Delaware Liberal

These Things Just Happen

Bill O’Reilly and Glenn Beck had a conversation on O’Reilly’s radio show yesterday and predicted violence against Nancy Pelosi could occur.

BECK: Last week, I head you say that — you were on with Dennis Miller. … You two were talking about an insurrection coming.

O’REILLY: Tax revolt.

BECK: He used the word insurrection. And not in a comedic way.

O’REILLY: Yeah, tax revolt. I think people, when they figure out how badly they’re going to get hurt in the next few years, there’s going to be a tea party on taxes and its gonna get nasty. Nancy Pelosi’s going to be bobbing up and down in the Boston Harbor.

This statement appeared to be too much for Beck even, who replied, “Uh, I don’t think that’s necessary.” Listen here:

I’m sure that O’Reilly and Beck will deny any culpability should violence occur, despite seeming to wish for it. Glenn Beck once pretended to poison Nancy Pelosi and Bill O’Reilly wished for a terrorist attack on San Francisco.

If we ever hear an apology I’m sure it will be the standard “I’m sorry if some people were offended” passive voice apology we’ve come to expect.

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