Guest Post from DFA — Netroots Nation Scholarship Competition Launches

Filed in National by on March 9, 2011

Most of our regular readers know about Netroots Nation and believe it or not, that time of the year is coming up again. I’ve never been and I *really* want to go — the schedule has just never quite worked. In any event, Democracy for America sponsors attendees to this conference every year by providing scholarships to progressive bloggers and activists who couldn’t otherwise go.

The following is a Guest Post from Kaili Lambe who is the Political Campaign Manager of Democracy for America. Kaili was looking for a way to signup to post here about the launch of the Netroots Nation Scholarship Competition and since we aren’t a scoop-type blog, I offered to host this guest post. From Kaili:

Do you have plans for June 16th? Well if you weren’t already thinking about Netroots Nation, here’s your opportunity. Yesterday, Democracy for America launched the annual Netroots Nation Scholarship Competition. Since its inception as Yearly Kos, NN has played an incredibly important role in shaping the progressive movement and I hope you can be there in Minneapolis this summer.

If you’re not familiar with DFA, let me tell you a little about it. We are a people-powered Political Action Committee that grew out of the Dean for America campaign back in 2004. Since then we have worked on issues ranging from the ending the war to pushing for a public option. Our current major projects involve defending social security and advocating for a progressive Federal Budget.

Because the netroots are such a crucial component of any successful issue or even candidate campaign, DFA is heavily invested in cultivating a strong online community. Since 2008, we have been committed to sending talented and deserving individuals to Netroots Nation, and this year we hope to break financial barriers for 40 outstanding bloggers and activists.

The Netroots Nation Scholarship Competition is underway and you can apply and start getting votes here right now. The three applicants with the most supporters on March 28th will automatically win and more will be chosen by a selection committee so both the quality of your application and your friends can help you win. You can vote or apply here.

I hope to meet some great Delaware progressives in Minneapolis! Please feel free to contact me by email at klambe at democracyforamerica dot com.

And I hope that we can get more Delaware progressives to go participate in this event. Are any of you going to apply? If so tell us so we can help vote you up….

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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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  1. Kaili says:

    Thanks for posting Cassandra! If any one has any questions about the competition, please email me at klambe AT democracyforamerica DOT com.