Is The O’Donnell Campaign Starving The Urquhart Campaign?

Filed in Delaware by on September 27, 2010

Ever since Christine O’Donnell won the primary she has been the media’s new shiny object. She knocked off an establishment candidate, one that most everyone thought was invincible, so the attention is not surprising. O’Donnell also has a long video record of saying goofy things, which the national media is just discovering.

Glen Urquhart also defeated the establishment candidate. The margin was much closer. Urquhart also has a history of saying crazy things. He’s not only said “ask your liberal friends why they are Nazis” but also has an obsession with debt (deeming it a bigger national security threat than terrorism), has said that is was “God’s will” that he won the primary and at some point said that Unemployment Insurance is unconstitutional.

Urquhart is an underdog in the race against John Carney. What Urquhart needs is attention, his only way to win is to engage the passion of the teabaggers like Christine O’Donnell. Urquhart is just as crazy and has the same misunderstanding of the Constitution as Christine O’Donnell. Why hasn’t he inspired the same passionate intensity?

O’Donnell has had a number of national Republicans endorse her, the most recent was Bob Dole. Why isn’t Bob Dole helping Glen Urquhart, too? Is O’Donnell making appearances with Urquhart?

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About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. Mark H says:

    Because Glen isn’t nearly as cute as Christine. 🙂 And I’m only 25% kidding about this.

  2. Mark, I think it’s part of Glen’s problem. A cute woman saying stupid things is apparently crack for the media.

  3. Jason330 says:

    Urk. Is the luckiest man Delaware because he has ODonnell doing the heavy GOTV lifting. carney could lose this thing.

  4. heragain says:

    They KNOW they’re the party of old crazy white men who look like the grim reaper. They like to BELIEVE they’re the party of cute babes.

    It’s ASSpirational.

  5. cookie says:

    Carney lose? Just run that Nazi gaffe video on a commercial on Philadelphia TV for a few weeks.

    And, yes, O’Donnell has absolutely sucked all the air out of the room. But, that is typical with one popular (crazy) candidate and one uninteresting candidate.

  6. Urquhart’s crazy too! He’s just not as cute.

  7. UI: Speaking of the debt obsession, I read Sen. John Thune also citing Admiral Mullen on that debt-danger quote that Urq had also cited… so I guess Mullen really must have said it.

  8. plslouise says:

    All over Sussex County there are Odonnell and Urquhart signs. I saw very few Coons or Carney! What is up with the dems in this state? Same goes for Kent. Got news for the Dems. Posting signs on Rtl wont get it. They have to get out into farm country. Some of those living in Sussex avoid Rt. 1 as much as possible.

  9. Anon says:

    PLS- Remember signs don’t vote–if people are making up their mind about the candidate based on how many signs they see, we are all doomed!

  10. Aoine says:

    True – however – those two campaigns need to be WAY more responsive to to Sussex and especially Western Sussex

    blowing off the section of Delaware where COD and Urquhart has a base is NOT a good strategic move

    Sure – more voters up north – more Dems too

    but the now disenfranchised R’s in Sussex and the I’s that cannot stomach either COD or GU – they need a little lovin’ too

  11. Aoine says:

    altho Sussex county is the ONLY place where you will see, in the same yard…signs for O’Donnell for Senate, Urquhart for Congress and Shade for the 37th District(he’s the Dem running against incumbant R King)

    I laughed till I cried!! ONLY in SUSSEX

  12. Jimbo says:

    Also, Urquie and O’Donnell have been takind down the Coons and Carney signs and using the same hardware for their signs….

  13. Aoine says:

    really – you have evidence or specifics?? would love to have them

    is that happening in Sussex – might be time for a littel reconnaisance mission….

  14. Jimbo says:

    Aoine- In Bethany, right on Route 1, Coons sign came down, Urquie’s went up is one example. Same on Rt. 113 for a Carney sign, and is now a COD. These groups are playing by different rules–there are none. And forget the yard ones, they disappear overnight. They can waste their energies sign snatching–the election results will be the satisfying revenge!

  15. jason330 says:

    Urkle and OD are trash. I would not put it past them.

  16. Dr. Strangevote says:

    On the day of the primary I saw O’Donnell signs placed directly in front of Castle signs on the way in to my poling place- bascially blocking them. How childish… and what a complete lack of class.

  17. Mark H says:

    “Urquhart’s crazy too! He’s just not as cute”

    As good a campaign slogan for Glen than any he has now 🙂

  18. Dear Unstable Isotope:

    Have you considered the possibility that it is you who say and believe crazy things, not Christine or Glen?

    When conservatives who represent the majority opinion in America say things you don’t agree with, you find that “crazy.” But 40% of the country is conservative, only 20% liberal.

    Could it be that you are the 20% out of touch with the rest of the country?

    First, choke on this before you even get started:

    Second, you find Glen’s concerns about national debt to be “crazy?”

    That is what the country is screaming about. You don’t care. But GLEN + A MAJORITY OF AMERICANS don’t agree with you.

    Ordinary “real people” believe that God guides their lives and that if something extraordinarily good happens, God was at the very least not opposed to it.

    Your examples of “crazy things” are Glen pointing out that “THE NEW LEFT” that VIOLENTLY took over the Democrat party starting with the 1968 riots at the Democrat National Convention in — hold your breath — Chicago share similarities with the ….

    (hold your breath): National SOCIALIST Worker’s Democratic Party, referred to in brief as “Na-Zi’s” (Notice how the “z” is soft in German and in British references such as speeches by Winston Churchill. This is meant as Na Si = National Socialist Worker’s Democratic Party.

    One side of the political spectrum wants a strong central government. Do you know which side this is, liberal or conservative?

    One side of the political spectrum wants the government to regulate everything in the economy. Do you know which side this is, liberal or conservative?

    One side of the political spectrum wants private interests to be subordinate to the government’s policies. Do you know which side this is, liberal or conservative?

    One side of the political spectrum wants to take property and money by force from American citizens and redistribute them. Do you know which side this is, liberal or conservative?

    One side of the political spectrum wants to have a weak central government and government close to the people. Do you know which side this is, liberal or conservative?