Keith Olbermann Interviews Alvin Greene

Filed in National by on June 10, 2010

Everyone’s going to be talking about this tomorrow.

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I just hope Mr. Greene gets the help he needs. Shame on whoever put this man up to this.

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. The P is for Pajamas. » south carolina eats the chicken! | June 18, 2010
  1. bill says:

    If Greene was a Republican, Olby would have drilled him. That was painful to watch.

  2. Another Mike says:

    I felt bad for Olbermann. All he could do is go on to his next question. What a brutal few minutes of television.

  3. I thought Olbermann was trying to question him hard. You just can’t get anywhere if all they answer is yes or no.

  4. delacrat says:

    “South Carolina primaries are open, Republicans can vote for Democrats.” – Olbermann

  5. a. price says:

    you have a point, Del. assuming that point is, Somehow the inbred, teabag R’s in south Carolina were able to organize to the point where they could fund and get out the vote for a Dem plant who has no chance of winning.

  6. Anvil says:

    Damn insurrectionist tea-baggers. They ran this covert operation to make it seem like this clearly unqualified candidate won because Democrats voted strictly on a racial basis. If it could happen with a senatorial candidate, I fear that it could reach to higher offices. Maybe even the presidency? Next thing you know they’ll be voting for a yellow dog down south. We need to stop that tea-bag movement for the good of the republic!

  7. a.price says:

    not sure if that was sarcastic or not. But in the intelegent part of the country, … (NOT the confederacy) .. that tactic wont work. I also think the TeaBagz will destroy themselves. Look at all the Bagz demending GOVERNMENT INVOLVEMENT in the oil spill. they are losing the purists. All it will take is one official TeaPArty act of violence (and IF there is one, i doubt anyone will get hurt because the Bagz are jsut about as smart as the Times Square bomber) and most of the rest of the thinking public (i still think most of the country) will abandom them to steep in a brew of their own filth.

  8. The last polling numbers I saw had about 60% disapproval for the teabaggers. I guess Rand Paul isn’t their best spokesman.

    It seems clear to me that SC Republicans had a plan. They weren’t confident enough in their candidates to believe they can win on issues so they decided to make sure all the Democratic primaries were contested. It looks like they looked for recent felony arrests or something. Then their voters show up at the primary (since they’re open) and vote for the weaker candidate. I guess this worked in the primaries where the candidates didn’t have a lot of name recognition. It strains credibility that Greene would get 60% of the vote based on eeny-meeny-miney-moe. I think their plan maybe worked too well because now everyone’s paying attention.

    Of course, the plan wouldn’t have worked if the SC Democratic party didn’t fall down on the job. They should have done background checks on the candidates who filed and maybe spent some money to get Vic Rawl’s name out there.

    To me it looks like a combination of voter apathy and dirty tricks. I think we’ll probably find out – that $10,000 from someone who couldn’t afford a lawyer looks bad.

  9. MJ says:

    I’ve said it before, as they say in the South, that child is touched.

  10. j. c. says:

    what a disgrace to our electoral system. This guy doesnt seem to have the intelligence to be interviewed, let alone, elected to office. He should be dunked with the rest of the tea-baggers. Only shows how underhanded the Republican party can get.