Rahm Emmanuel Is Leaving The White House

Filed in National by on June 21, 2010

There are reports now that Rahm Emmanuel is leaving the Chief of Staff position after the midterm elections. He probably wants to spend more time have naked shower fights in the private sector.

White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel is expected to quit as soon as this year because he’s fed up with the “idealism” of President Obama’s inner circle, a British newspaper reported early today.

“I would bet he will go after the midterms,” a Democratic consultant told the Telegraph. “Nobody thinks it’s working, but they can’t get rid of him — that would look awful.”

The consultant added that Emanuel is trying to line up the right job offer to explain his departure, but “the consensus is he’ll go.”

Speculation in Washington has been building for months about divisions between Emanuel and other Obama confidantes.

Fairly or unfairly, Rahm Emmanuel has been blamed for some of the strategy that came from the White House. Personally I think he’s probably got a different style than President Obama – more “win at any cost” rather than ideological. Emmanuel, however, will probably be remembered as a COS who was very effective at getting President Obama’s agenda through Congress.

I’m not seeing this report in major media news outlets yet. Is it just a rumor or do you think it’s true?

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. fightingbluehen says:

    These people don’t do anything without a cold calculated motive. If he’s leaving, it’s because a major fuck up has occurred, and not because of “idealism”.

    Now watch as Jason, cassandra, and a.price accuse me of using Fox news talking points even though this is the first I’ve heard of this.

  2. friend says:

    This is old news. Reports have been out for a long time that Emanuel would leave after the midterms – he wants to get back into politics as a candidate. He either wants his House seat back or to run for Mayor of Chicago. Anyway, old news.

  3. dv says:

    ah the NYpost is reporting it….

    it must be true.

    Remind me who owns this rag again?

  4. cassandra m says:

    This story comes from the conservative London Telegraph — which has “reported” untrue stuff about the Obama admin in the past. Like a story about Obama looking to stop supporting Democrats not supporting his agenda. And look at who the Telegraph sources this stuff too. Friends and consultants. No White House staff who need to be anonymous.

    I don’t much care of Emmanuel stays or goes, but I would certainly take it with a grain of salt until it gets better reported by better papers.

  5. a.price says:

    FBH, you are using Fixed News talking points to make that claim.

    IF Rham is leaving, it is because they decided his dickhead ‘tude doesnt jive with Obama’s “can’t we all just get along” persona.

  6. It has been gossiped about for months in the progressive liberal sites but nothing affirmative. He is supposedly going to try for Mayor of Chicago if there’s an opening. It is going to be hard to get rid of him.

  7. Frieda Berryhill says:

    I hope he goes. I could not be happier

  8. I just spotted this link on DKos DEMfromCT’s roundup from earlier today. Should be some good comments there.

  9. Ishmael says:

    What is the average tenure of a modern White House Chief of Staff?

    I doubt it is much more than 24 months.

    but it is more fun to speculate that it was his living rent free on BP’s tab for 5 years or his corrupt links to Blago that are getting him pushed out the door.

  10. kavips says:

    2 years is the perfect tenure for a White House Chief of staff….