Friday Open Thread

Filed in National by on September 17, 2010

Welcome to your Friday open thread. It’s been a wild & crazy week in Delaware politics! Surely there’s something you’d rather talk about than Christine O’Donnell, right?

While Delaware is enduring its time in the sun with its own wingnut, New York has a really crazy wingnut running for governor. Carl Paladino won the GOP NY governor nomination (the same Carl Paladino who sent racist emailsm, porn & bestiality to an email list of local officials and business leaders) and he had this brilliant idea:

A few thousand New York household received an odoriferous gift in the mail from Carl Paladino, the Republican nominee for governor – and it doesn’t smell like roses.

Paladino’s campaign mailed out garbage-scented fliers declaring “Something Stinks in Albany” and featuring photos of seven New York Democrats whose political careers were marred by scandal.

“It’s basically a folder and then when you open it, when the oxygen hits the card the stink starts,” Paladino explained to Anderson Cooper on “AC360” Thursday night.

“The longer you keep it open the worse the stink gets. That’s our analogy of Albany,” he added.

Wow. This guy won the GOP nomination over Rick Lazio. Teabaggers aren’t kidding when they say they want to overthrow the Republican establishment. This is their answer?

Jim DeMint – at least he’s honest about what he wants.

But due to his successful efforts to help drive tea party senatorial candidates like Christine O’Donnell, Pat Toomey, and Marco Rubio to victory over establishment candidates, DeMint is emboldened. He told Bloomberg that businesses want him to produce “complete gridlock” in the Senate:

DeMint doesn’t care. “I’ve been told by businesses that if we would stop the tax increases the best thing that could happen for business after that is complete gridlock. At least gridlock is predictable,” he tells Bloomberg Businessweek, taking a quick break between TV appearances. His goal, he says, is to stop programs that violate his anti-Big Government ideology. “What happens in the Senate is the Republicans sink to the lowest common denominator,” he says. “People want an alternative to some kind of watered-down Republican philosophy.”

This is what we can expect if the Senate doesn’t reform its rules even if Democrats manage to hang on to their majority.


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (21)

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  1. anon says:

    Elizabeth Warren!!

  2. delacrat says:

    “garbage-scented fliers”

    Whoa……..He sends a chemical through the US Post Office and the recipients are exposed.

    Can’t imagine it was accompanied by a Materials Safety Data Sheet.

    Carl Paladino needs to hire a toxic torts attorney.

  3. anon says:

    Fifty million uninsured. We’ll fix it later.

  4. heragain says:

    Well, having had my first exposure to Urquhart, I’m hoping we throw a little support John Carney’s way.

    Which ancestor was supposed to be an indentured servant? By my count his grandda would have been arriving about 1900. If he owed anyone money it was probably some Scottish version of the Mob.

  5. anon says:

    Here are the people who were cheering COD at the debate.

  6. anonone says:

    “I’m very conflicted. Christine tells us that masturbation is sinful, and yet I have an undying urge to crack one off over her pics. In fact, I’d love it if she were actually telling me it was sinful while I was doing it!”

    Comment from the “Masturbation is lust” discussion on Christine’s Facebook page. It has since been removed.

    h/t Wonkette

  7. Yeah, anon. People got mad when I said O’Donnell’s supporters were mostly men (they were in the area I was located). That pic says the same thing.

  8. anon says:

    O’Donnell’s supporters were mostly men

    Well, duh. 🙂

  9. heragain says:

    Here’s part of the ground game.

    they have nothing but time and zeal.

  10. Auntie Dem says:


    My cleaning couple came this morning, because I can’t clean my own house, my white gloves would be soiled. In any event, the male member of the cleaning team was very excited about how pretty Christine is. The female member and I simply rolled our eyes at each other.

    And yet, we only got the vote 89 years ago. Oh my.

  11. delacrat says:

    From U.I.’s and anon’s description, the profile of a typical C O’D voter is white, male, aged 65+. Not a wide base.

  12. heragain says:

    You don’t need a wide base. You need a base that gets to the polls.

  13. V says:

    Hold on a minute! That caption is inaccurate. My dad is in that picture, I had to restrain him against some 9/12 dude. That area of the room was actually mixed (I showed up later) but was next to the Urquhart table.

    The only two vocal people in that picture were the men in grey on each far side of the frame. Boy were they pissed when my whole family clapped at the abortion question.

  14. A. normal poster anon this time says:

    “From U.I.’s and anon’s description, the profile of a typical C O’D voter is white, male, aged 65+. Not a wide base”

    …. however, the average COD supporter is male, white, 65+ and they themseves HAVE a wide… probably diabetic… base. (giggle)

  15. Anon says:

    Don’t forget obnoxious!

  16. skippertee says:

    “I’m very conflicted. Christine tells us that masturbation is sinful, and yet I have an undying urge to crack one off over her pics. In fact, I’d love it if she were actually telling me it was sinful while I was doing it!”
    I know EXACTLY what you mean.I think we should establish a POINT system.Say,fifty for filling that wide open mouth of hers.[quite a feat for us porch dogs]and a descending value for “hits” from the bulls-eye,her nose.
    Then we can fax them to her campaign showing our “dedication” to her.

  17. anonone says:

    For clarification, skippertee, I was quoting a comment from a discussion on her Facebook page. That is NOT quote of mine or a sentiment that I share.

  18. skippertee says:

    Still,a good idea is a good idea.

  19. skippertee says:

    Her selection as a candidate has gone from frivolous to incredulous to the absurd.
    I comment on such matters.
    I am NOT as politically connected nor do I work in government as some posters on here appear to be.
    So,if I missed those quote marks,forgive me.I’m not that bright.