    Was the $20K fine enough? Maybe when Taitz becomes a real lawyer she will appreciate what just happened. I wonder if she is a mail order bride, just like her law degree? She is perfect reporter material for β€œFake News”, where unfounded rumors and innuendo reign supreme , unlike a our US courts of law, where you need to present documented facts, not half baked lies (prepare for more failures).

    When flies get too close to the lights they get burned, Taitz just got burned, thing is, like a fly she will continue, no end in sight. Poor little Birthers they are haters not debaters.

    A lawyer, dentist, realtor and black belt, wow I must say a JACK of all trades master of none.