Wednesday’s Asshat of the Day

Filed in National by on August 18, 2010

These awards are getting easier each day. We here at DL already skewered today’s winner earlier this week for his one-on-one with Anderson Cooper regarding terror babies. But Congressman Louid Gohmert is even crazier than we thought. Check out this video from The Daily Show:—anderson-cooper-look-at-gaping-holes—security.

But Louie, Louie, Louie, Looooeeeeee, you keep digging that hole deeper (h/t Huffington Post) – The Lufkin Daily News reports on what Gohmert had to say about the exchange at the opening of the Angelina County Republican Party campaign headquarters in Texas over the weekend:

Gohmert briefly spoke about his CNN interview with Anderson Cooper this past week in which “terror babies” — children born for the purpose of having American passports that can later be used for terrorism — were discussed.

“Cooper spent his time attacking my integrity in that interview because I would not give away the names of my sources,” Gohmert said. “One of my sources said if anyone knew who she was that she would be killed. He did not need to know my sources and I was not going to put people’s lives in danger.”

OMG.  His source, who I believe was sitting next to him on an airplane and had never met Louie before, is going to be killed by a terror baby’s diaper bomb if Louie releases her name.  I have to call FAIL, Congressman.  You’re just a fear-mongering jerk.

Now mind you, Gohmert’s election was a direct result of Tom DeLay’s gerrymandering of congressional districts in 2003.  Texas District 1 had always been a rural district, with Texarkana as it’s anchor and hadn’t been represented by a Republican since 1871.  The incumbent in 2004, Democrat Max Sandlin, was on DeLay’s hit list (as was Martin Frost and Chet Edwards) and went from winning the seat comfortably in 1996, 1998, 2000, and 2002, to only taking 39% of the vote against Gohmert.

Between terror babies, hate crimes legislation leading to beastiality, and trying to draw some parallel between Obama supporters and Hitler, Rep. Louie Gohmert is our Asshat of the Day.

About the Author ()

A rabble-rousing bureaucrat living in Sussex County

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  1. Louis Gohmert, freedom clown. I wonder where he ranks as stupidest Congressperson between Steve King & Michele Bachmann?