Carney Leads Urquhart By 18 In New Poll

Filed in National by on September 20, 2010

John Carney leads Glen Urquhart by 18% in a new poll released by the DCC. The poll was taken after Urquhart’s primary win and at least half of the poll was taken after the JCC debate. So far Urquhart is not getting any traction.

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee today released a new Grove Insight poll that shows John Carney leading Republican challenger Glen Urquhart by 18 points.

In the initial head-to-head in the race for Delaware’s At-large congressional district, Carney leads Urquhart 50 to 32 percent. Conducted September 15-18, the poll surveyed 400 likely voters and has a 4.9 percent margin of error.

Also notice that John Carney is hitting the magic 50% in this poll. I think we all know that we can’t afford to take things for granted this year but so far the evidence is that Glen Urquhart is not catching on with the electorate.

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (23)

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  1. Marc says:

    Imagine that, Urquhart the canidate too out there for the Tea Party to endorse is not catching on. Go figure.

  2. AQC says:

    I have seen quite a few Urquhart signs out in the 18th and very few Carney signs. I just hope Carney’s camp is not being too complacent.

  3. Smart Move says:

    By the DCCC to make the point before anyone invests in the race that the ROI could be pretty small. It’ll close as Urkel’s name ID rises, so put the poll out when the margin is larger to make GOP donors think twice.

  4. Urquhart has not raised that much money. I think it was around $19,000 on the last report. He’s not been getting much attention since his primary win either. I doubt the NCCo moneybags are opening their wallets yet.

  5. Anon Knows Nothing says:

    Carney has something big going for him, the GOP is in tatters and will not get its mojo back in time. Yes, Sussex is going to be big for the Wicked Witch but the rest of the GOP has gone fishin.

    I hope Castle endorses Coons.

    The truth is the big spenders in the party are AWOL and won’t come back. Even big GOP areas in NCC are resigned to total failure.

  6. anon says:

    Urquhart has largely bankrolled his campaign personally, and from what I’m hearing, may do that for the rest of the fall. When you’re trying to do God’s Work, what’s a few extra million?

    I kind of hope he wins, if only for the fact that he’ll rid Sussex County of Vance Phillips.

  7. Joanne Christian says:

    This is the race that’s going to infuriate me now. While everyone is out bashing/propping/supporting/demonizing O’Donnell–Carney slips into the House as a continued useless skintag of the Democrats. I can’t believe this guy will get this far in his career for doing absolutely nothing—and progressives stand by and cheer it on. How can a fellow not good enough to be governor, now be good enough to go national? And he gets a 2 year pass–I mean rest in between. Talk about timing–what a charmed life. And progressives seem just fine with it. Show some grit–call him out.

  8. anon says:

    Joanne – He wasn’t not good enough to be governor. He was just the victim of an energized opposition movement. Quite a few Dems wanted him to be governor. And if he’d beaten Markell, he would be governor today – any Democrat would have rolled over Lee.

  9. MJ says:

    Denny Cordrey is going to be getting rid of Vance Phillips.

  10. Venus says:

    I wouldn’t say quite a few Dems–I would say, just the ones who didn’t want Markell–Minner loyalists, and party lemmings. C’mon people–this is not a guy with a real history of innovation, or doing anything other than following. I am truly disappointed, you’re going to carry him once again, instead of cutting your losses for 2 years. You could come back in 2 years w/ some phenom–instead, this dead wood will be with us for a real long time. I really wish Coons would have primaried him. Then it would be a perfect slate.

  11. Joanne Christian says:

    Carney never distanced himself from Mama Minner. Why would Dems think he’s his own man now. I wouldn’t trust him. This state suffered greatly. Nobody else would tolerate a candidate in “gone fishing” mode for the last 2 years—why are you guys?

  12. Anon Knows Nothing says:

    Carney has done loads more than Anon, that is for sure.

    Phillips will coast. Haven’t you fools noticed where O’Donnell’s support is? Right in Phillips back yard.

    Carney is just fine as a person and that might be enough.

    Urquhart has been left to die by the GOP HQ.

  13. jason330 says:

    “Urquhart has been left to die by the GOP HQ”

    So? Can’t he drop a million of his own cash on this and not blink?

  14. Joanne Christian says:

    Hey “dropping a million” is at least doing something. What’s Carney doing?

  15. heragain says:

    I like John Carney. I don’t think he’s a naturally outgoing as many politicians… he’s really at his best in a small room. He approaches his political positions from a natural point of view… he’s not a theoretician, but his ideas spring from problem solving for problems he has actually seen. That’s not a bad place to be.

    We have a lot of flashy hares in politics. I’ll take an occasional careful tortoise.

  16. anon says:

    I don’t know about that, MJ. Cordrey is tied to the hip with Atkins, to be sure, but Phillips still has the Hastings machine and a lot of farming ties. That Millsboro-Dagsboro-Frankford-Gumboro-Selbyville nexus is where it’s at in that district. Laurel, Delmar and Fenwick don’t account for enough population-wise. I’m also not sure that Cordrey is going to be a good enough campaigner. Vance has got the good ol’ boy backslapping down to a T. Thirty years in the personnel office doesn’t really prepare you for that.

    But on the pro-Cordrey side, Atkins could win in a walk if he were elected High Priest of the Satanic Church, so that’ll help. And Vance’s attention is definitely not on his district or his county council job. He wants to go to D.C. so bad he can taste it.

    How progressive is Denny Cordrey, BTW? I got the impression he’s just a conservative Democrat in the Dale Dukes mold, far more likely to side with Sam Wilson than Joan Deaver on development issues. Have you met him or talked to him?

  17. yeoman says:

    Joanne, c’mon. Did Carney slight you personally somehow? How can you get so worked up by him, especially since he is likely to be more centrist than most on this site would prefer? He’s a trustworthy, thoughtful, intelligent person and I trust him, which is more than I can say for a lot of politicos who have a lot more lustre on their names.

    I agree he has never, nor will he as Representative, come blazing out of the gate with dramatic new policies to save the Republic, but he’ll represent us faithfully, vote thoughtfully, and respond to our needs. Hell, if you called him, I bet you a million dollar ad buy that he would show up in your living room before Nov. 2. I for one would prefer to see more thoughtful, principled, responsive “tortoises” in Congress and fewer preening demagogues.

    If you disagree, cool, but give me a name of someone with the goodwill Carney has earned and a record of accomplishment that beats his.

  18. yeoman says:

    Come to think of it, JC, YOU would be Carney’s equal in accomplishment and goodwill. Next time, primary him. As a democrat, of course. 🙂

  19. Whybother says:

    I’ve had the opportunity to meet Carney, and speak to him in some length. It was my distinct impression that he was either a lightweight, or someone beholden to corporate interests. I asked him why, after the fiasco that energy deregulation caused in California, he felt it was appropriate to deregulate Delmarva power in DE. His answer was that he wasn’t familiar with the California case, and I got the distinct impression that he was lying.

  20. anonone says:

    Carney supports keeping the Bush tax cuts for those with annual incomes over $250,000. That to me is a sign that he will likely be a blue dog Dem.

  21. jason330 says:

    So, if your conscience will not allow it, don’t vote for him, just don’t vote for Urk. Or write a letter to the campaign setting him straight on the tax cuts then vote for him. Or start a blog dedicated to keeping an eye on him. You have a universe of options.

  22. anonone says:

    Maybe I’ll just write-in your name. 🙂

  23. I like John Carney. He has some good ideas (and at least one clunker). Hopefully the NJ or WDEL will finally release video of the JCC forum so you can see that Carney is no Blue Dog. Carney is a hard worker and is compassionate & caring. I think he’ll make a fine Representative and you won’t have to worry that he’s some kind of spotlight hog (like O’Donnell). Urquhart is just unacceptable. Like I said, the video from the JCC forum hasn’t been released but Urquhart came off as crazy, crazier even than O’Donnell.

    BTW, there is a Carney-Urquhart debate this morning being covered by WDEL. I think it starts at 7:45.