Question On Raising The Debt Limit

Filed in National by on November 8, 2010

What happens if Congress doesn’t raise the debt ceiling?

And since a lot of Republicans are threatening to do just that I’d like to know specifically what would happen.  I’m seeing a domino effect.

I get why the Tea Party is focused on this issue.  Duh, the word “debt” is in the name.  Simple emough for simple minds.


About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. If we don’t raise the debt ceiling it means the U.S. defaults on its debts. It won’t be pretty.

  2. skippertee says:

    Not pretty,UI.Depends on how you look at it.
    I THINK the Chinese are allowed to send some guys over to break all of the congressmen and women’s knees who vote to deny raising it..
    I’m a little fuzzy as I haven’t seen the paperwork.

  3. PBaumbach says:

    I am told that the tea in tea party stands for Taxed Enough Already.

    let’s solve that by enforcing a ceiling on the country’s debts.

    then we can have higher tolls on the nation’s highways, bridges, tunnels. we can have higher costs for airline flights (to pay for the FAA and TSA). We can have higher class sizes. We can have fewer patrolling our border with Mexico, fewer FBI/CIA agents to thwart the shipment of explosives to the US, library cards can cost $50 per year, no deductions for mortgage interest, real estate and state income taxes, or charitable deductions on our tax returns (removing deductions isn’t raising tax rates). we can not worry about policing clean air and water regulations (really who needs clean air and clean water?). we can live with losing all of our deposits in failing banks.

    back to the good ole’ days!

  4. a.price says:

    If the water and air isnt clean, the free market will just vote with it’s magical dollars for everyoen to buy clean water and air from another vendor…. dont you know how ‘merica works?

  5. phil says:

    the debt ceiling will be raised, period.

  6. pandora says:

    That wasn’t my question, Phil.

  7. anon says:

    Republicans think this is an opportunity to zero out programs they don’t like. Demint wants to support the debt increase in exchange for massive spending cuts. That is not a bad idea depending on how it is played.

    Democrats would have to make Republicans own the resulting cuts in services, and would also have to take the opportunity to offer some spending cuts Republicans won’t like. The debate would throw Republicans into chaos, and in the end the spending cuts wouldn’t be to Demint’s liking, and not nearly as great as threatened.

    But I don’t think Democrats have the chops to pull it off.

  8. anon says:

    By the way, I predict Demint blustering his way into leadership, and then overreaching, crashing, and burning all before 2012.

  9. anon says:

    If Republicans are going to play “default chicken,” one thing that will happen is that it will cost a lot more for the US to borrow money.

  10. I predict Demint blustering his way into leadership

    Perhaps, but it looks like Republicans are moving swiftly to cut off Bachmann for leadership in the House and Rubio is dancing away from the Tea Party. Plus, Republicans were talking about DeMint and how much blame he should get for the losses in Delaware, Nevada and Colorado. It looks like teabaggers cost Republicans Senate control.

  11. phil says:

    Why waste time talking about something that will never happen. The Republicans WILL raise the debt ceiling. That’s it.

  12. Aoine says:

    Yes they will…but tea party darling is dancing away from the tea party amd Scott brown didn’t do what they wanted either
    They will find themselves personas non grata by 2012 with all the money and supporters done due to disillusionment.

    They where used and don’t know it yet….they have worn out their welcome with the GOP and now are rudderless… Eventually they will implode….those that created them will abandon them and they are too simple to see it..

    Also…when the debt ceiling IS raised because it will be…all the Dems need to do is make political hay out of that and blame the GOP amd the baggers for it…..debt is debt and more debt is more debt.even those sinletons should be able to figure that out

    Can’t wait for the cannabalisation to begin.

  13. anon says:

    Plus, Republicans were talking about DeMint and how much blame he should get

    Well, OK, maybe he won’t get leadership, but I’m sticking with my “crash and burn” prediction.

  14. pandora says:

    QUESTION: Are you willing to say right now we’re not going to let the country go into default, and we won’t allow a government shutdown?

    CANTOR: Chris, look at this now. The chief executive, the president, is as responsible as any in terms of running this government. The president has a responsibility, as much or more so than Congress, to make sure that we are continuing to function in a way that the people want.

    Funny, I didn’t hear Cantor say, of course we’re going to extend the debt limit.

    Never underestimate symbolism when it comes to today’s GOP. The House is full of new extremists – people who screamed DEBT! DEBT! DEBT! I’m having trouble seeing them selling a vote to increase the DEBT limit. Maybe they could vote on renaming it first. Tea Partiers are easily confused.

  15. anon says:

    Cantor could offer Obama some negotiating lessons.

  16. pandora says:

    Cantor’s not negotiating. It’s not negotiating if you plan to accomplish nothing.

  17. So true pandora. You always have the weaker hand if you want to do something and the other party wants to do nothing. The status quo is so easy to maintain, plus real change is difficult and uncomfortable.

  18. anon says:

    UI and Pandora – if you play poker, don’t bring your checkbook.

    Cantor does want something. He wants Obama to sign Republican-authored spending cuts, privatizing services and cutting and zeroing out programs hated by Republicans. And he wants to do this without putting tax increases on the table.

    Cantor thinks his ability to shut down government is a winning hand.

    The real winning hand though is the automatic expiration of the tax cuts, and Obama’s ability to give or withhold tax cuts for the rich with the stroke of a pen. Cantor and his team will scream like little girls if Obama stands strong on his campaign promise. Obama doesn’t seem inclined to lay those cards on the table though.

  19. phil says:

    Boehner said they would raise the ceiling,because they had to keep the government functioning, and that spending cuts were a multi-year project.

  20. a.price says:

    that spells tea-party express primary for Boehner.
    unless, the whole “we want lower taxes and smaller” chant was just code for “we want a r(wh)ight wing fundamentalist christian theocracy”

  21. Boxwood says:

    …and Rubio is dancing away from the Tea Party.

    Getting support from the tea-party is much like having a dog hump your leg. No wonder Rubio is moving away.

  22. a.price says:

    The tea party never really existed. Half of them are too dumb to realize they have been used, the other half are your typical white conservatives who are xenophobic and racist. they just jumped onto the “no government in my government provided Medicare” bandwagon so they could feel better about their true intentions.
    The half that is too dumb, wont care because they are…. well, too dumb. the other half wont care because they are FINE with government spending…. as long as it is on starting new wars, advancing a theocracy, and giving more money to millionaires who ruin the lives of Americans.

  23. Peace Pansy says:

    @a.price, you are right!

    Plus, the GOP used them to reinvent themselves after those awful Bush years. It won’t be long before Teabaggies are forgotten by the GOP. Besides, now they’ve got all that lovely cash from global corporations. All they have to do is throw a bone occasionally to the low-information voters by stirring up FEAR just before election time.

    Mosque, what mosque?

  24. MJ says:

    Pnadora, except for emergency personnel and the military, the government will shut down. Grandma and grandpa will not receive their social security checks, civilian and military retirees will not get paid, and non-emergency government employees will be sent home without pay. The Smithsonian and the National Zoo will close.

    But the employees will be made whole once the debt ceiling is raised.

  25. dv says:

    to be honest with you, I hope that they don’t raise it. Let’s see just what really happens.

    Maybe the Corporations of the US will have to bail US OUT?

    aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh I crack me up!

  26. a.price says:

    maybe thats why the right has been stockpiling guns and Beck has been schilling underground bunkers. Maybe the Right wants to pull the rug out and shoot everyone who falls down.

  27. dv says:

    I thought we were told to stock pile plastic, duck tape and water? I can’t keep up anymore

  28. pandora says:

    Um… Phil, what were you saying about the debt ceiling?

    Fresh off their election day sweep, top Republicans in Congress are already threatening to block what has traditionally been a fairly routine move: changing the law to increase the total amount of debt the federal government is allowed take on.

    Want more specifics? Okay…

    So far, Republicans are standing firm.

    “I think it will not be without some strings attached if it happens, because they’re going to have to seriously address spending and debt,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell told Fox News last week.

    Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) suggested he’d like to see over $300 billion in spending cuts before he’d end a filibuster on the debt ceiling.

    On NBC this weekend, Tea Party leader Jim DeMint (R-SC) joined in on the fun: “No, I won’t. Not– not unless this debt ceiling is combined with some path to balancing our budget: Returning to 2008 spending levels. Repealing Obamacare,” DeMint said. “We have got to demonstrate that we have the resolve to cut spending.”

    The only ray of hope that a dangerous impasse could be avoided came from Speaker-to-be John Boehner, “We’re not quite sure when we’re going to face this increase in the debt limit, but when we do, we’ll be ready to meet our obligations,” Boehner told ABC — though he, too, added it would likely be paired with spending cuts.

    I knew the word DEBT was going to make them crazy!

  29. phil says:

    ““I think it will not be without some strings attached if it happens, because they’re going to have to seriously address spending and debt,”

    the exact same deal cathcart and short brokered here in DE. Neither man had the balls to actually shut down the government, Dems didnt bother calling their bluff because what they asked for, and received, was practically nothing.