Lavelle: Good News, Bad News

Filed in Delaware by on November 13, 2009

The good news: Republican State Representative Greg Lavelle will not throw his hat in for Mike Castle’s vacant Congressional seat, reports The Community News.

“I recognize, and others in the GOP who are considering a run for the office must also recognize, that organizing a genuine and effective campaign, including the challenges of raising more than $1 million, will be no small task,” he said in a statement. “This is no time for chasing windmills.”

The bad news: Lavelle will be running for reelection for his state house seat.

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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. John Carney is smiling today.

  2. Good luck Greg.

    Mike Protack

  3. Guess that takes Monsignor Lavelle off the list of those who might bunk w/Tom Coburn at the ‘Family’ compound on C Street.

    Plus, there’s nothing bad about this news. A smart candidate will eviscerate Lavelle’s record and will point out his active complicity in denying justice to victims of priestly pedophilia.

  4. anon. says:

    Lavelle is a blowhard, who is in love with himself.

  5. JustTheFacts says:

    Yes, I don’t think John Carney (or anyone else for that matter) was really worried about Real Estate Mogul, Greg Lavelle.