Day 285 of Mike Castle’s Betrayal of Delaware

Filed in National by on November 8, 2009

Last night Mike Castle continued illustrious career of representing the Republican Party and not the State of Delaware by voting against The Affordable Health Care for America Act. You can read his excuses at I ♥ GOP or read the shorter version here: “I was only following orders!”

As a bonus, remember that Mike Castle betrayed women yesterday with his affirmative vote on the Stupak Amendment. I thought about making this Day 2 of Mike Castle’s Betrayal of Women, however Castle’s vote against the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act would make it Day 298 of Mike Castle’s Betrayal of Women.

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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. So, it’s only 285 day of betrayal for the whole Delaware since he only betrayed half of Delaware 298 days ago?

  2. anon says:

    You know who also only follows orders? Nazis.

  3. nemski says:

    Mike Castle, Miami Beach 2011

  4. I find it highly ironic that Castle’s reason for voting against the reform bill was because it didn’t do enough to contain costs in his opinion. But he voted for the Republican alternative which was even worse. In voting “no” on the final bill he voted to keep the status quo and we all know what that is.

  5. anonone says:

    The republican thought process:

    $Trillion spent on aggression and invasions of other countries= Mom, apple pie, and baseball
    $Trillion spent on healthcare for American citizens=Hitler, Nazis, and Holocaust

    (with apologies to Mom)

  6. Exactly A1. Also, spending on wars is somehow free but spending money on U.S. citizens gets fiscal conservatives in a tizzy.