PDD Meeting Tonight: Medical Marijuana, Reproductive Freedom and Marriage Equality

Filed in National by on March 1, 2011

The Progressive Democrats for Delaware will be holding their monthly meeting tonight at the Delaware Democratic Headquarters in New Castle (19 E. Commons Blvd., New Castle, DE 19720), and they have great speakers lined up.

State Senator Margaret Rose Henry will discuss Senate Bill 17 (SB17), the Delaware Medical Marijuana Act.

Emily Knearl from Planned Parenthood of Delaware will speak on recent attacks on women’s reproductive freedom and health.

Leaders from Delaware Equality and ACLU-Delaware will discuss the Delaware civil union bill which will be introduced to the Legislature in March.

PDD’s monthly meetings are held at 7pm on the first Wednesday of the month at the Democratic Party Headquarters, 19 E. Commons Blvd, in New Castle. PDD meetings are open to all Democratic voters.

And for the first time, I am going to be liveblogging the meeting here. But don’t let that discourage you from attending if you can.

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  1. AQC says:

    PDD couldn’t even support legislators who do support these issues and they want people to come to their meeting? I don’t think so.

  2. Avagadro says:

    for the free samples?

  3. heragain says:

    I’m sure I’m the only one who found it funny that the meeting “tonight” on medical marijuana is dated for what, in my less hip calendar, I would have to characterize as “last” night.

    How do you establish that all present are Democratic Voters? Should I bring my card?

  4. PBaumbach says:

    the meeting tonight is the first Wednesday of the month, which is tonight.

    DD posted LATE last night, knowing that people would read it today. Hence the use of ‘tonight’ and ‘first Wednesday of the month’. I guess that if you are looking for confusion …

    AQC, would you like to be a bit clearer about your objection?

  5. skippertee says:

    ” I don’t think I can walk any more. I mean…I been fallin’ down a lot.”-Ratso Rizzo,Midnight Cowboy
    So I’ll probably miss the meeting.