Wednesday’s Asshat of the Day

Filed in National by on September 22, 2010

What would you call an older man in his 70’s who makes inappropriate remarks about a female colleague? I call him our Asshat of the Day.

Harry Reid, who’s won this award before, thought he was being funny at a fundraiser for Mayor Michael Bloomberg the other night when he called Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand the “Senate’s hottest member.” He could have praised her for her hard work on behalf of New Yorkers, he could have told the audience how she has been fighting for open government and supporting the DREAM Act and the repeal of DADT. But no, Sen. Reid (Dirty Old Man – NV) had to make a sexist remark. Yeah, this should help him with women voters. And he criticizes Sharon Angle for being out of touch (well, she is, on a par with Christine O’Whack-a-mole), but c’mon Harry, show some class.

Harry Reid, our Asshat of the Day.

About the Author ()

A rabble-rousing bureaucrat living in Sussex County

Comments (22)

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  1. jason330 says:

    What a dork. I also don’t like him because he should be crushing Sharon Angle

  2. Aoine says:

    an asshat – but crap – look at the alternative….

  3. anon says:

    The alternative is that Harry Reid would no longer be Senate Majority Leader. I find that very appealing. If the Senate majority were not in the balance I’d take that deal.

  4. MJ says:

    I’m not saying he shouldn’t be re-elected, but he just needs to learn how to keep his mouth shut at certain times (and count votes better).

    Then, when the Democrats maintain control of the Senate, we can only hope that the Caucus replaces him with Dick Durbin or someone else.

  5. anon says:

    Then, when the Democrats maintain control of the Senate, we can only hope that the Caucus replaces him with Dick Durbin or someone else.

    That will never happen in one million years (replacing Reid, that is). I was hoping for Dems to decisively retain the Senate and for Reid to lose to a Republican, as the only realistic way to get rid of him. But now that the majority is at risk I have to be careful what I wish for.

  6. Whybother says:

    Gosh, it must have been so terrible for her to have to endure the humiliation of being called attractive. This matters.

    Perhaps you could delve into this little election oddity a bit instead of focusing on trivial matters?

    Kind of odd how Castle won the absentee vote, i.e. the verifiable paper ballot vote, but lost the unverifiable computer tallied vote.

    Not that that election integrity is as important as meaningless kerfuffles tho.

  7. Brian Shields says:

    Whybother: O’Donnell had a late surge the weekend before the election because of Palin’s endorsement. The absentee ballots reflect that, and makes perfect sense to favor Castle, since they were most likely filled out and mailed weeks in advance, when O’Donnell was a relative wannabe.

  8. anon says:

    As always, intelligent perspective from Brian Shields.

  9. MJ says:

    Brian, Whybother doesn’t care what is written here. If we said the sky was blue, he’d argue that that’s trivial and that we should be looking at something else. He’s a bore.

    We can’t figure out why he bothers coming here. He’s probably a masochist who loves being called out as a troll.

  10. MJ says:

    WB – if you actually read through the blog instead of just looking for my posts, you’d see that the absentee ballot “oddity” was commented on. My guess is that you have a hard-on for me for some reason. Sorry, but I already have a partner. And if I didn’t, my guess is you’re not my cup of tea.

  11. a. price says:

    how did Sen Gillibrand react?

  12. anon says:

    how did Sen Gillibrand react?

    She flushed a most delightful shade of red.

  13. A. Price says:

    could Harry Reid have said it out of snarky sarcasm since the only thing the R’s care about in a female candidate is cup-size and bangability?

  14. MJ says:

    No, Reid thought he was being funny and then later apologized.

  15. WilmingtonDeDem says:

    Maybe Harry Reid should realize that whenever he speaks, nothing good comes out of his mouth. I think the Democratic party should ask him to just stop talking. All he does is hurt us!

  16. V says:

    not to argue in favor of Harry Reid, but he was most likely referring to her 3rd place finish on The Hill’s Annual 50 Most Beautiful list. Inappropriate, but cleary he’s caught a case of foot-in-mouth lately (see also: my pet)

  17. Whybother says:

    Wow MJ, it really doesn’t take you long to get personal does it?

    Do you care to address my point about this being a manufactured controversy about something unimportant without resorting to personal attacks? Can you?

    It really makes me sad to see progressives acting like dittoheads. Present them with a differing opinion and they get angry, call you names, and act like you’re a moron without even considering your point of view. I thought progressives were better than that.

  18. MJ says:

    WB – if you had posted anything intelligent enough to respond to, it would have been addressed. You don’t do that, you just repeat your teabagging points. You’re boring and contradictory. You add nothing to the discussion here.

    What’s that sound? The phone is ringing? Quick, go pick it up, WB. It’s Alex Trebek with a clue.

  19. Whybother says:

    I guess that would be a no. You really keep it classy man. You seem like a real decent person who’s opinion on politics I should trust.

    Could you be any more hateful? And me, a teabagger? Are you freaking serious? Name one thing I’ve said on here that even remotely resembles what a tea partier might say.

    People in the tea party don’t generally defend Jimmy Carter or suggest there might be something amiss with electronic voting machines, especially not when a TEA PARTIER wins.

    I don’t think you’re on the level, I think you’re a demagogue that wants to keep people on the left thinking about partisan identity politics rather than really figuring out what the big picture is.

    In short, you’re a lying scumbag.

  20. MJ says:

    I’m not hateful, just bored by your drivel. And being a teabagger is not only reserved for the Palinites; you fit right in with the lefteabaggers, or what I refer to as the Chai Tea Express.

    And as for being a scumbag, I’ve been called worse by better people than you.

    My advice – if you don’t like what I write, then don’t read it. Save yourself from having a stroke. And it parting, GFY.

  21. Whybother says:

    Ah, so you have a name for people on the left that don’t agree with you as well, what a surprise. I guess it’s easier for you to assign groups of people that you don’t agree with a derogatory name than to actually have an open mind about differing opinions.

    My take away from this is that anyone that agrees with you is sane,and worthy of respect, and that anyone who disagrees with you is insane, and worthy of contempt. Sound about right?

  22. MJ says:

    Actually, WB, why don’t you spend a day and read through the blog for the past year.

    What’s the matter, did your feelings get hurt? Geesh.

    Again, if you don’t like what I or anyone else writes here, don’t read it. Really simple, sort of like changing the channel on the telly.