Archive for December, 2009

Weekend Open Thread

Filed in National by on December 19, 2009 4 Comments

It’s time for a snowbound weekend open thread. I’m going to put up my Christmas tree and drink eggnog this weekend. I’ve still got a little bit of Christmas shopping to do, but I guess that will have to wait until Monday. This is interesting: physicists may have detected dark matter in a Minnesota mine. […]

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Breaking: Markell Declares State of Emergency

Filed in Delaware by on December 19, 2009 24 Comments

From the press release: Markell Declares State of Emergency for Kent and New Castle Counties Effective at 3:00 PM Motorists In Two Counties Encouraged to Clear Roads as Soon as Possible Wilmington, DE – Governor Jack Markell declared a State of Emergency for New Castle and Kent counties effective at 3:00 pm today. All non-emergency […]

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Weekend Foodie Thread

Filed in Delaware by on December 19, 2009 16 Comments

What to do on a snowy day?  At the Pandora household we’re making pasta – and, um, drinking mimosas.  Now, I’ve made pasta in the past, but today we’re using our new Imperia pasta machine.  This is an old fashioned, hand cranked, clamp to the counter machine – that weighs a ton and provides directions […]

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New Health Care Reform Bill Revealed

Filed in National by on December 19, 2009 29 Comments

Last night Harry Reid and Ben Nelson announced that they reached an agreement on the health care reform bill and Nelson will vote for the bill. The agreement has to do with the anti-abortion language in the bill. From a quick read of the amendment (read at the link) it appears that the new language […]

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Sarah Wins!

Filed in National by on December 19, 2009 1 Comment

Biggest quitter? No. Biggest nitwit? No. Sarah Palin wins Politifact‘s Lie of the Year contest for her “death panels” Facebook posting. Congratulations Sarah, it’s a well-deserved dishonor. Here’s what Queen Sarah said: As more Americans delve into the disturbing details of the nationalized health care plan that the current administration is rushing through Congress, our […]

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A Prairie Hate Companion

Filed in National by on December 18, 2009 31 Comments

Apparently, NPR’s Garrison Keillor is on Bill O’Reilly’s side regarding the War On Christmas. OK, weird, but that’s not the part that bothers me. Check out this little excerpt from his screed in Wednesday’s Baltimore Sun, whereupon he’s quite angry about a somewhat secularized version of “Silent Night” sung at a Unitarian church in Cambridge, […]

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Friday Open Thread

Filed in National by on December 18, 2009 31 Comments
Friday Open Thread

It’s a pre-snow Friday open thread! Don’t forget the War on Christmas party tonight, 7 PM, C.W. Harborside. Bring canned goods to donate to the Food Bank of Delaware. You’ll also get the chance to tell off the DL contributors in person! How can you resist? Remember those funny/strange Michael Steele/RNC intern pictures? Now you […]

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Nominations Being Accepted: End Of Year Polling

Filed in Delaware by on December 18, 2009 38 Comments

It is time, once again, to submit your nominations for our end of year polling.

  • Scandal of the Year
  • Post of the Year
  • Biggest Policy Screwup of the Year
  • Comment of the Year
  • Rookie of the Year
  • Blog of the Year
  • NEW! Biggest Loss of a Blog

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Best Wishes to Joe Rogalsky

Filed in National by on December 18, 2009 0 Comments

We at Delaware Liberal received official word last night that Joe Rogalsky will be leaving as Gov. Markell’s press secretary to reconnect with his family and then to take on other challenges. Official in that it came from Joe Rogalsky. I, for one, will miss him. He made clear that he remains a strong and […]

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Bulo Remembers 2009-An Epic Year For Marketing Blunders

Filed in National by on December 18, 2009 12 Comments

From an inspired wiseass at Collateral Damage, a humorous look at the  “Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time” backfires of the year. Except, (and this is what makes them funny), none of them seemed like good ideas at the time, and people who make more money in a week than you ever will […]

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Hold It Hostage – Fix It Later

Filed in National by on December 18, 2009 12 Comments

Food for thought for both the “fix it later” crowd and the “kill the bill” crowd – don’t give up the fight. Use the leverage you’ve gained with your passionate outpouring. Hold the individual mandate hostage (this is something the insurance industry definitely wants): The only way I can see progressives being able to fix […]

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Let It Snow!

Filed in Delaware by on December 18, 2009 15 Comments

Just the possibility of snow brings out the kid in me.  And while I know this isn’t the most convenient time for a major snowstorm – and I still have a gazillion things to do – I’m secretly thrilled.  So in the spirit of you can’t control the weather here’s Lena Horne performing my favorite […]

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Franken Cuts Off Lieberman

Filed in National by on December 17, 2009 6 Comments

This is awesome — and McCain jumping up to defend “comity” takes the cake. Comity means that you start out by trying to not take advantage of the rules

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