Monday Open Thread

Filed in National by on May 2, 2011

I’m traveling this week. I’m in Boston so this space may be intentionally left blank.

Hey, here’s stuff!

What do you think of this Romney gaffe?

Do you remember that during the Ronald Reagan-Jimmy Carter debates, that Ronald Reagan came up with this great thing about the Misery Index? And he hung that around Jimmy Carter’s neck and that had a lot to do with Jimmy Carter losing. Well we’re going to have to hang the Obama Misery Index around his neck. And I’ll tell you, the fact that you’ve got people in this country really squeezed with gasoline getting so expensive, with commodities getting so expensive, families are having a hard time making ends meet. So we’re going to have to do talk about that, and housing foreclosures and bankruptcies and and hire taxation. We’re going to hang him with that — uh, so to speak, metaphorically, with, uh, you have to be careful these days, I learned that — with an Obama Misery Index.

Personally, I don’t think it’s a big deal. Obviously he wasn’t trying to invoke lynching. I think it’s just an example of how steeped our language is in war/combat/death metaphors.


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. delbert says:

    It’s gonna get worse with the commodities price surge. 1970s style inflation you are beginning to witness. So yes, it will be bad for Obama come re-election time.

    On another subject you have a Ted Kaufman editorial in the Sunday News Journal filling you ear full of shit, trying to make you feel good about all your capital going to China and your government not doing a damn thing about it. Yeah, the Chinese GOVERNMENT might only be sitting on 7% of the US Treasuries, but the Chinese INDUSTRIALISTS are sitting on a whole lot more than that.

  2. jason330 says:

    In delbert we see the Republican strategy of praying for a catastrophe in all of its glory.

  3. anon says:

    1970s style inflation you are beginning to witness.

    1970s inflation was a “wage-price spiral.” It was unsustainable, but not all that painful because your wages would go up too.

    What we have now is worse – just straight commodity inflation with declining wages. Labor’s pricing power has been gutted by 30 years of cheap-labor policy.

  4. I decided to start blogging again, for those who are interested. I don’t see me getting too deeply involved in politics, but my first post I explained my last two years and what happened, to kind of bridge the gap.

    In case y’all were wondering. Thanks. Carry on.

  5. Venus says:

    Crap. Flavor Flav was just arrested on outstanding warrants in Vegas. Who’s gonna take my baby girl to prom now?