A Glimpse of Tea Party America

Filed in National by on March 7, 2011

We will not have to worry about bridges to nowhere, because there will be no bridges.

I’m also looking forward to intersections like this one…


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (5)

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  1. To prevent from accidents bridges or flyovers are must.

  2. I’m pretty sure stop lights are a communist plot to steal our freedom. That’s why they’re call red lights.

  3. Don says:

    The socialist highway system needs to be eliminated. People need to take personal responsibility for building their own roads.

  4. jason330 says:

    I agree. It is collectivist nonsense to say that we benefit by pooling our money in any way. I also think that everyone should have to invent their own vaccinations. Why should I pay for someone else to be vaccinated!! It is an outrage.

  5. Liberal Elite says:

    This from a Libertarian website:

    “•The Libertarian Party continues to speak out today against the attempts by Democrats and Republicans to find loop-holes in the First Amendment, so they can turn the Internet into a government-controlled medium.”

    Doesn’t anyone understand that the internet is free today because it IS controlled by the government??
    If the government backs away, we lose net neutrality.