Archive for March, 2011

Bombs Are Free, So “Bomb” the Libraries

Filed in National by on March 18, 2011 1 Comment

We all know that bombs are free. In the age of teabaggery, we also know that EVERYTHING other than military action is prohibitively expensive.

Taking these items as givens, I humbly present state and local governments with budget bill words and phrases that can pass under teabagger radar.

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Chris Coons Sponsors DOMA Repeal

Filed in Delaware, National by on March 18, 2011 2 Comments

Chris Coons announced he’s co-sponsoring a bill called the Respect for Marriage Act which would repeal the provision of DOMA that states marriage is between a man and a woman.

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Comment Rescue: What’s The Strategy Kenneth?

Filed in National by on March 17, 2011 13 Comments

Geezer said, “Given the turnout in Delaware, perhaps liberals should persuade O’Donnell-style nutcases to run in every election, if only to drive Democratic turnout.”

Then I said something. Then Anthony Weiner (D-NY) said what I said, but a lot better:

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St. Patrick’s Day Open Thread

Filed in National by on March 17, 2011 23 Comments
St. Patrick’s Day Open Thread

The St. Patrick’s Day version of your semi-daily open thread.

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North Korea (Not China) To Invade America in Red Dawn Remake

Filed in National by on March 17, 2011 8 Comments

So as not to needlessly antagonize our Chinese overlords, the already shot remake of “Red Dawn” is being touched up in editing to remove China as the menace to American liberty and sovereignty. That makes sense because North Korea is about as formidable an adversary to the feisty WOVERINES!! as the original 1984 bad guys… […]

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A Tea Partier’s Letter To His Teacher Wife

Filed in National by on March 17, 2011 16 Comments

A Tea Partier in Ohio writes a letter of apology to his teacher wife for voting for John Kasich.

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Thurs., March 17, 2011

Filed in Delaware by on March 17, 2011 4 Comments

The leprechauns are still at play in the General Assembly’s session reports–as apparently are the Legislative Council staff assigned to update them. We know that action took place yesterday, but we’ll just have to use sources other than the official record to tell you what that activity was. I understand why House committee reports are […]

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Equality Delaware Poll: Delaware Favors Civil Unions By Large Margin

Filed in Delaware by on March 17, 2011 18 Comments

Equality Delaware released a poll showing that Delaware voters support civil unions by a 2:1 margin – 62% support, 31% opposed.

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Jack Markell To Deliver 2012 Democratic National Convention Keynote

Filed in National by on March 16, 2011 1 Comment

I don’t know if that headline is accurate. Time will tell. But judging by how much attention he is getting for his revolutionary suggestion that business development is not all about low taxes, he could very well headline in Charlotte. And who knows, if he added something about REALLY sharing the pain with our wealthiest individuals and corporations, maybe he could parlay that speech into the 2016 Democratic nomination?

But seriously folks…I kid…. raising taxes on Delaware’s wealthiest individuals and corporations, even by 1 measly percent, is utterly impossible.

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Wednesday Open Thread

Filed in National by on March 16, 2011 22 Comments

The Wednesday edition of your semi-daily open thread.

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Guest Post: Delaware’s Education Insight Project (Part 2: What Will It Look Like?)

Filed in National by on March 16, 2011 59 Comments
Guest Post: Delaware’s Education Insight Project (Part 2: What Will It Look Like?)

The following is a guest post by Mike Oboryshko. Mike is a Red Clay parent and a friend of mine and of this blog. In Part 1, I introduced the Education Insight Project, and went over the RFPs that define the beginning of design and implementation. In Part 2, we will get into some more […]

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Michigan Governor’s Power Grab

Filed in National by on March 16, 2011 4 Comments

Michigan’s new governor Rick Snyder has proposed a bill that will allow him to take over local governments and replace them with cronies.

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Weds., March 16, 2011

Filed in Delaware by on March 16, 2011 4 Comments

The return of the Solomonic solons to Dover apparently took Legislative Council by surprise. Either that, or there were some new, very exciting, solitaire games uploaded to their computers. The supposed information and research arm of the General Assembly provides this detailed snapshot of what went on yesterday. That’s right, in legislative time, according to […]

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