Weekend Open Thread

Filed in National by on October 9, 2010

Welcome to your weekend open thread. It’s looks like it’s going to be a beautiful weekend. I’m going to spend part of my weekend canvassing. I’ve resolved to do at least one GOTV activity per week.

This ad by David Vitter has to win the award for most racist video of the campaign season:

Holy sh… Melancon should just show commercials of a man in diapers being spanked by a prostitute. Seriously, what does he have to lose now?

Climate Progess broke a story about a new Smithsonian exhibit funded by the Koch brothers that suggests that climate change is a good thing.

It also builds off a joint effort by TP and Climate Progress to investigate David Koch’s funding of a dreadful Smithsonian Institute exhibit (see “Must-see video: Polluter-funded Smithsonian exhibit whitewashes danger of human-caused climate change: Koch money and dubious displays put credibility of entire museum and science staff on the line”).

Mayer interview me and the fact checker followed up. Indeed, this piece is doubly devastating because the New Yorker remains one of the few major magazines that still fact checks line by line. The whole piece is worth reading. The end focuses on the Smithsonian story:

The David H. Koch Hall of Human Origins, at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History, is a multimedia exploration of the theory that mankind evolved in response to climate change. At the main entrance, viewers are confronted with a giant graph charting the Earth’s temperature over the past ten million years, which notes that it is far cooler now than it was ten thousand years ago. Overhead, the text reads, “HUMANS EVOLVED IN RESPONSE TO A CHANGING WORLD.” The message, as amplified by the exhibit’s Web site, is that “key human adaptations evolved in response to environmental instability.” Only at the end of the exhibit, under the headline “OUR SURVIVAL CHALLENGE,” is it noted that levels of carbon dioxide are higher now than they have ever been, and that they are projected to increase dramatically in the next century. No cause is given for this development; no mention is made of any possible role played by fossil fuels. The exhibit makes it seem part of a natural continuum. The accompanying text says, “During the period in which humans evolved, Earth’s temperature and the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere fluctuated together.” An interactive game in the exhibit suggests that humans will continue to adapt to climate change in the future. People may build “underground cities,” developing “short, compact bodies” or “curved spines,” so that “moving around in tight spaces will be no problem.”

Such ideas uncannily echo the Koch message. The company’s January newsletter to employees, for instance, argues that “fluctuations in the earth’s climate predate humanity,” and concludes, “Since we can’t control Mother Nature, let’s figure out how to get along with her changes.” Joseph Romm, a physicist who runs the Web site ClimateProgress.org, is infuriated by the Smithsonian’s presentation. “The whole exhibit whitewashes the modern climate issue,” he said. “I think the Kochs wanted to be seen as some sort of high-minded company, associated with the greatest natural-history and science museum in the country. But the truth is, the exhibit is underwritten by big-time polluters, who are underground funders of action to stop efforts to deal with this threat to humanity. I think the Smithsonian should have drawn the line.”

So the upside of climate change is that there will be so much pressure on human populations that we’ll evolve? Is that what they call turning lemons into lemonade? Our tranformation into a corporatocracy is almost complete.


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (45)

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  1. anonone says:

    “You Lie”

    Like I said at the time: HCR 2010 = WMD 2002

    “We now know that the White House, in secret negotiations with industry lobbyists, quietly killed the public option in July 2009. But when the President gave a nationally-televised, joint address to Congress on September 9, 2009, he implied that the public option was still on the table.”


  2. Info on how to attend the CNN debate:

    A limited number of tickets for each debate will be available beginning at 10 a.m. on the Monday before each Wednesday debate. There is a limit of two tickets per person.

    Tickets for members of the UD community will be available at the Trabant University Center box office. You must show a current University of Delaware ID to pick up tickets at the Trabant box office.

    Tickets for the general public will be available at the Bob Carpenter Center box office.

    A limited number of tickets will be distributed to Kent and Sussex county residents through the Office of University Relations. Beginning at 10 a.m., each Monday, Kent County residents can call the office in Dover at (302) 735-8200, and Sussex County residents can call the office in Georgetown at (302) 855-1620. Tickets will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. Telephone reservations are not being accepted at the Newark locations.

  3. MJ says:

    Melancon needs to just drop a house on Vitter and get into the gutter with him. Just dirty Vitter up. Maybe we should all start sending boxes of Pampers to Vitter’s office.

  4. AQC says:

    Vitter is pathetic and so is anyone who votes for him!

  5. MJ says:

    This ad reminds me of the one Jesse Helms ran against Harvey Gantt.

  6. anonone says:

    More Obomba Incompetence: “Government had been warned for months about troubles in mortgage servicer industry”

    Tell me again why Delaware Liberal continues to support this guy?

    “Consumer advocates and lawyers warned federal officials in recent years that the U.S. foreclosure system was designed to seize people’s homes as fast as possible, often without regard to the rights of homeowners.

    In recent days, amid reports that major lenders have used improper procedures and fraudulent paperwork to seize properties, some Obama administration officials have acknowledged they had been aware of flaws in how the mortgage industry pursues foreclosures.”


  7. delacrat says:

    “Tell me again why Delaware Liberal continues to support this guy?”


    Nobody likes to admit they’ve been hoodwinked.

  8. skippertee says:

    It’s absolutely fucking ASTONISHING how CORRUPT and WIDESPREAD this whole fucking BANKING, MORTGAGES and BAIL-OUT FIASCO that TANKED our entire economy goes! No wonder there’s no movement on getting US attorneys and new federal judges sworn in. They’d be indicting HALF the politicians in WASHINGTON !

  9. “Tell me again why Delaware Liberal continues to support this guy?”


    Because it is pretty silly to think that a Republican in office is a better choice. Obama is far from perfect, achingly far. GOPers far, far worse.

    A headache, yes.

    At least the SCOTUS Citizens United outcomes are finally swinging these centrist fucks into the rail and waking them up.

  10. Geezer says:

    What Nancy said.

  11. anonone says:

    I am not saying that “a Republican in office is a better choice.” I am saying that a better Democrat is a better choice, and that being silent and afraid to criticize Obomba in the face of his dishonest, incompetent, and despotic leadership is not going to get us better democrats.

    In fact, his incompetent political leadership may be about to turn the ball back over to the republicans.

    Now tell me again why Delaware Liberal continues to support this guy?

  12. anonone says:


    Obomba has fooled a lot of people; there is no shame for having believed in his promises during his campaign. But continuing to support him after he has shown himself in office to be a lying corporatist despot just because he has a “D” after his name is both hypocritical and unconscionable.

    But, as they say in AA, everybody has to find their own bottom. And they will, eventually.

  13. Geezer says:

    Nice try, but as long as we have only a binary choice — which is what we have — it’s Obama or a Republican. Do you see a better Republican?

  14. delacrat says:


    It’s not a binary choice. I voted for Cynthia McKinney and Dennis Kucinich.

    If you want someone different, you ought to vote for someone different.

  15. anonone says:

    Why should who is on the ballot stop you from speaking out against who is in office?

    And how are you going to get a better choice by NOT speaking out?

  16. Geezer says:

    Speaking out is fine. I do it too, though I disagree with your vituperative speech, because it accomplishes nothing. Voting for McKinney and Kucinich is an impotent protest, as neither will nor can win anything.

    You two have taken this approach here for months, maybe more than a year now. Who have you convinced? What have you accomplished?

    As I’ve pointed out to you both repeatedly, you get more movement with encouragement than scorn. Though, in fairness, you’re not going to get anywhere with Obama either way, because he’s simply not up to the task. So your binary choice is Obama or whomever they run against him in two years. If you believe otherwise you’re kidding yourselves, and you’re not convincing anyone else.

  17. anonone says:

    Well, Geezer, Jason, for one, is no longer convinced that the REVEAL is going to happen. But most of the DL writers won’t start or even engage in discussions of the topic of Obomba’s incompetence and dishonesty.

    And in regards to convincing anybody else, how convincing is silence? And speaking of vituperative, shutting up people like delacrat and me is exactly what the White House wants so they can continue to lie with impunity and govern as despots. So at least we’re a couple of more voices pointing out what is going on.

    By the way, I am curious, what do you think that you have accomplished here?

  18. Geezer says:

    I have called bullshit on people whenever I felt it necessary — including calling bullshit on some, but not all, of your anti-Obama posts. If it opens anyone’s eyes, good. If not, well, you can’t win ’em all.

    Silence isn’t the issue here. I have said over and over again that it’s not your message but the way you convey it that constitutes the problem. It’s your anger and hatred that are the problem. They alienate people, and they give the impression that the more progressive you are, the angrier and more vicious you are. We’ve had quite enough of that, thanks. The progressive movement in Delaware has been moribund for years thanks to a couple of loud, angry voices that have discredited anyone who agrees more quietly.

    And while it’s typical of you to take credit for Jason coming to his realizations, get real. I came to the same realizations, but no thanks to you. I was never a fan of Obama, but of his potential for carrying forward liberal ideas. I was hopeful to a point, and then lost all hope when I saw that he would cave in to even the tiniest bit of pressure. Shirley Sherrod was my last straw.

    We are all capable here (except for the conservatrolls) of thinking and analyzing for ourselves. The analysis I see from you two is seldom the sharpest.

    “Most of the DL writers won’t start or even engage in discussions of the topic of Obomba’s incompetence and dishonesty. ”

    And most writers at conservative sites won’t do that about conservatives. You’re pissing up a rainpipe.

  19. June says:

    Does the fact that the link to sign up for the bus is no longer there mean the bus is full?

  20. June says:

    Never mind. First it’s there; then it isn’t; then it is. I see there are 4 tickets left.

  21. liberalgeek says:

    Looks like Eventbrite is having some issues… But it is working. The tickets are going quick.

  22. anonone says:

    I don’t “take credit for Jason coming to his realizations,” but he is apparently the only writer here who has.

    As far as [my] “anger and hatred that are the problem,” I am angry, but not hateful. I don’t hate Obama, but I do agree with the bumper sticker that “If you’re not angry then you’re not paying attention.”

    Take the first post in this thread: How do you read that without being angry? When the whole HCR debate was going on here, I was excoriated for using “HCR 2010 = WMD 2002” as a signature even though it was (and is) the truth. Pointing out that the president is telling big lies about major legislation is not an expression of anger or hate when it is the truth.

    How do you not get angry when the president deliberately lies to the country about something that big? How do you politely call out those lies? And why are people like you calling for politeness when the president is a democrat when they showed no such restraint when the president was a republican doing the same things?

    And that, Geezer, is the larger point. All of the writers here wrote with righteous anger when Bush was president but most go dead silent when Obomba does the exact same things (and worse). I never heard you complain about the anger and hatred in people’s writings when they were directed at criticizing Bush. Never. Why is that?

    Finally, I know that people here are smart, good writers, and very capable of analysis. Nevertheless, the big issues that I bring up in open threads simply aren’t addressed by any of them. There is rarely a post about Obomba. I think that it is exactly because they are smart and capable of analysis that they don’t write about him because they don’t want to go where that analysis will inevitably lead them.

    HCR 2010 = WMD 2002

  23. plslouise says:

    Many progresssive blogs are not backing Obama. Much of it because of the “professional left statements”. Fact is Obama was never on the left, nor a progressive. Obama is a capitalist, serving up the insurance companies, the bankers, Wall Street regulations etc. Even with a democratic congress and senate, this administration never took a real step forward. Did he think he could take the left for granted? Yes, he did. When he escalated the illegal war in Afganistan the liberals never opened their mouths, still are’nt. When they took public option off the table “before the fight began”, we knew the corporate dems had taken over the party.

    As the bagger right wing as they are, threw out their “establishment cronies”, the libs hung on to theirs. Now Obama/Biden need the left (progressives), and we have no trust left. The spying on american citizens, throwing more immigrants out of the country than Bush ever did, (only 1/3 were criminals), arresting peace activists and environmentals for pushing progressive and sensible ideas! Come on, how much difference is there between the conservatives and the liberals not much. So the fight is on the far right, and the center left progressives.

    There is a major move in this country to go after the baggers with progressive ideas! Dump the corporate dems and the corporate right wing. At least the ultra right took a stand unlike the liberals who sat back while the country went totally corporate owned and funded.

  24. Geezer says:

    A1: That post I agree with 99+%. I am just a commenter here, so I’m not writing a “me too” post to second every Glenn Greenwald column about Obama and the imperial presidency. Or anti-war posts urging us out of Afghanistan. And it’s not about politeness — it’s about making your points just as you made them in the post above. You are right, the Obama worshipers do need to explain why it’s OK when he does it.

    Louise: Dumping them at this moment means putting the Republicans back in power — and if you trust them to turn their backs on corporate interests, well, you’re a lot more trusting than me.

  25. Jason330 says:

    Unlike a1, I don’t buy I to the great man theory of history anymore. I’m a free agent. My own one man progressive rainmaker. Life is good.

  26. anonone says:

    Nice comment, plslouise. I will be voting dem and doing GOTV in DE or PA. Sestak is still a vastly better choice than Toomey and Coons might even turn out to be progressive. I don’t have too much hope for Carney, but he is better than Urquhart.

    But please keep posting. Both parties are being pulled sharply to corporarist, and it may already be too late to save the vestiges of Democracy in this country, but at least we can go down shouting.

    Geezer, if you see something on Greenwald that has not been discussed here, please post a link in the open thread. It can’t hurt anything, and it would show that there are others concerned that our civil liberties have become meaningless under both the Bush and Obomba regimes.

  27. Joe Cass says:

    So where’s all the Eagle (flap,flap) bravado? Surely San Fran offers no challenge? BTW, did you green blastards see what the G-Men did to the texans? See you December 13th, blitches. Yeah, I called you blitch! Not a single one of you lassholes can do shlit about it! shh,Kolb is up!

  28. anonone says:

    “great man theory of history”???

  29. Ishmael says:

    new job openings at the ministry of propaganda:

    Actors Recruited for President Obama Townhall Oct 14th

    http://casting.backstage.com ^
    PRESIDENT OBAMA TOWN HALL, DC PRESIDENT OBAMA TOWN HALL, DC MTV, BET, and CMT (prods.) are casting the audience for a town hall meeting with President Obama. Shooting Oct. 14 at 4 p.m. in Washington, DC. Seeking—Audience Members: males and females, 18+. To apply, email townhallaudience@mtvnmix.com and put “Town Hall” in the subject line. To ensure that the audience represents diverse interests and political views, include your name, phone number, hometown, school attending, your job and what issues, if any, you are …[more] -Multiple- Submissions only Submission deadline is Oct. 14 Entertainment Jobs, Nonunion TV/Video, Reality TV & Documentary

  30. Dana says:

    Don’t know if anyone else has had this problem, but Firefox 3.5 seems to crash about every third time I load DL. It doesn’t seem to happen with any other site I visit.

  31. Joe Cass says:

    Chrome or Opera. Opera has a better record for speed and security. The best parts of Firefox and Chrome were taken from Opera. We got mouse gestures,mouse with fully developed human brain gestures. Actually, thats the PBK, but still…

  32. Joe Cass says:

    and we’ve got Opera Notes. I haven’t found an add on that similarly works at all on FF and Chrome notebook just sucks. You can easily develop off of Opera as well. And hook up your smart phone!
    If you decide to check it out please let me know : joeyc 1 at operamail youknowtherest. Your feedback is important to the open source community.

  33. Joe Cass says:

    Dana, are you running Win7? Then I can’t help you. If you’re tooling around on XP or Vista the best move (if you’re stuck on FF) is to uninstall and install a previous version. And you have to watch your add ons.
    This should be for FF3 :http://www.downloadfirefoxbrowser.com/
    scan the begeezus out of it before you run. It would be best to uninstall any add ons first, then FF, you should be safe to leave known files.

  34. Dana says:

    Vista. I updated Firefox earlier today, and don’t have any add-ons in it. I have IE 7 available, but don’t like it.

  35. packeryman says:

    The “baggers” were doomed from the start. They were disgruntled far right Republicans. They tried to tell us they were Independents and Dem’s. Everyone knew this was a spin/lie because they refused to remove themselves from the Republican umbrella. They are B.S., they have no validity. If they were a real populists party, they would be be developing a real independent party. They have been infiltrated by Dick Armey and his Freedom Works, adds from Steve Forbes, Palin. The “baggers” are used only to strengthen the right wing of the party. Hope the “baggers” can take the GOP where the Whigs went. Bless you self rightous fools.

  36. paratrooper18 says:

    dana, did you select to import settings when you updated firefox???

  37. Joe Cass says:

    I abandon my Jason love for PM. Great message. Its true and three weeks away from boo ya!

  38. packeryman says:

    Can anyone of character in Delaware back the self righteous Republican candidate? Or do you have to admit this is another far right wing nut. She has falsified university records, in trouble with IRS on religious groups taxes. Her personal life is a catastrophe. The woman is a far out right wing nut. Do you want the church controlling the state? Send this Babe back to the church or whatever crazy sect she came from.Wake Up Delaware! Democrats and Independents get out the vote for Coon whether you like him or not. We cannot deal with the reactionary political ideology of the obstructionists and the party of NO. VOTE

  39. Geezer says:

    A1: Maybe you’re right. I don’t post links to Greenwald because I assume the liberals here are reading him daily.

  40. anon says:

    Firefox is crashing for me too. I assumed it was one of my plugins, and I didn’t bother to investigate yet. But if it is happening to other people w/o plugins, then maybe it is one of the DL WordPress plugins. It seems to happen when I am scrolling DL with the mouse wheel, but I am not 100% sure.

    Chrome has privacy issues; it sends your tracking info to Google. But if you are already twittering/facebooking/gmailing/youtubing/iPadding/iPhoning, then that ship has sailed for you.

    If I feel the urge to try Chrome I will try this first:


  41. cassandra m says:

    Like anon, Firefox is crashing for me too on both my work and home computers. I also thought it was a plugin and just haven’t had the time to try to isolate that….

    EDIT: The crash only happens here. I can spend all day at other places and come here after work is done and that is when the crashes start.

  42. anon says:

    I am making an educated guess that something on DL is failing to redraw correctly, and is triggering a Firefox bug and crashing the FF graphics engine when you scroll too fast, Maybe an ad, a gravatar, or some other image.

  43. meatball says:

    FF crashes only for me here, too. Plugins are all good.