That’s Gonna Leave a Mark, Part II

Filed in National by on June 22, 2010

The DNC — as rumored — does seem to be interested in using the Barton apology (and all of the other apologies and defenses from the GOP) to highlight how the GOP would govern:


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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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  1. The only thing that matters is how the Democrats governed. Refuse help from other countries that could have contained it. Not allow BP to use non union help in right to work country which delayed response at a critical juncture early on. Waved rules that Bush wouldn’t which may have led to the crisis. Insist on novel untested approaches to get a quick PR victory instead of going immediately to a relief well, both should have been simutaneous. Over rule the scientists and industry experts and impose a moritorium. Use the permitting process to delay state responses which resulted in less than satisfactory results.

    Republicans didn’t do anything which contributed to the crisis. In fact, the governors worked hard to do something about it. We already know. Republicans were working at finding solutions. Democrats were working at finding blame. No wonder they want a distraction.

  2. Von Cracker says:

    Refused free assistance? Or free as in “you can get us later”?

    There’s no order against non-union help and I bet you cannot prove it either, you effing parrot.

    BTW – The BP platform was non-union and chartered out of some atoll in the S. Pacific! Unions have standards of competency. Non-union? eh, not so much. I know which one I’d want to have cleaning up this result of Republican-led deregulation!

    Fucking Orwellian, man.

  3. I don’t know where you got free. We didn’t need free; we just needed assistance. We are suppose to have a trust fund paid for by a tax on oil just for this type of thing and then there is BP.

    Some other countries had a lot more experience than we did with this and they had the equipment ready, the regime refused them.

  4. Phil says:

    If you sift through both of your answers, the truth is there.

    The Merchant Marine act caused trouble with accepting skimmer vessels which Obama could of overruled. we also did refuse help. Most publically was the Netherlands. But we accepted it after some outcry. The last administration was lax with their regulations, but this continued into the Obama administration. Just business as usual.

    This isn’t a right vs left thing, this is a breakdown in government that has been and still is happening.