CPAC Insanity

Filed in National by on February 13, 2011

Grover Norquist is married to a Muslim and is therefor spearheading “campaigns within the conservative establishment on behalf of the Muslim Brotherhood.” That’s the theory. I shit you not.

ThinkProgress asked (Center for Security Policy head Frank Gaffney) the question Friday afternoon when we spotted him breaking his self-imposed exile to “do some interviews” at CPAC we saw him again Saturday morning as well. In a lengthy interview with ThinkProgress, Gaffney warned that Grover Norquist, the anti-tax activist and influential Republican strategist, was spearheading “active measure” campaigns within the conservative establishment on behalf of the Muslim Brotherhood. “I belive the conservative movement is being subjected to a concerted Muslim Brotherhood infiltration effort,” Gaffney told us, adding that Norquist began his insidious effort in the 1980s. Norquist’s wife is Muslim.

Asked for evidence of infiltration at CPAC, Gaffney pointed to the presence of Norquist — indeed, they passed within 20 feet of each other at one point — and of former Bush Muslim outreach director Suhail Kahn, whom Gaffney also accused of aiding the Muslim Brotherhood. Asked for further evidence, Gaffney came up empty, saying, “I have not been here long enough.” The presence of Norquist and Kahn was “sufficient” evidence “to be of concern,” Gaffney explained.

I want to laugh at this shit, but all I can muster is a WTF, because conservative nutbags like Norquist and Gaffney still have way too much power and influence.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Matt says:

    As a conservative, it saddens me that a large portion of the Republican party/conservatives are so uninformed or misinformed regarding Islam. I was at CPAC and was surprised to see that Allen West was the keynote speaker who, if any of you are unaware, made many outlandish comments about Islam prior to and during his 2010 rep. campaign. But maybe I shouldn’t have been too shocked…

  2. socialistic ben says:

    you need to take your movement back, matt.
    West’s racism helped get him elected. The problems in the conservative movement run much deeper than just the clowns who take all the money and issue the marching orders. They have created a reliable army of voters who just want to hear more and more xenophobic crap. I think sane people still make up the majority, ya just need to drive out the crazy and let Ed Shultz eat them.

  3. Anon says:

    Sorry Matt,
    Its not just Islam that they are uniformed about.

  4. Delaware Libertarian says:

    It’s called shiny object syndrome. The conservatives put out a few nut jobs like Gaffney and you liberals focus your attention on them. The real conservatives(not neoconservatives) focus on the voters and win, because you follow some nut job down the oft-beaten path.

  5. Jason330 says:

    Dorm room polisci theorizing is fun! This one explains President McCain’s come from behind win.

  6. Von Cracker says:

    Shiny Object Syndrome is what Fox Media Outlet did to its viewers with the Black Panthers at polling places, or currently, what it’s saying about the Muslim Brotherhood. Pimps, hoes and heavily-edited video tape? That fits too.

    What you expressed, DL, is called Wishful Thinking. Nothing more, nothing less.

  7. Christian Liberal NY'er says:

    Don’t all conservatives(as tradition would define a conservative)fall into the nutjob category?

  8. Matt says:

    “Don’t all conservatives(as tradition would define a conservative)fall into the nutjob category?”

    In conventional American politics, no not at all. It really depends on who you talk to I suppose, but for myself I lean right on economic issues, but more towards the middle when it comes to social issues. IE: I support equal rights for homosexuals, but I am against abortion. If that makes me a nutjob, then I guess I’m a nutjob.

  9. Jason330 says:

    In as much as the Republican Party is dominated by nutjobs in leadership, and demands a high degree of conformity among it’s members… Yes. All conservatives are nutjobs.