Delaware Liberal

Glen Urquhart Needs An Editor

Yesterday the News Journal published an op-ed column by Glen Urquhart. Can you guess what it’s about?

Even my name — Glen Urquhart — is anchored in the word heart. It breaks my heart that career politicians have destroyed jobs for us and our children.

GAG! That’s the nice part.

I am a proven job creator. My opponent is a career politician. He hasn’t even created a job for himself, let alone for others. He even tried to take $1.45 million of our taxpayer money for salaries to fund himself and friends in a venture whose only business plan was to go to Washington to grab more taxpayer grant money.

Several paragraphs of attacks on John Carney follow, without mentioning his name.

I am a proven job creator. I’ve done it, not just given speeches. Debt destroys jobs. Employers are not hiring because the $5.5 trillion of National Debt added by the Pelosi Congress terrifies them.

The rest of the op-ed: debt, debt, Reagan, debt. Did he mention debt? Here’s my favorite part:

I have worked with both sides; I continued to serve with President Clinton. My commission helped consolidate the CIA and cut costs and I even worked with Mayor Marion Barry and made progress creating jobs in D.C. That is coalition-building in the real world.

He’s a coalition builder! Just remember, this is the same man who said this:

the next time your liberal friends talk about ‘separation of church and state’ ask them why they’re Nazis.

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