The End Of An Error

Filed in National by on August 18, 2010

The last combat troops are leaving Iraq now. Go watch MSNBC for live coverage. We must celebrate good news where we can get it!

There will still be 50,000 non-combat trainers in the country for the near future.

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (21)

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  1. a.price says:

    Faux news is talking about an unruly black passenger on an airplane…. not at all a surprise.

  2. I’m sure the unruly passenger is all Obama’s fault too.

  3. a.price says:

    everything else is

  4. delacrat says:

    U. I.

    To call the 50,000 remaining troops, “non-combat”, is really dishonest.

    “A transitional force of 50,000 troops will remain to train Iraqi security forces, conduct counterterrorism operations and provide security for ongoing U.S. civilian efforts.”

    “Counterterrorism operations” is combat by another name.

  5. Miscreant says:

    “I’m sure the unruly passenger is all Obama’s fault too.”

    Which he will blame on Bush in 3, 2, 1, …

    ““Counterterrorism operations” is combat by another name.”

    Truth. No need to dust off the “Mission Accomplished” banner just yet.

  6. anon says:

    There will still be 50,000 non-combat trainers in the country for the near future.

    In South Korea they call this a “tripwire.”

  7. a.price says:

    of course it is Delcrat. there is a real threat out there still. Despite what you have convinced yourself … that we would all get along if only the Jews and the Fed would hug the middle east … there is still reason to help protect the citizenry, which is a bigger target by terrorist groups than we are, and stop one of Russia’s lost nukes from getting to someone who will use it against us.
    Bush’s war… the Conservative Crusade is not the way to go about this, we knew that then and it was tragically proven for almost A DECADE!
    but the world is not black and white. we have to be able to see more than 2 options. Open your mind.

    I would also like to reiterate the fraud being committed by Fake News. This major acheivment … a budget reducing, troop supporting, campaign promise (not fulfilled) but made good on…. and all this piece of crap, pathetic excuse for information provider can talk about is why Obama is wrong for NOT demanding a large group of AMERICAN CITIZENS voluntarily give up their First Amendment rights to make the Teabaggers feel better. I didnt think my respect for the Right wing, and Fox News could get any lower.

  8. I would submit that the increased role and presence of “private security contractors” (mercenaries) is much more concerning than the continued presence of 50,000 advisers, whether in or out of combat.

  9. anonone says:

    We aren’t out of Iraq until we’re out of Iraq. “Bring the troops home” doesn’t mean “bring just the “combat” troops home and call the remaining troops “trainers” or “advisors.”

    And what does “near future” mean? Hello, South Korea…

  10. anonone says:

    a.price, why do you constantly use “the Jews” and Israel in your comments to try to goad other commenters? You’re deliberately race-baiting and it’s ugly.

  11. @anonone: Wasn’t a.price being sardonic in making that reference, i.e. mocking conspiracy theorists? That was my interpretation.

  12. a.price says:

    yes, bill. That’s what i was doing. A1, you kind of have a knee-jerk “israel is wrong” reflex. (Delcrat’s is much worse) so thank you for taking the set up.

  13. anonone says:

    Bill, trying to race-bait using “the Jews” and Israel is what a.prices does. It is what he is doing in the post above, and he has done it in other posts. It is just ugly.

    By the way, a.price, I do have a “knee-jerk reaction” that the use of force by any government is wrong. My knee is usually right. I do think that what the Israeli government is doing to innocent Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza is despicable, an opinion shared by the International Red Cross. Your opinion may differ, but that is no excuse to race-bait.

  14. a. price says:

    This conversation isn’t even worth having with you since you refuse to hold anyone accountable BUT the Israeli and (sometimes) American aggressors. While i aknlowledge the war-hawk prime minister isn’t helping.
    I also know THOSE IN CHARGE OF (i type caps, because you always confuse that phrase with “the entire population of”) the Palestinians have NO interest in peace and will use whatever provocation they can.. including straping bombs to children… to further the conflict. You will never accept this of course, because it involves more thought than deciding which side to hate.
    Also, comparing the Israeli government and the IDF to Germany in the 30’s is far uglier than anything i can muster… even out of sarcasm, so take your self righteous black/white world view on EVERYTHING and go dunk your bag with the other Tetards.

    in other news, the right wing media still refuses to honor our troops by letting the american people know of their return. even huffington post’s morning headline is about Saint Sarah.

  15. anon says:

    the right wing media still refuses to honor our troops by letting the american people know of their return

    Are they returning, or just shipping out to Afghanistan?

  16. its all a comedy says:

    Did you find it interesting that on MSNBC’s exclusive “last troops out of Iraq”, Faux News had ambulance chasing stories. CNN was behind the 8ball, as they continued to question the roll out and appeared they didnt know whether the story was true or not. What we didnt hear from MSNBC was this little fact. Hundreds of contractors are being hired by the State Dept. to do the dirty work the soldiers were doing. There is no government established in Iraq, Maliki is corrupt and the Shia in charge. George War Bush’s invasion gave Iran the greatest prize of all. Not since the 13th century have the fundamental shia been in charge. One trillion later and thousands dead, what was really accomplished?

  17. a. price says:

    this is exactly why sarah palin will be the president jan 20 2013. obama will never be given credit for anything. every achievement will be seen as evil and socialist by the right, and will be belittled and mocked as “not worth it” by the left.
    what a shame, what a waste.
    just a few years till Americans are reminded what a REAL bad president is like.
    Hopefully i live long enough to see America take a dump on President Anthony Weiner.

  18. anon says:

    Wouldn’t it be a pisser if progressive policies end up getting implemented by a Republican like TR or Nixon.

    I can easily imagine an economic collapse where a Republican president declares an emergency and creates public health care and a WPA-style jobs program.

    Lord knows Democrats don’t seem up to the task.

    Like I said before – we didn’t get the New Deal until we had starved for five years.

  19. delacrat says:

    a. price,

    anonone gave you good advice. I encourage you to take it to heart before you embarrass yourself again.

  20. a. price says:

    must have touched a nerve.