Archive for November, 2009

Is This A Joke?

Filed in National by on November 16, 2009 13 Comments

I’m honestly not sure.  Given all the lunacy spewing out of Republican mouths this comment may not be just a throw-away. Host Chris Wallace pointed out that former Vice President Dick Cheney did not bow to the emperor when he visited Japan. (He did not elaborate on how this difference in greeting affected American policy […]

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Learning The Wrong Lesson

Filed in National by on November 16, 2009 2 Comments

Al Franken’s election was one of the pleasant surprises of the 2008 election. Franken is turning out to be an excellent senator. He’s already made an impact with his amendment that prohibits the Defense Department from contracts with companies that force rape and assault victims into arbitration – an instance when a lawmaker sees an […]

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Hypocrisy and The Art of Judge Blocking

Filed in National by on November 16, 2009 19 Comments
Hypocrisy and The Art of Judge Blocking

At this point in the last two presidents’ first terms, W had 28 lower court justices confirmed and Clinton 27. Guess how many for Obama. Seriously, guess. Come on just guess before you get to the next sentence. Okay, okay, the answer is six, or 6 for those of you who prefer the numeral version, […]

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Joe’s In Charge — Biden Style

Filed in National by on November 15, 2009 0 Comments

Fake Joe Biden on Saturday Night Live. Very funny. h/t Ryan Cormier

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Measure Twice, Cut Once

Filed in International, National by on November 15, 2009 4 Comments

It’s silly pundits day on Delaware Liberal! The last time we talked about David Broder, he was spewing incorrect information on Mike Castle and the Senate race. I think he should have stuck to less complicated subject like domestic politics but this week he turned his conventional wisdom insights to Afghanistan: The more President Obama […]

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After The Deluge

Filed in Delaware by on November 15, 2009 32 Comments
After The Deluge

Tropical Storm Ida has left her mark on Delaware. The question we have is will we learn from Ida’s destruction or will we keep on doing the same old, same old. WHYY reports that it will cost some $15-20 million to replenish the beaches. The News Journal reports that over $100 million has been spent […]

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Death Panelling Goes For Cheap

Filed in National by on November 15, 2009 8 Comments
Death Panelling Goes For Cheap

Congressman Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) writes in The New York Times about his intentions and the ramifications of a small piece of legislation he added into the health care package. . . . I found it perverse that Medicare would pay for almost any medical procedure, yet not reimburse doctors for having a thoughtful conversation to […]

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Weekend Foodie Thread

Filed in National by on November 15, 2009 12 Comments

Since last week’s Foodie Thread was such a big hit – can’t wait to try out all the recipes! – let’s give it another go.  This week’s theme is “meals in under 30 minutes.”  (And this week I have measurements!) I’ll begin with one of the easiest and most delicious recipes in my arsenal… Creamy […]

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Where Did You Hear That Before?

Filed in National by on November 15, 2009 2 Comments

Lobbyists ghostwrote a few, no, several, no, many speeches that uttered during the historic health care debate last week reports The New York Times. Statements by more than a dozen lawmakers were ghostwritten, in whole or in part, by Washington lobbyists working for Genentech, one of the world’s largest biotechnology companies. E-mail messages obtained by […]

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War – What Is It Good For?

Filed in International, National by on November 15, 2009 3 Comments
War – What Is It Good For?

Matthew Yglesias takes a look at the cost of war versus the economic benefits on the home front and comes to the standard meme that the financial burden of war might have some good on the economy: But the basic progressive analysis of the current economic situation is that higher short-term debt levels are socially […]

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Biden To Appear on The Daily Show

Filed in Delaware, National by on November 15, 2009 2 Comments

Pen this in on your calendar, Vice President Joe Biden will appear on The Daily Show Tuesday night. Last week we had soon-to-be-retired Congressman Mike Castle on Colbert talking about cocks and this week, Biden will say something stupid as well.

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Weekend Open Thread

Filed in National by on November 14, 2009 14 Comments

It’s time for your open thread – thread away! Good. THE SUBJECT LINE on the e-mail simply reads, “The End.” As in, the end of the Valley Club, the small, sleepy Huntingdon Valley community pool that was thrust into the national spotlight this past summer, allegedly for discriminating against minority campers who’d signed up to […]

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‘Bulo’s Music For the Masses-Johnny Mercer Edition-Volume 1

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on November 14, 2009 4 Comments

The great lyricist Johnny Mercer would have celebrated his 100th birthday this November 18 were he still around. I just saw a great documentary on Turner Classic Movies about him. It’s what inspired me to do this two-part Music for the Masses. Here are some reasons why you may want to celebrate what the great […]

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