Wisconsin Update

Filed in National by on March 15, 2011

The Wisconsin Republicans may have won the battle in Wisconsin but they haven’t won the war. The “Wisconsin 14” returned to Wisconsin to a huge Saturday rally. Last night, Daily Kos released the results of polls in the 8 Republican districts where Senators are eligible for recall:

Democrats need to win three of these eight districts in order to regain a majority in the Wisconsin state Senate. As it happens, Democrats currently lead in three districts:

    • Senator Dan Kapanke trails a generic Democrat 55-41
    • Senator Randy Hopper trails 49-44
    • Senator Luther Olsen trails 49-47
  • In two other districts, incumbent Republicans are under 50%, and should face competitive elections:

    • Senator Rob Cowles leads 45-43
    • Senator Sheila Harsdorf leads 48-44
  • The Republican incumbent is favored in another district, but still isn’t safe:

    • Senator Alberta Darling leads 52-44
  • Republicans are strongly favored in two deep red districts:

    • Senator Mary Lazich leads 56-34
    • Senator Glenn Grothman leads 60-32
  • The full internals of the poll will be released today at 11 am. These results show that Democrats have a good chance at re-taking the Senate majority. Wisconsin Democrats have announced that they’ve already collected 45% of the signatures they need for a recall election.

    In another sign that the Wisconsin GOP’s quick passage of the bill to roll back bargaining rights is only causing the fight to escalate, Dems have now collected over 45 percent of the signatures necessary to hold recall elections for eight GOP state senators, the Wisconsin Democratic Party tells me.

    Dems have now collected over 56,000 signatures supporting the recall drives, according to party spokesman Graeme Zielinski, after another surge in organizing activity over the weekend. That’s up from rougly 14,000 after last weekend. This means Dems are well ahead of schedule: In each targeted district, Dems need to amass the required signatures — 25 percent of the number who voted in the last gubernatorial election — by a deadline of 60 days after first filing for recalls, which happened nearly two weeks ago.

    In other words, Dems are reporting they are nearly halfway to the finish line, with roughly three-fourths of the alloted time remaining.

    Wisconsin isn’t nearly over yet and things could get very exciting there. Hopefully Wisconsin Democrats can maintain the momentum for the next few months. Winning some recall elections would send a powerful message about the power of unions.

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    About the Author ()

    Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

    Comments (13)

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    1. Jason330 says:

      The 56,000 signatures collected so far are not all from Union members, so this is another sign that people realize that Republicans have declared war on the middle class.

    2. Jason330 says:

      I trust Scott Walker to perpetrate some new atrocity, to concoct some new plutocratic affront to decency, to play out some ludicrously inhumane republican scheme that will keep the pot boiling.

    3. Avagadro says:

      look at those dangerous teabaggers with their violent fist graphic!

      Where’s the civility?

      oh… it’s the union’s that are using the fist… nevermind.

    4. Jason330 says:

      How much do I love this story of a Wisconsin Senator who left his wife and children for a lobbyist 20 years his junior?

      In related news, Wisconsin state Sen. Randy Hopper, R-Fond du Lac, reportedly left his wife and children for a lobbyist 20 years his junior and moved out of his district to the state capitol. His constituents discovered that he no longer lived in his district when protesters went to his house and discovered that his wife and maid were ready to sign the recall petition.


    5. socialistic ben says:

      teabaggers use guns.

    6. Geezer says:

      No, teabaggers use specious arguments.

    7. Flash Cat says:

      Teabaggers can’t handle the truth on anything. As to the guns they always point them the wrong way. They need to point them at themselves and decrease the surplus population of Boobus Americanus.

    8. MJ says:

      And Hopper’s wife and maid signed the recall petition.

    9. PS says:

      You liberals make me sick. You are all just a bunch of haters and hypocrites. All you did after Giffords was shot was cry your eyes out about right wing rhetoric but in this website you talk about how conservatives should commit suicide and you label them as “teabaggers”. Excuse me but I think you liberals are the ones with a pair of balls in your mouth. You should all be ashamed to call yourselves citizens of the United States!

    10. jason330 says:

      Shorter PS: “Tax cuts for the wealthy and little American flags for everyone else. PS. I’m secretly gay.”

    11. Von Cracker says:

      The only thing PS forgot was to tell us to leave Brittany alone.

      So the eliminationist rhetoric from the Right for allllll these years is equal to, if barely, to some old white dudes being called a teabagger? Ok, got it! Makes so much sense now!

      Wow, just how stupid are these people, living in a world where everything has its equal and opposite counterpart.

      White Supremacist Hate Groups/Code Pink & Unions
      Fox News/Everyone Else with a Microphone
      American Exceptionalists/American Haters

      You see? They cancel each other out! Plus I’m sure it helps maintain that world view from cracking under the constant barrage of Reality.

      In the immortal words of Dark Helmet….”I’m surrounded by assholes!”

    12. PS says:

      Just more hatred; thanks for proving my point Von Cracker, you’re the best!