Shots Fired In The GOP War

Filed in Delaware by on September 15, 2010

The GOP war has begun and Delaware is Ground Zero. O’Donnell went on Good Morning America this morning:

O’Donnell also effectively called Karl Rove, who opposed her candidacy, a liar and a “so-called political guru” who’s now eating “humble pie.”

“I believe that we can win without them,” O’Donnell said, when asked by George Stephanopoulos about the opposition of GOP leaders to her candidacy. “We proved the so-called experts wrong. So I think a few of them perhaps may have their pride hurt this morning. But I didn’t count on the establishment to win the primary. I’m not counting on them to win the general.”

Asked about Rove’s various claims about her background, such as allegedly misleading voters about her college education, O’Donnell took a scorching shot at the architect of George W. Bush’s two presidential victories. “Everything he’s saying is unfactual. He’s the same so-called political guru that predicted I wasn’t going to win. And we won, and we won big. So I think he’s eating some humble pie.”

Well, she’s right, Karl Rove said she wouldn’t win. Karl Rove is also right, Christine O’Donnell won’t be Senator O’Donnell.

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About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (18)

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  1. Aoine says:

    Evan the CONVICT Evan???

  2. Jason330 says:

    She isn’t worried about Rove being on her side because she has Jesus and Evan.

  3. Aoine says:

    and why is a convicted person a Delaware Education Examiner – dont they do criminal checks on these people??

  4. Oh, the war is over, Christine won.

    In a clear sign of the grassroots pressure on Republican leaders, National Republican Senatorial Committee Chairman John Cornyn just put out a statement embracing Christine O’Donnell — a dramatic contrast with his group’s curt response last night — and writing her a big check.

    It’s a remarkable reversal, and a vivid illustration that the base is in charge and has the leadership running scared.


    Let there be no mistake: The National Republican Senatorial Committee – and I personally as the committee’s chairman – strongly stand by all of our Republican nominees, including Christine O’Donnell in Delaware.

    I reached out to Christine this morning, and as I have conveyed to all of our nominees, I offered her my personal congratulations and let her know that she has our support. This support includes a check for $42,000 – the maximum allowable donation that we have provided to all of our nominees – which the NRSC will send to her campaign today.

  5. Romney also endorsed her:

    Mitt Romney has endorsed Tea Party favorite Christine O’Donnell after her upset win in last night’s GOP Senate primary in Delaware.

    “Now is the time for Republicans to rally behind their nominee, Christine O’Donnell. She ran an impressive campaign. I believe it is important we support her so we can win back the U.S. Senate this fall,” Romney said in a statement released through his Free & Strong America PAC. The PAC is sending her a $5,000 contribution.

  6. JustTheFacts says:

    So where is Tom Ross?

  7. Oops, A1. I’ll try to find the right link.

  8. anonone says:

    O’Donnell this morning: “I wanted to make this race about the issue: how we’re going to get back jobs in Delaware, how we’re going to defend the homeland of our security.

    BTW, I think you have the wrong link in your post, UI.

  9. MJ says:

    Aoine – I think that is what he calls himself on, nothing to do with Vision 2015. The Examiner newsrags are even further to the right than the Washington Times. The only good use for this free, non-subscription rag is to line your bird cage with it.

  10. Edited – link fixed.

  11. Aoine says:

    Ahhhhh!! thanks for the clarification…..

    oh boy – where is Tom Ross – and who sent the email anyway??

    they all gonna sing Kumbaya now

  12. A. Price says:

    wow, what spineless worms. not even 24 hours and they are crawling back to a fraud with a nice smile.

    know what i cant wait for? I cant wait for O’Donnell, the NEW hot conservative queen to upset the old madam… (saint sarah)

    mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the most ‘merican of them all…. Sorry Saint Sarah, the new line is rolling out and you are just a bit too old.

  13. Jason330 says:

    I predicted on the air w/ mascitti that the Republicans would all fall into line and back O’Donnell. It is what they are good at.

  14. Anon says:

    She has no clue about how to bring jobs to Delaware as she can’t even keep herself gainfully employed. Looking forward to her being called on the carpet tomorrow night if she shows at the JCC…

  15. pandora says:

    Bet she won’t show. Seriously, how many times in a debate can she say, “I’m for liberty.”

  16. Ross says:

    “I’m for liberty” and “Restoring America!”

    Restoring America? What the heck is that even supposed to mean? Just Palinesque empty words.

  17. skippertee says:

    “Well I came home from work and I switched on Channel 5
    There was a pretty little girly lookin’ straight into my eyes
    Well I watched as she wiggled back and forth across the screen
    She didn’t get me excited she just made me feel mean”-You Can Look[But You Better Not Touch]Bruce Springsteen

  18. dv says:

    is O’Donnell “refudiating” Karl Rove?