Glen Urquhart Needs An Editor

Filed in Delaware by on October 13, 2010

Yesterday the News Journal published an op-ed column by Glen Urquhart. Can you guess what it’s about?

Even my name — Glen Urquhart — is anchored in the word heart. It breaks my heart that career politicians have destroyed jobs for us and our children.

GAG! That’s the nice part.

I am a proven job creator. My opponent is a career politician. He hasn’t even created a job for himself, let alone for others. He even tried to take $1.45 million of our taxpayer money for salaries to fund himself and friends in a venture whose only business plan was to go to Washington to grab more taxpayer grant money.

Several paragraphs of attacks on John Carney follow, without mentioning his name.

I am a proven job creator. I’ve done it, not just given speeches. Debt destroys jobs. Employers are not hiring because the $5.5 trillion of National Debt added by the Pelosi Congress terrifies them.

The rest of the op-ed: debt, debt, Reagan, debt. Did he mention debt? Here’s my favorite part:

I have worked with both sides; I continued to serve with President Clinton. My commission helped consolidate the CIA and cut costs and I even worked with Mayor Marion Barry and made progress creating jobs in D.C. That is coalition-building in the real world.

He’s a coalition builder! Just remember, this is the same man who said this:

the next time your liberal friends talk about ‘separation of church and state’ ask them why they’re Nazis.

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About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. Jason330 says:

    Was there a debate last night?

  2. joanne Christian says:

    It wasn’t in French.

  3. Jason330 says:

    Doh ! Okay. To the point of the post, I find it astounding that Republicans have the nerve to try and blame the economic meltdown on Democrats.

  4. MJ says:

    Urkel – “… I even worked with Marion Barry…”. Translation – “Yes, I once spoke to an African-American. See, I’m worldly.”

    And what commission was he on that consolidated the CIA and what was his role on it? Kind of like his chest beating for some minor, minor commission he was appointed to by Reagan.

  5. cassandra m says:

    This is what I meant when I suggested that this initiative by the NJ would be less than illuminating. All this series does is hand over news pages to an unchallenged recitation of the talking points. Which already gets fairly uncritical coverage.

    Another opportunity missed, NJ.

  6. I agree Cassandra, but Glen Urquhart seems to be particularly bad at being a talking point robot. It seems like if you’ve seen him once you’ve seen him every time.

  7. anon451 says:

    This is exactly what the Commission Urquhart Chaired was responsible for:

  8. cassandra m says:

    You know, UI, I didn’t find Carney’s missive all that more illuminating. No doubt that Urq (Edit: my phone has a pretty aggressive spell check) has the Delaware Politics habit of repeating the same old shit until you’ve convinced yourself that people believe you.

  9. MJ says:

    Yes, anon451 (are you related to Farenheit?), I know that he was on the NCPC, but I call bullshit on his claim about the CIA and working with Marion Barry. CIA headquarters are off of the GW Parkway (and have been for a number of years), outside the jurisdiction of the NCPC.

  10. WTFC says:

    Why don’t you clowns play back the barbs Markell threw at Carney in 2008. if any of them are true Carney is not qualified to work picking up trash.

    What say the Gov who campaigned so viciously and has ruled so incompetently? Nothing has changed from the Minner days, not a thing.

  11. Geezer says:

    “if any of them are true Carney is not qualified to work picking up trash.”

    What specifically are you referencing there? When John Carney was Tom Carper’s finance department chief, Delaware taxes were cut nearly every year.

    “What say the Gov who campaigned so viciously and has ruled so incompetently?”

    Again, got anything specific on that? Didn’t think so.

    “Nothing has changed from the Minner days, not a thing.”

    One enormous change is the public’s opinion of the job the governor is doing. Jack Markell’s standing is in the top three in the 50 states. His job approval among Republicans in Delaware is higher than Chris Christie’s among all voters in New Jersey.

    Three strikes. You’re out.