Archive for November, 2009

Sarah Palin Is Unfit To Be President Because…

Filed in National by on November 18, 2009 11 Comments

She’s incapable of representing all Americans. On Hannity last night, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin said she’s “all for” profiling Muslims if it saves “innocent American lives.” I’m really sick of this sort of talk.  It’s beyond disgusting.  Frankly, it’s un-American – and I’m not one to use that term lightly.  It also sets a […]

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It is time to do away with the Old Testament.

Filed in National by on November 18, 2009 85 Comments

Let his days be few.
Let another take his office.
Let his children be fatherless
Let his wife be a widow.

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When You Think It Can’t Get Uglier…

Filed in National by on November 18, 2009 3 Comments

Someone writes this in under 60 words: It’s no fault of the president that he has no natural instinct or blood impulse for what the America of “the 57 states” is about. He was sired by a Kenyan father, born to a mother attracted to men of the Third World and reared by grandparents in […]

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We Dodged That Bullet

Filed in National by on November 18, 2009 8 Comments

We always knew Obama was smart and sometimes we got confirmation in unexpected ways: As you know, Plouffe’s book offers the fascinating revelation that just before the South Carolina primary, a senior Edwards adviser offered him a swap: Edwards would drop out of the race if Obama would make him his Veep. The adviser argued […]

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The Only Thing We Have Is Fear

Filed in National by on November 18, 2009 2 Comments

A great American president once said this: The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. –President Franklin Roosevelt What did he know, he only led us through WWII against history’s greatest villain, Adolf Hitler. The new Republican motto must be “the only thing we have is fear.” Rep. John Shadegg (R-AZ) is not […]

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Bad Taste Rules the Day in Coverage of Biden Motorcade Accidents

Filed in National by on November 18, 2009 2 Comments

The Huffington Post and the tabloid Gawker connect recent Biden motorcade accidents to Neilia and Naomi Biden’s death nearly 40 years ago.

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Republicans are assembling a STELLAR Field.

Filed in Delaware by on November 18, 2009 7 Comments

On top of the news that the GOP has enticed the highly sought after Republican juggernaut Fred Cullis into the race for Delaware’s open Congressional seat, we receive word from Delaware Politics that …. gasp …. Former Delawareans for McCain leader and 17th Republican District chair Kevin Wade is considering a run for the seat. […]

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Blame McCain For Palin

Filed in National by on November 17, 2009 2 Comments

Andrew Sullivan points out something obvious that has been missed. McCain was the one who brought Sarah Palin into the spotlight – she owes all her recent success in enriching Sarah Palin to him. Has McCain apologized yet? We knew that about a charlatan like Kristol and a nihilist like Rove. But what I didn’t […]

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Radio Times’ Hasan Hour

Filed in National by on November 17, 2009 6 Comments

Last night I was able to listen to a repeat broadcast of yesterday’s Radio Times with Marty Moss-Coane (mp3). She spent an hour interviewing three guests about Nidal Hasan, the Ft. Hood killer. Unfortunately, I only got to hear the first half, but it was riveting. The first half hour was a discussion with Daniel Zwerdling, who has been interviewing Hasan’s co-workers to find out what the missed signs were.

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It’s Easter Break, you Heathen!

Filed in National by on November 17, 2009 51 Comments

News from downstate is often hard to come by, and political news all the more. So apparently Sussex County Councilwoman Joan Deaver upset the applecart a bit recently when she suggested that the spring break around the Easter holiday be called “Spring Break” instead of “Easter Break.” As is their practice, right wing conservative Christians were outraged.

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Christie at UD Games.

Filed in National by on November 17, 2009 10 Comments

I have season tickets to Blue Hens Football games at the University of Delaware. So does the new Republican Governor-elect of the State of New Jersey, which perhaps explains the foul odor and ominous feeling of doom I encountered at the last game two weeks ago. I kid. Seriously, I have no problems with Governor […]

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Health Care Reform Polling

Filed in National by on November 17, 2009 0 Comments

Two new polls are out from CNN and ABC/Washington Post that find that the country, as it has been for months, is split on the current healthcare reform plans before Congresss. I have always decried these type of polls, because the reporting on them assumes that if you are against the current bills before Congress […]

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Jason pens a letter to the News Journal….

Filed in National by on November 17, 2009 5 Comments

I am sure you are all wondering what Jason330’s reaction to the recent poll numbers showing Beau Biden leading Mike Castle by 5 points. Apparently, he fired off a letter to the editor containing his response to the News Journal. I doubt they will print it, but I will.

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