Michelle Obama Is Trying To Kill You

Filed in National by on January 21, 2011

Don’t be fooled by Michelle Obama’s benign-sounding “Get Moving” campaign. It’s not actually about childhood obesity and health. It’s a nefarious plot to kill you. Thanks to Tucker Carlson’s Daily Caller for revealing this terrible truth.

WHEN THE ‘BLAME OBAMA FIRST’ CROWD GOES OVERBOARD…. Visitors to the Daily Caller’s website today were greeted with a remarkable headline: “First Lady’s Anti-Obesity Campaign Could Be Causing More Pedestrian Deaths.” The accompanying piece was entirely serious.

Pedestrian deaths increased sharply during the first half of 2010, according to the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA). On Wednesday, the Executive Director of the GHSA accused the first lady’s obesity program of causing the deaths by encouraging people to exercise.

In an interview with the Washington Examiner, GHSA Executive Director Barbara Harsha said that while there are not yet definitive answers as to why there were more pedestrian deaths in 2010 than 2009, Obama’s “get moving” movement could be at least partially to blame.

“There’s an emphasis these days to getting fit, and I think people doing that are more exposed to risk [of getting hit by a vehicle],” Harsha told the Examiner. “Obviously, further study is needed.”

Harsha also said electronic devices such as cell phones and iPods
could have contributed to the higher death rate.

By the way, this “sharp increase” in pedestrian deaths is from 1,884 to 1,891. That’s a statistically insignificant increase of 0.4%.

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About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. pandora says:

    So, so silly, but they’ll just keep throwing junk at the wall hoping some of it will stick.

  2. anon says:

    A good argument for mandating that developers build more pedestrian walkways.

  3. liberalgeek says:

    This makes me laugh.

  4. JustMe says:

    I knew it! I knew she was evil from the moment I laid eyes on her! Her husband wants us all in front of a death panel and she wants us to get run over!!!1!!!ELEVENTY!!!11!!

    It’s like The Obsolete Man. It’s all coming true.

    Stonecutters rule the world.

  5. Von Cracker says:

    Fucker writes shit? Hell, I thought the only job he had was being the poster-baby for Wingnut Welfare!