O’Donnell Lands The Mama Grizzly

Filed in National by on September 9, 2010

Big news for the O’Donnell camp! Sarah Palin endorsed Christine O’Donnell on Sean Hannity’s radio show. Sean Hannity had the following tweet:

Thanks @SarahPalinUSA for the last minute call in. Endorsement of Christine O’Donnell was an exclusive. Said she hadn’t told Christine yet.
17 minutes ago via web
Retweeted by 27 people

Could this be a game-changer? Sarah Palin is not all that popular overall but she’s popular among some very motivated primary voters.

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. Delaware Dem says:

    Remember that both campaigns expect only 40,000 Republicans to actually vote in this primary. And that is up from the usual 30,000 Republicans that typically vote in off year primaries. These are the conservative of the conservatives, and they are Sarah Palin’s base. They are not Mike Castle’s base. His base are the moderate independents and moderate to conservative Democrats that cannot vote in this primary, as well as the “moderate” Republicans who can vote in the primary.

    For Castle to win the primary, he has to turn out the moderates in his own party as well as the “sane” (relatively speaking) fiscal / business conservatives. The question this primary will answer is which faction outnumbers the other in the Delaware Republican Party.

    Sarah’s endorsement will not win over any moderate Republican. But it will encourage and invigorate the conservative conservatives. The question is whether it will negatively motivate the Castle moderates to turn out, scaring them to vote for Castle because now there is a chance O’Donnell would win.

  2. Publius says:

    The respect I had for Palin and what she accomplished in her climb to be governor of Alaska is now gone. If she’s gonna endorse O’Donnell, I don’t ever want her to control the nuclear codes. Impulsive and reckless.

  3. Iowa Democrat says:

    Publius why would you respect Palin, and not O’Donnell, they really are too peas of a pod. I think this will get the moderate business GOP out to vote. I could be wrong but I could see Castle getting more votes now than he otherwise would have. If not can you say Senator Coons.

  4. Jason330 says:

    Look at you now Mike Castle! Look at your shit ass, be on everyside of every issue strategy now mother fucker!

  5. anon says:

    Christine already has the wingnuts; now she needs to worry about Palin motivating Greenville. Castle might get his 13K now.

  6. Joe Cass says:

    “Welcome to the Capitol, Senator Coons.”

  7. Jason330 says:

    Many of the wingnuts that like Palin are too pure to register as Republicans. I still give the edge to Castle on Tuesday.

  8. Belinsky says:

    This can’t hurt Urq.

  9. “Houston? Tranquility Base here, The Grizzly has landed.”

  10. Jason330 says:

    Great statement from Team Coons: Why is Castle not attacking O’D’s wingut ideas?

  11. anon says:

    Hopefully Castle has to keep substantially opening the wallet to run ads over the next 5 days as well–no doubt the crazies will be screaming about this endorsement and smelling blood in the water….

  12. jason330 says:

    wingnuts are funny. This one likens O’Donnell to Cal Ripkin.

  13. Go Mama, Go. Sarah is my hero.

  14. Phil says:

    more proof that palin is just your standard neocon. I wonder how pissed the founders of the first tea party group are for her hijacking it.

  15. skippertee says:

    The ONE,the ONLY,the ORIGINAL : SIDESHOW SARAH anoints another freak to join her in the center ring.

  16. dv says:

    this is God’s will. All praise Allah

  17. a. price says:

    she better endorse Sister Christine.
    I kinda see O’dontyafeelmyleg as a failed Palin prototype…. that is, a pretty, alkaseltzer-for-brains, object of male conservative lust. she just lacks the viciousness that St Sarah has…. i actually think CO has a bit more class. (not much)

  18. webster says:

    Overheard today in the coffeeshop: “I heard Sarah Palin started to endorse O’Donnell, but that she quit halfway through.” I got a laugh out of that.

  19. Jason330 says:

    It is always noteworthy when a conservative makes a joke that is actually funny: Opalinsky tweets, “Arthur Fonzarelli just endorsed former GOP VP nominee for Shark Jumper. “