Wednesday Open Thread

Filed in National by on September 15, 2010

Welcome to your Wednesday open thread. It’s Wednesday, the day after the O’pocalypse. It’s the first day of post-Castle Delaware. How does it feel? Refreshing? New & scary? What do you want to talk about? Is there anything on your mind besides the elections?

I know we’ve been talking about Delaware a lot but there were other primaries in other states. In New York, Tea Party candidate Carl Paladino beat establishment candidate Rick Lazio for the honor of losing to Andrew Cuomo. Yes, this Carl Paladino.

Carl Paladino won the Republican gubernatorial primary last night in New York, and his victory speech was filled with the same populist anger that helped him beat one-time frontrunner Rick Lazio. “If we’ve learned anything tonight,” Paladino said, “it’s that New Yorkers are as mad as hell and we’re not going to take it anymore!”

“Tonight the ruling class knows, they’ve seen it now. They not only know it but they’ve seen it. There’s a people’s revolution.” He continued: “They say I’m too blunt. Well I am. And I don’t apologize for it. They say I’m an angry man, and that’s true. We’re all angry.”

Paladino concluded with a challenge to Cuomo: “I have a message for Andrew Cuomo tonight: Andrew, I challenge you to a series of debates. We have so many questions to ask you, Andrew. Let’s stand toe-to-toe in exchange of ideas, and let the people decide!”

Yes, he’s another millionaire pretending to be the common man. Perhaps it’s the millionaires that are angry. Also in New Hampshire Palin-back AG Kelly Ayotte is slightly ahead of Tea Partier Ovide Lamontagne.

Democrats have a winning issue in the “Obama tax cuts” for the middle class and ending the tax cuts for the rich. If only Democrats could overcome the blockade of DINO Senators Lieberdouche and Ben Nelshole.

The other day I noted that five national polls revealed solid majority support for ending the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy.

We now have a sixth poll: The National Journal Congressional Connection Poll, conducted with the Pew Research Center, finds the same.

The numbers: Twenty nine percent support ending only the tax cuts for the rich, and 28 percent ending all the tax cuts — meaning a total of 57 percent support letting the tax cuts for the rich expire. Only 29 percent, or less than a third, support the GOP position of keeping all the tax cuts in place.

Support also runs strong among independents, with 28 percent supporting ending the tax cuts for the rich, and 31 percent supporting an end to them all — a total of 59 percent.

I’m sure the Senate Democrats will find a way to screw this up.


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (33)

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  1. anon says:

    To Chris Coons: Don’t accept too much Republican money. I hear it changes a man.

  2. anon says:

    Breaking: National GOP does about-face, will support O’Donnell, sends check for $42K.

  3. anon says:

    Conservadem moron:

    “”Don’t raise taxes in a recession,” said Rep. Earl Pomeroy, D-N.D. ”

    a. We’re not in a recession
    b. We’re cutting taxes, not raising them.

  4. V says:

    Wonkette has an interesting theory on Christine’s image choices yesterday

  5. anon says:

    We all need to hold our noses (and our sharp tongues) and let Coons run to the center now. Hippies might need to take a few punches for the team.

    Remember some of us were pushing Coons to hit Castle from the left hard and early. Coons was right and we were wrong.

  6. delacrat says:

    Coons was right and we were wrong.”

    How was Coons proven right and about what?

  7. V says:

    Let’s not settle just yet. Liberals always end up compromising too early (think healthcare). I still think Delawareans will vote for a smart, capable, qualified lefty over a super conservative loon.

  8. Delaware Dem says:


    When do progressives (i.e. your “hippies”) not take fucking punches for the fucking team? Name one election.

  9. Auntie Dem says:

    The mood of the voters right now is conservative — last night proved that. If Coons runs to the center he’s in a better position to fight off the wackos.

    It didn’t take long for the National GOP to do a 180 on COD. Of course, they have never thought being qualified was a good criterion for a candidate. Puppets for the rich and corporate. That’s what they are looking for in a candidate. Greed is a major qualifier. Here comes the gravy train Christine.

    I’m hoping Sarah Palin will be the GOP version of Ralph Nader. It’s going to be an interesting few weeks.

  10. anonone says:

    Advising dems to run to the center helps repubs and hurts dems.

  11. anon says:

    If Coons thinks he can win as a Howard Dean Democrat that would warm my hippie soul. But this doesn’t seem like the time.

    I’m not advising him, I’m just willing to lay back a bit if he does feel the need to move a little to the center.

    Coons was right not to go on the attack against Castle. Other people were doing it much better, so now his powder is dry.

    Yesterday morning Coons was the #2 nice guy in the race. Today he is the #1 nice guy. That’s a whole different style of campaign. Lose the nice guy rep by getting down in the mud, and you don’t get it back.

  12. Jason330 says:

    Coons has been right so far and all this talk about “running to the left or right” is reductive BS. O’D provides plenty of opportunities for Coons to campaign hard as a principled, nuts and bolts Democrat.

    And don’t go around thinking that voters are up on the issues. They are morons who vote on their guy feeling of who is a winner and who is a loser.

  13. peacepansy says:

    Hippies might need to take a few punches for the team.

    OUCH, anon just stepped on my Berkies!!

    But that’s okay, living here, I’m used to it by now.


  14. anon says:

    Coons has been right so far and all this talk about “running to the left or right” is reductive BS.

    I guess you are right. I just don’t have the stomach for a purity war in this particular race. Bring me Carper and maybe I’ll feel differently.

  15. MJ says:

    Lazio will be on the ballot for the Conservative Party in NY.

  16. Poster formerly known as Brian Shields says:

    I think I’ll just bow out of the war and vote for Jim Rash, the Libertarian candidate. Knowing him personally I know he is a well thought out, respectable, conservative individual who believes in old school core values without the stink of O’Donnell’s nutjob history.

    I am much more comfortable pulling the lever for him.

    Strange that the Libertarian candidate is more center than the GOP candidate in this race. Unusual.

  17. V says:

    Coons shouldn’t run to the center. That would only work if people who voted for Christine would change their minds and vote for him. Tea Partiers will NEVER vote for him. Just like we hoped republicans would work with the Democratic administration. So why bother? We’ve been screwed over enough. I think that there are enough horrified moderate republicans who will bite the bullet and vote for him already that he doesn’t really need to compromise.

  18. PSB says:

    today in NYC, per the Wall Street Journal “Greenspan said that the U.S. needs to do something now to deal with budget deficits and it must do something very soon. He explained his anxiety is so high that “I’m coming out in the first time in my memory” in support of higher taxes in addition to reduced spending, including allowing the so-called Bush tax cuts to expire.”

  19. Jason330 says:

    Well shit. Thanks for nothing Greenspan you douche bag

  20. V says:

    Christine 1997: AIDS gets too much funding. If we stopped being gay in response to AIDS like we get in better shape to fight heart disease, it will go away.

  21. no one special says:

    This morning on GMA COD said that she lead Coons in a Rassmusen (sp) poll. Seriously? Which one? Did they put her up against a rock and she beat the rock?

  22. There was an early poll that showed O’Donnell ahead of Coons. She only had about 40% in that poll though. The O’Donnell folks have pushed that poll relentlessly though, saying it shows she could win.

  23. jason330 says:

    That was the single most important poll ever in the history of politics. She constantly brings it up.

  24. anonone says:

    Where are the right-wing “moderates” going to go as they flee the repubs? What’s the only other game in town? Have we really won anything if the Senate and House become controlled even more by right-wing blue dogs that have D’s after their names instead of R’s?

  25. a. price says:

    coons is on Hardball now. doing VERY well.
    I havent really gotten a chance to see him speak before this, but im impressed.

  26. Delaware Dem says:

    A1, seriously, are you saying that we shouldn’t vote for Coons now??? Because, some Republicans might vote for him. I mean, really, shut the fuck up, because your stoopid is getting too loud.

  27. Joanne Christian says:

    You should be impressed a. price. Coons always speaks well–it may be a bit “right between the eyes” for some folks–but I like his no nonsense, laying it out sense of delivery. And remember, I’m gonna be his best Castle convert. Go Chris Go!!! Where do you want me?

  28. Venus says:

    I’m hearing another teabagger (Princeton grad) took the primary in Colorado. When was their primary?

  29. anonone says:

    No, not at all, DD; I don’t know where you got that idea. I think that Coons has a great résumé for a Senator.

    I am thinking about the national demographic trends. I think that the movement of the republicans to the far right shifts the center and makes the Democratic party less progressive and more conservative, so we’ll see more Nelsen and Carper and LIEberman types elected.

    What do you think?

  30. heragain says:

    I love you guys, but the search function here totally blows.

    Didn’t I see vote totals somewhere? Can someone link me to how many actual schlubs voted for OurMissChris?

  31. anon says:

    Overlooked from PPP:

    Barack Obama’s approval rating there is now under water at 46% happy with the job he’s doing and 48% disapproving. That’s a pretty amazing drop in a state where he won 62% of the vote.

  32. Joe Cass says:

    “Now is there anybody got a sweet little woman like mine….”
    “Can I get a witness

    My baby’s clean out of sight!