Pallin’ Around With Chavez

Filed in Delaware by on August 16, 2010

Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez is one the rightwing’s favorite boogiemen. So, guess who dumped a bunch of Venezuelan oil stock before announcing their political run? If you guessed multi-millionaire government welfare queen Michele Rollins, you’d be right!

A wealthy Republican running for Delaware’s at-large House seat dumped a large investment in Venezuela’s state-run oil company as she was readying paperwork during her run for Congress.

Michele Rollins owned a bond worth between $250,000 and $500,000 in Petroleos de Venezuela SA, the megalithic oil entity controlled by Hugo Chavez’s government. She sold the asset, earning between $50,000 and $100,000, as she was preparing financial disclosure forms to run for Congress, according to her campaign.

I’m so glad Michele Rollins is dedicated to her core principles – making as much money for herself as possible.

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (17)

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  1. Liberal Losers says:

    Didn’t Comrade Hugo give oil to the liberal underclass who could not pay their heating bills? Richard Korn was the bag man.

    Rollins is not the right candidate but using this issue is a joke.

  2. Von Cracker says:

    Texas-sized handjobs for all my Saudi friends! It’s Monday Night!

  3. jason330 says:

    “$250,000 and $500,000 in Petroleos de Venezuela SA, ” Reading that, Glen Urkelhart just remembered to sell his Enron stock.

  4. Geezer says:

    “Rollins is not the right candidate but using this issue is a joke.”

    The money is all the same to use, Loser. It’s folks like you who think only certain kinds of money are the root of all evil.

  5. delacrat says:

    The NewsJournal buried this in their online blog section.

  6. Geezer says:

    Isn’t investing — in essence, funding Chavez — worse than simply “palling around” with him? Can one of you wingnut trolls help with this?

  7. Republican David says:

    This is not a big issue. It is worth a laugh though. It is something like 1 penny out of an hundred dollars to her. Some fund manager likely bought it. I can imagine the expression on her face when she went over the books this spring. It had to be funny.

    She made the right call to dump it. It showed wisdom not to continue funding a tyrannical socialist dictator. The people should rank higher than Hugo. No complaints here.

  8. a. price says:

    what a measured and reasonable response….. now if we can only get that from wingnuts when it is someone other than a Big-Business loving republican, we’d be cookin with compressed natural gas!

  9. xstryker says:

    “It is something like 1 penny out of an hundred dollars to her.”

    Ha ha, it’s OK if you’re a super-rich Republican!

  10. Geezer says:

    “what a measured and reasonable response”

    OTOH, what strikes me is how many suppositions made in that response. “Some fund manager likely bought it. I can imagine the expression on her face…”

    There’s not a shred of evidence to support this notion. No fund manager would ever purchase stock or bonds without asking for approval. We’re not talking about a mutual fund here. And keep in mind that Rollins is being excoriated by some of the same people for donating money to Joe Biden, which was nothing more than a business decision, same as the decision to invest in Venezuelan oil.

    In short, I would say David’s response wasn’t so much measured and reasonable as convenient.

  11. LOL. I love the defense – she’s so rich she can’t possibly know what she’s doing. Rollins made a profit of half a million dollars on that sale. How many millions went to the Venezuelan oil company?

  12. anon says:

    LOL. I love the defense – she’s so rich she can’t possibly know what she’s doing.

    Somebody needs to ask her the question that stumped McCain – “How many houses do you have?”

  13. Geezer says:

    Yes, it’s always enjoyable to watch two millionaires cry poor. Too bad we can’t get them to give away all their money to prove it.

  14. Tea Partay says:

    Republican David:
    People like you are the problem with the GOP. If she was a Democrat you’d be all over this issue like white on rice. “OMGZ SHES A SOCIALIST!” She’s registered Republican though, so it’s ok she gets a pass on this one? Bull. You are a shill for whoever the blue-blood elitists in Greeneville nominate to rule us unwashed masses. Try thinking for yourself, it’s what freedom is all about.

    Hows that for bi-partisanship?

  15. a. price says:

    there will never be such a thing as bi-partisanship.

  16. a. price says:

    going by the “obama is responsible for everything said, though, or done by everyone he has ever met or heard of” logic, M-Roll is more of a commie than Stalin himself.

  17. a. price says:
