Archive for October, 2009

Psst… Anyone Notice Something Missing?

Filed in National by on October 26, 2009 5 Comments

Question: Why don’t we have a Surgeon General? Answer: Here, in this excellent rant. Good thing we don’t have a global flu pandemic.

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Newt’s Ego 3x Larger Than His Heart

Filed in National by on October 26, 2009 19 Comments

Newt Gingrich said on C-SPAN that he and his wife will decide by February 2011 on whether or not he will run for President reports Political Wire. Callista and I are going to think about this in February 2011. And we are going to reach out to all of our friends around the country. And […]

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How the Army Corps of Engineers Stays in Business

Filed in Delaware, National by on October 26, 2009 2 Comments

It comes up with loony projects, has them embraced by pork-loving congress critters, develops phony economic benefits analysis, and then plays hardball, using people like Pennsylvania’s amoral governor as its cheerleaders. Michael Grunwald wrote a brilliant 5-piece series for the Washington Post back in 2000 chronicling how, in one Corps survey, the Chessie ran east […]

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Looking Ahead: What Are The Next Big Congressional Fights?

Filed in National by on October 26, 2009 7 Comments

Health care reform is now entering the final phases of becoming a law – negotiation. Right now the big fight is what kind of public option we’ll get – triggered, opt out, robust (Medicare + 5) or level playing field. It’s certainly no reason to relax but let’s look ahead to what’s next on the […]

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QotD: World Series

Filed in National by on October 26, 2009 6 Comments
QotD: World Series

Who will run the 2010 World Series: Philadelphia Phillies or the dreaded Yankees?

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World Upside Down: wRong Williams Right

Filed in National by on October 26, 2009 32 Comments

Ron Williams wrote in his column Sunday that Beau Biden will be running for Senate in 2010. Given that Williams was correct regarding Castle’s run and a Delaware Liberal writer was wrong regarding Castle, should we not take Biden’s run as a done deal? Can we take Williams comment, “Those close to the family insist […]

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Late Night Video — Burying Goldfish

Filed in National by on October 25, 2009 0 Comments

Put down all liquids before you watch:

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The GOP Plan Is?

Filed in National by on October 25, 2009 13 Comments

Here is a really clever web ad put together by the DSCC spoofing the Mac vs. PC ads: The GOP plan is block everything, root for failure and ridicule success.

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Hatching Absurdity

Filed in National by on October 25, 2009 4 Comments

Politicians will say the obtuse things things and Senator Orrin Hatch is a politician. Hatch on CNN said President Obama may be waiting till after the November election to increase troops in Afghanistan reports Politico. Some people have suggesting he’s waiting until after the election because they have some tough governorships up for election. Some […]

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Sunday Papers: How ‘Fast’ Eddie Rendell Made Sure Budget Avoided Natural Gas Pains

Filed in National by on October 25, 2009 16 Comments

We all heard Gov. Ed Rendell’s (D-Comcast) lament that everyone had to share in Pa.’s budgetary pain, including the arts community, which was decimated by budget cuts while the big sports teams and movie theatres remained untouched.  His lips were moving, so everyone knew that he was lying. When it comes to the natural gas […]

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Obama Approval Rating Up

Filed in National by on October 25, 2009 6 Comments

Politico is reporting that President Obama’s approval rating is up to 56% from 50% in September according to a AP-GfK poll.

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No Hablas Inglés? Ticket For You!

Filed in National by on October 25, 2009 5 Comments
No Hablas Inglés? Ticket For You!

There is a federal law that states drivers of commercial vehicles must be able to converse in English. However, in Dallas, Texas, a few officers have decided to apply this law to drivers of private vehicles. The federal law, 49 CFR 391.11, states that a driver Can read and speak the English language sufficiently to […]

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Prosecutors Go After Innocence Project Students

Filed in National by on October 25, 2009 8 Comments
Prosecutors Go After Innocence Project Students

Northwestern University has become famous for its journalism class in the Innocence Project, where students research old crimes. Their work actually led to a moratorium on the death penalty in Illinois when they showed a significant number of inmates on death row were actually innocent of the crimes they had committed. Now prosecutors want to […]

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