Dear Mike Castle,

Filed in National by on September 9, 2010

You’ll probably still beat O’Donnell, but while the Palin endorsement is still burning up the airwaves, I wanted to figuratively kick you while you are down.

I want to kick you for lying to me all those years ago when you got me to cross over and vote for you because you said that you’d be independent. I want to kick you for campaigning for Sarah Palin to be the Vice President of the United States (although you may be kicking yourself for that right about now.) I want to kick you for knuckling under to George Bush and Tom Delay the minute they looked at you funny. I want to kick you once for every bullshit press release you put out trying to be on every side of every issue. You know the ones? Where you “regret that you could not vote yes because the bill didn’t go far enough” or you “reluctantly voted yes, even though the bill was deeply flawed.” Maybe you thought nobody was paying attention to that little trick? We were.

I want to kick you for voting against President Obama’s efforts to save the country from economic collapse. You put party loyalty ahead of the country and see what it got you?

For all the stimulus checks you took credit for, here is a kick.

For saying NOTHING while George Bush and Karl Rove spent eight years poisoning the well of American politics….KICK.

On behalf of all the Iraqi mothers and father who lost children to our bombs while you shrugged in Congress and hid your manhood and alleged independence in the back of the cupboard, I am kicking you.



About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (10)

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  1. anon says:

    Give it up Jason; Delaware finally has people who hate Castle more than you do.

  2. MJ says:

    Can’t really add anything to this. Thank you, Jason.

  3. jason330 says:

    anon, you are right I guess I can hang up my skates. Thanks MJ and UI.

  4. anon says:

    Oh what the hell – kick him again.

  5. dv says:

    where’s a kick for not being honest to Delaware after his stroke and him repeatedly putting off talking about it after his people said he would….

  6. PSB says:

    a kick is richly deserved for the years and years he has spent dismantling bank regulation, so that the financial meltdown gave each and every one of us a kick in the rear

  7. bamboozer says:

    Oh come on! You can hate old tall, bald and ugly more than that! How about he’s elected time after time for no apparent reason, is a corporate schill and about as moderate as a big tax cut for the rich… Oh wait, that’s Tom Carper.

  8. dv says:

    oh and a Kick for having one of his offices in the Chase Bldng in Wilmington

  9. Von Cracker says:

    And a kick for his Green Party signage and no mention of the party he votes with 87.3% of the time.

    Good post.