Delaware Liberal

Is The O’Donnell Campaign Starving The Urquhart Campaign?

Ever since Christine O’Donnell won the primary she has been the media’s new shiny object. She knocked off an establishment candidate, one that most everyone thought was invincible, so the attention is not surprising. O’Donnell also has a long video record of saying goofy things, which the national media is just discovering.

Glen Urquhart also defeated the establishment candidate. The margin was much closer. Urquhart also has a history of saying crazy things. He’s not only said “ask your liberal friends why they are Nazis” but also has an obsession with debt (deeming it a bigger national security threat than terrorism), has said that is was “God’s will” that he won the primary and at some point said that Unemployment Insurance is unconstitutional.

Urquhart is an underdog in the race against John Carney. What Urquhart needs is attention, his only way to win is to engage the passion of the teabaggers like Christine O’Donnell. Urquhart is just as crazy and has the same misunderstanding of the Constitution as Christine O’Donnell. Why hasn’t he inspired the same passionate intensity?

O’Donnell has had a number of national Republicans endorse her, the most recent was Bob Dole. Why isn’t Bob Dole helping Glen Urquhart, too? Is O’Donnell making appearances with Urquhart?

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