12% of Nothing is Nothing

Filed in National by on March 9, 2011

If you can get through this, Donviti actually makes a good point. With Union membership at 12% and the wealth of the country concentrated at the very top, the plutocratic overlords who call all the shots have the middle class arguing over a pittance. (What is one value less than a pittance? A dribble?)

I know there are bigger issues involved, but from a practical perspective, even if Scott Walker backs down and allows Wisconsin unions to the right to “collective bargaining” the unions will have won the right to try and grab a handful of steam.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. donviti says:

    it’s an easy read if you understand math.

  2. socialistic ben says:

    however, it will also show the Baggers that progressives in this country are still willing to fight. It will also show those who have been on the sidelines that we can beat these asshats.

  3. jason330 says:

    Yes. There are bigger issues involved, and it is an important hill to fight on. The important thing to remember is that this is bigger than just collective bargaining. It is about the survival of the United States as a Middle Class country.

  4. Publius says:

    Walker’s proposal has always been to allow unions to collective bargain on wages and benefits. He just wants to strip bargaining rights on everything else. Hardly the end of the world, and, in fact, I understand it’s motivated because the teacher’s union has been blocking certain changes. However, this very basic fact has been lost in all the hype and angst.

    Unions in the private sector, of course, remain completely unaffected in their collective bargaining rights.

  5. skippertee says:

    Please, some one, riddle me this.
    The Republicans held the extension of unemployment hostage to get tax cuts for the rich by partially claiming people making $250,000 a year were NOT rich.
    Now, they claim union workers in Wisconsin making $50,000 a year are TOO rich!
    I mean, this is rich in hypocrisy.
    Why doesn’t the MSM call them out on this BS?