Weekend Open Thread

Filed in National by on January 22, 2011

Welcome to your weekend open thread. All I can say about this weekend so far is brrrrrrrrrrr cold. What else is on your mind?

Run Rudy run! Mr. Noun-Verb-9/11 (I will always love Joe Biden for that line) is thinking of running for president again since he was so successful last time.

“Rudy Giuliani says he’s ‘more likely’ to run for Presidency if Sarah Palin does,” Morgan tweeted Friday afternoon. “”The more Republicans in which I can show a contrast, probably the better chance, the better chance that I have.'”

Other hints at Giuliani’s thinking from Morgan’s Twitter feed today include a suggestion that Giuliani thinks there’s room for a self-professed moderate to make a run at the presidential nomination of the increasingly tea party-influenced GOP.

“Giuliani: ‘My one chance, if I have a chance, is that I’m considered a moderate,'” Morgan tweeted.

It appears that Romney is going to have plenty of competition for the anti-Palin candidate. I think the establishment is very afraid of Palin (as they should be).

Next week is President Obama’s State of the Union address. Last week the Republican party announced that budget peacock Paul Ryan would give the Republican response. Yesterday we found out one Repuboican response isn’t good enough. Michele Bachman is also giving the Tea Party’s response.

The Tea Party Express e-mails supporters that Rep. Michele Bachmann — passed over for a leadership spot, much less the response to the State of the Union — will deliver her own response:

Congresswoman Michele Bachmann has confirmed with us that she will broadcast her response to Barack Obama’s State Of The Union address this Tuesday. You’ll be able to watch her rebut Obama via her address which will be broadcast on our website: www.TeaPartyExpress.org

Michele Bachman is also considering a run for president. This should make a nutty Republican field even nuttier. Bachman will join other luminaries like John Bolton, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney, Tim Pawlenty and Mitch Daniels for the nomination. Those debates should be interesting.


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. Tweets that mention Weekend Open Thread : Delaware Liberal -- Topsy.com | January 22, 2011
  1. cassandra_m says:

    I read someplace today that McCain was on one of the talking heads shows talking up Lieberman for SecDef.

  2. Makes sense since it has been tradition since the mid 90’s that a Republican hold Sec Def. Ha, I love rubbing it in sorry. It would be great the new Democrat Governor could appoint someone who will then provide a record to run against. It is perfect.

  3. Belinsky says:

    Bill Cohen and Bob Gates brought expertise, vision and sobriety. Lieberman just likes to hear himself talk, and brings no assets whatsoever – in policy, know-how or politics.

    Obama would pick Santorum as surgeon general before he’d let Lieberman into the executive branch.

    More on the wretched Lieberman [contra aid, death penalty, etc.]:


    Lieberman killed the public option:
