Asshat of the Day

Filed in National by on August 5, 2010

UI had one great submission, but after listening to C-SPAN this afternoon, our Asshat of the Day winner is Sen. John McCain (Teabag/Confederate – AZ). A simple motion to bring up the Defense Department Authorization Bill was met with an objection by McCain because it has the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell contained in it. He claimed that the committee chair, Carl Levin (MI) “filled the tree” with unnecessary amendments and that rethuglican amendments didn’t get a fair hearing. Levin responded that the place for debate was on the floor of the Senate, which is why he was trying to bring the bill up for debate. McCain wouldn’t have any of it. Call McCain at 202-224-2235 and ask him why he hates our service members. His refusal to allow this bill to come up for debate will only delay benefits, pay raises, and materiel that our service members need.

John McCain, you’re our Asshat of the Day (actually, you should get it for the rest of the decade for dumping Sarah Palin on us).

About the Author ()

A rabble-rousing bureaucrat living in Sussex County

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  1. Delaware Dem says:

    Republicans hate the military. If they didn’t, they would vote for this bill.

  2. Republicans want to defund our troops in the field! They won’t even be able to eat!

  3. delacrat says:

    If Sec. of “Defense” Robert Gates was an Asshat working for Bush, is he still an Asshat working for Obomba ?

  4. Joe Cass says:

    Filed Under: TeaBaggers Cut & Run!

  5. Joe C says:

    Apparently I get the Asshat for the day. My better half has been going over my posts and in particular my most recent over at DP where I “was a bully” to a pat fish. Putting my name out there distresses her so if you all would be so kind as to erase Joe Cass from your memory she would somehow feel more secure. If its not too much too ask would all you wingnuts stop being so fucking stupid and help rather than hurt we would both appreciate it. That’s mainly from me. Thank you for your time.
    what was that device that wiped out memory in “Men in Black”? yeah I just used it.

  6. anon says:

    Pat Fish had it coming.

  7. anon says:

    Hey Joe – decaf tomorrow, okay?

  8. Average Joe says:

    Ha! Am I surfing anonymousely? Seriously, is this a different IP?
    Break free from the chains of oppression (when she’s not looking)!
    Decaf? I’ll pour you some “decaf”! Ha! Really though, Coons needs your help. I need to sober up and find a way to post with full throttle ignorance without the boss uncovering my misdeeds. Bottoms up to Christopher Hitchens!