
Filed in International by on May 3, 2011

Yesterday Rick Jensen accused President Obama of “dithering” on taking out Osama bin Laden because they had intelligence since August on his possible whereabouts. We now know that it took some time to confirm it was indeed bin Laden and in the meantime, the team built a full-size replica of the compound to practice. Yesterday it was revealed that bin Laden had lived in that location for 6 years.

Intel Cmte Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., who has been briefed “all along” on the UBL operation – said, ““It appears Usama bin Laden and his family could have lived there for up to 6 years.” She would NOT say how she knew this – other than to imply that’s the analysis of the Intel Community.

As for Pakistani officials and what they knew, Feinstein said, “It’s very hard for me to understand how Pakistani, particularly the ISI, would not have known that something was going on in that compound.”

Six years! I wonder who was president then? Six years ago was 2005. The bin Laden unit was disbanded by Bush in 2006. In 2002 Bush said he didn’t think about bin Laden all that much.

The RWNJs have also put together a scenario where the information that led to bin Laden was obtained by torture. Rumsfeld through cold water all over that. The intel was gained through standard interrogation.

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (122)

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  1. MJ says:

    Jensen is an idiot. Maybe he should team up with the Fatman and take their comedy show on the road.

  2. jason330 says:

    Wingnuts like Jensen are at a complete loss to fit this into their crackpot worldview.

    Obama is a Muslim, so why would he seek to bring a muslim to justice?

    Obama is a Democrat, so he must be weak on national defense.

    Bush was great, but he could not do in 8 years, what Obama accomplished in three.

    Beep…brezzt…spritzoinks…brreeptz…DOES NOT COMPUTE…Beep…brezzt…spritzoinks…brreeptz..

  3. Anon says:

    Of course he is being critical what else would you expect? And heaven forbid we present ourselves as morally just by giving the scumbag a burial at sea–what would people prefer, that his body be dragged thru the streets of NYC? No good deed goes unpunished.

  4. Miscreant says:

    6 years … One has to wonder why Ms. Clinton is tripping over her dick (sorry Pandora) to thank Pakistan for their cooperation.

  5. Dana says:

    Oh, good grief! If the US had reasonable and actionable intelligence concerning Osama bin Laden’s whereabouts during the Bush Administration, do you really think that they’d just ignore it? And if the Bush Administration had that information, do you believe that such a secret would have kept all this time?

    President Obama will get a popularity uptick from this operation, just as President Bush would have had it occurred during his presidency. There’s no way that he’d have just brushed it off when going ahead and getting ObL would have helped him politically.

  6. Miscreant says:

    This is *Delaware Liberal*, kind of like another reality, or planet.

  7. anon says:

    Frank Knotts says it all about the wingnut hatred for democracy and lust for totalitarianism:

    While I may have my doubts about Pres. Obama, I trust our military.

  8. socialistic ben says:

    Bin Laden moved into his new crib just after War Criminal Bush closed the unit that was supposed to be looking for him.
    This latest episode reminds us what an incompetent disaster George Bush was. Not just as a president, but is as a man. It also reminds us what a massive improvement in every single way Obama is.
    George Bush would have let him live in luxury for the rest of his life. President Obama (stings doesn’t it, Tbags) ended that life. It wasn’t some long range bomb either that blew him up in his sleep. As a guest of Hardball said last night… the last thing on this Earth he knew is that the Americans found him and killed him. He knew he lost.

  9. anon says:

    I think they just reviewed satellite photos and found the compound was built 6 yearx ago, and are now concluding it was built for OBL and he has been there since it was built. Lots of buildings go up in Pakistan and there would have been no reason to connect it with OBL 6 years ago.

  10. jason330 says:

    Bush didn’t get actionable intelligence because Bush was never invested in getting OBL or really fighting terrorism. He didn’t care. For bush it was all about the “get Saddam, I have the biggest dick” show.

  11. socialistic ben says:

    “Oh, good grief! If the US had reasonable and actionable intelligence concerning Osama bin Laden’s whereabouts during the Bush Administration, do you really think that they’d just ignore it?”

    you mean intel like “bin laden determined to attack inside united states using airplanes”?
    Do yourself a favor and dont try and defend Shrub concerning how he handled Bin Laden. He was a terrible president in every single way and this is yet another mess of his that Obama has undeniably cleaned up.

  12. Miscreant says:

    “… the last thing on this Earth he knew is that the Americans found him and killed him. He knew he lost.”

    Not according to leftist icon, Michael Moore…


  13. anon says:

    Well, Clinton missed OBL too.

    I think we probably had lots of opportunities to get OBL in Pakistan, but it had to wait until political conditions in Pakistan stabilized. Pakistan is always in danger of a military coup or a fundamentalist revolution. It would have sucked if we killed OBL and then a Taliban revolution ended up in control of Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal.

  14. jason330 says:

    Miscreant, While we can’t know what OBL was thinking, I think we can all agree that he hit the mother fucking jackpot by striking the United States while Bush was in charge. That much is undeniable.

  15. Dana says:

    Jason wrote:

    While we can’t know what OBL was thinking, I think we can all agree that he hit the mother fucking jackpot by striking the United States while Bush was in charge. That much is undeniable.

    Oh, so whether or not it was the “jackpot” was determined by who was President at the time?

    If Al Gore had somehow managed to fabricate enough new votes in Florida to steal the 2000 election, he would probably have apologized to Mr bin Laden for the American policies which had so upset him.

  16. anon says:

    I think we can all agree that he hit the mother fucking jackpot by striking the United States while Bush was in charge.

    Well put. OBL’s airplane bombs were tactical; Bush’s tax cut bombs and Patriot Act/DHS bombs were strategic and did far greater and more lasting damage to America.

    • One reason Bush didn’t have actionable intelligence is because he wasn’t looking. He was more concerned with Iraq.

      We will find out soon enough I think how long bin Laden was enjoying the good life in Pakistan. Bin Laden must have been feeling pretty damn safe by now.

      • Just want to emphasize: deathers are calling the US military liars. I just read the administration may release some death photos of bin Laden today. They’ll be criticized no matter what they do but I think it may be necessary to convince the al Qaeda followers.

  17. socialistic ben says:

    “Oh, so whether or not it was the “jackpot” was determined by who was President at the time?

    If Al Gore had somehow managed to fabricate enough new votes in Florida to steal the 2000 election, he would probably have apologized to Mr bin Laden for the American policies which had so upset him.”

    you have no idea what Al Gore would have done. All you have to go on is the lie that “republicans are better than democrats at national security. That has now and forever been proven false. A “weak” and “spineless” democratic president just made sure OBL was shot in the head… Bush gave up. he gave up. Bush gave up after 6 months.
    That MFer (OBL) killed 3000 of OUR countrymen (1 friend of mine) and George W Bush LET. HIM. GO. So please dana, do ahead and speculate on white President Gore might have done.. You teabaggers love hypotheticals and “what ifs” if it advances your idiotic world view…. we know what Bush actually did…. or didn’t do rather. We also know what President Obama has done.

  18. socialistic ben says:

    So, UI…. the “deathers” and the Alqueda kool-aid drinkers are now in agreement with each other…. as the only people who doubt that OBL is dead. noted.
    When the Conservatives love their country MORE than they Hate Obama, all will be well.

  19. jason330 says:

    Someone like Dana P is simply too stupid to engage. The Iraq was is a glorious victory in his mind. I’d avoid engaging with the stupid SB.

    • Just read an AP report about the courier that led to bin Laden. KSM revealed his nickname by standard interrogation techniques. It took years for the CIA to determine his real name – in 2006, right around the time Bush disbanded the OBL unit. I wonder what the internal CIA reaction was to the disbanding. It must have been frustrating, since they had a real breakthrough.

    • I can’t wait for a definitive hunt for bun Laden book.

  20. skippertee says:

    The reports coming in really sadden me.
    Head shot/instant kill.
    I SO wanted him to be gut-shot.
    He would have lasted longer and suffered.

  21. cassandra m says:

    Anyone else intrigued by the fact that the people who insist that BushCo isn’t responsible for crashing the economy or going to war with Iraq under false pretenses or the fact that he was a very big spender of government money are the ones working overtime to carve out some credit for BushCo for getting bin Laden?

  22. socialistic ben says:

    I dont know if “intrigued” is the right word, cass. Id go with “disgusted” or “offended”.

    Skip, he knew we got him. He knew his death came at the hands of America while he was cowering behind the dead body of one of his wives. (that he so “bravely” used as a human shield”

  23. skippertee says:

    That’s true, sb. What a weenie!

  24. MJ says:

    I always wondered why I was never questioned when I would email my cousin in London. His last name is Laden and his email is bladen@xxxxx.com.

  25. skippertee says:

    I hate to say this MJ, but you are on the list,only to be used by the BLUNT-SKULLS if they once again take power.
    But,fret not, I’ll be right next to you.

  26. Dana Garrett says:

    My oh my. How these GOPers talk about matters peripheral to relevance. The relevant facts are that 9/11 happened on Bush’s watch and Osama was eliminated as a continuing threat to the USA on Obama’s watch. That’s all that needs to be said to fact-slap the GOPers.

  27. socialistic ben says:

    Dana, also a fact is that Bush gave up on finding him after 6 months and let him get away for the next 6 years.

  28. Von Cracker says:

    Dana (the one with the suicidal king avatar), I hear Brooks Brothers is having a sale!

  29. Geezer says:

    “he would probably have apologized to Mr bin Laden for the American policies which had so upset him.”

    Ironically, the invasion and subsequent occupation of Iraq were driven in part by bin Laden’s main complaint: US troops on Saudi soil. One of the several reasons neo-cons wanted to occupy Iraq was so that we’d stop pissing off the faithful who found our presence in Saudi Arabia distasteful, or blasphemous, or whatever.

    So much for the cretinous manichean worldview of DL’s right-wing trolls.

  30. Von Cracker says:

    Chalk up another failure for Bu$hCo.

    Must suck to force yourself to cheer for an inept crew of grifters just to keep your rich neighbors’ taxes low and to stop someone else’s abortion, eh conservatives?

    Given that quitters in the face of adversity is rampant throughout the Right, I guess that leaves all things Serious and Adult-like to be handled by the Left and Middle.

  31. jason330 says:

    You know, that was a point I wanted to make yesterday but forgot. Republican religious fanatics like David Andersen have much more in common with the politics of OBL than they do with the politics of Thomas Jefferson.

  32. anon says:

    The best factoid was Rummy on Greta last night making the claim that the detainees that were waterboarded gave up Bin Ladens position. Anyone with a critical mind would deduce that these Gitmo detainees have been there for years with no means of communication. Perhaps under Rummy’s theory they are so advanced they used mental telepathy.

  33. jason330 says:

    Bush didn’t give a fuck. He had his vanity war in Iraq and needed to stay on top of that to make sure that the war “paid for itself from oil revenue.”

  34. anon says:

    Bush spent seven years killing the #3 guy in al Quaeda over and over again.

  35. Frank Knotts says:

    I am not surprised that I come here and read this post and I don’t find one mention of the men who actually put their lives on the line to bring OBL to justice. All I do find is a bunch of liberals wanking each other off as if they had pulled the trigger. And could one of you oh so smart liberals please tell me how Pres. Obama was able to get to Pakistan and kill OBL and have his photo taken in the White House? Of course it is beyond you to undestand that this wasn’t about party politics. I have to say that ” for the first time in two years, I am proud of Pres. Obama”. That was my Michelle moment, for all of you little brains.

  36. cassandra m says:

    So the man who would accuse *us* of having little brains completely missed the other posts where we credited the folks who did the work.

    Ladies and gentlemen — your typical American tejhadi.

  37. Frank Knotts says:

    I accused no one of having little brains, I leave it up to the little brains to self identify.

  38. Dana Garrett says:

    Frank, you aren’t miffed because no one mentioned the troops. You are miffed because your white Republican President couldn’t get the job done of getting OBL, but an African American Democratic President did get the job done. That must fester in a spiteful puny mind like yours.

  39. Frank Knotts says:

    Cassi my dear, I just went back through the post on OBL’s death here in liberalville. And I found only one post praising the guys in harms way. And that was from David Anderson. And Dana, save the race baiting for the mouse trap in your mind. It won’t play with me. It would seem that it is you who are concerned with race, not I.

  40. cassandra m says:

    Franky, there are multiple posts here and you certainly aren’t qualified to be the arbiter of quality of any posts here or even on your own blog. So your best strategy is to retreat there since no one there will know you aren’t ready to play with the grownups.

  41. MJ says:

    Ah, yes, the voice of reason, Barny Fife from DP, comes over here to scold us. Guess we should all offer up mea culpas to appease the tejhadi G-Ds.

    Frank, do you get migraines when you think too much and use what’s left of your brain?

  42. For future reference – there is not any great meaning on things not posted here. We are all unpaid amateurs who post what we can, when we can. There are many, many important things we miss. That doesn’t mean they aren’t important.

  43. Aoine says:

    well the fun part was knowing that:

    1. Frank had to admit to having to go back and read all the posts on here. If he did…. LOL, makes it all the funnier that he admitted to it and STILL missed what he was looking for, proof-reader he is not!

    2. gotta sting that he can post a word like “wanker” here and not be “censored” but would be on DP

    this shit cracks me up! I honesty think those benzene derivative fumes have eaten away the functioning brain cells he had left after years of substance abuse

    UI might know more about benzene fumes actualy – I just know its not good to sniff

  44. Nobama says:

    At first it looked as if Obama had grown a pair – but the more infor trickles out, the more it appears if he’s the same old can’t-make-up-his-mind pansy.

    1) Kept the CIA, JCS, Navy, etc waiting SIXTEEN hours while he ‘slept on it’. I kinda think this decision is a no-brainer. Of course, that should be right up Barack’s alley.

    2) Decided not to use B2’s not because of the loss of intelligence gathered but because he was afraid of hurting the other 20 people who decided that hanging with Osama was a good idea. Instead, risking the lives of 24 US servicemen seemed the better choice.

    3) Days of navel-gazing by Hamlet-on-the-Potomac regarding releasing Osama’s photo. Doesn’t want to offend the sensibilities of our enemies, may God smile upon them.

    Once a pantywaist, always a pantywaist.

  45. Jason330 says:

    Shorter wingnut: It sucks to be a Republican right now.

  46. jpconnorjr says:

    NOBAMA once an as—-e always an as—-e ! It must be tough to continue your hate in the face of real accomplishment. Go take a 16 hour nap!

  47. Nobama says:

    Wow, jpconnorjr – the truth really stings, doesn’t it? Even you useless libs can sense what a coward your Barack is. Having it shoved in your face, well – that you just can’t stand.

  48. jpconnorjr says:

    He got Osama, your guy got a head injury from a bag of pretzels:). You might want to make a plan to deal with Jan 20, 2013 you are REALLY gonna hate that day!

  49. Jason330 says:

    As misfortune for wingnuts mounts, their ability to deny reality seems to grow. So, I would not worry much about any given wingnut’s ability to deal with 2013. The media provides them with walls, towers, gatehouses, and moats filled with flaming feces to protect their crackpot world view.

  50. anon says:

    He got Osama, your guy got a head injury from a bag of pretzels:). You might want to make a plan to deal with Jan 20, 2013 you are REALLY gonna hate that day!

    I’m exulting a bit too and I always like wingnut salty tears.

    But unless killing OBL somehow fixes our economy, triumphalism ill suits us and makes us no better than Repubs and other low-information morans lining up behind Bush in 2004 on the basis of the Iraq occupation.

    I like Obama a little bit more now but I still wonder when he is going to raise taxes on the rich.

  51. Geezer says:

    “I kinda think this decision is a no-brainer.”

    That’s the only sort you’d be qualified to make, but of course you’re wrong about this one.

    He made the special ops people wait? That’s your complaint, and then you say OBAMA is the pantywaist?

  52. anon says:

    2) Decided not to use B2’s not because of the loss of intelligence gathered but because he was afraid of hurting the other 20 people

    Right. Bomb the place to smithereens, and let al Quaeda pretend he’s not dead for another fifty years. Or make a shrine for his body and rename the town Osamabad as the new capital of Taliban Pakistan.

    They needed to get out of there with Osama’s body and his hard drive. This was truly a mission worth risking lives for.

  53. liberalgeek says:

    The CIA and Navy Seals had to wait 16 hours?? Really? A whole 16 hours? I’m sure that it really killed their morale to wait an additional 16 hours before their boss made a decision to invade a sovereign country, risk lives and risk the respect of the world in US military prowess. Wow, Nobama has issues.

    And god-forbid that the President should wield the American sword after deliberation and consultation and choose the attack that will cause the least collateral damage. Obviously, we should have dropped a nuke on it to make Nobama happy.

    And for the most part, the sensibilities of the American people are more at issue in the release of the photos. Some Americans don’t get off on snuff films.

  54. Jason330 says:

    “I still wonder when he is going to raise taxes on the rich.”

    Stop wondering. We all know that the answer is never. The question is how will Democrats win elections with a Republicans-lite platform?

    The answer appears to be, “Let’s hope Republicans continue to run people who are unelectable.”

  55. Nobama says:

    “Right. Bomb the place to smithereens, and let al Quaeda pretend he’s not dead for another fifty years. ”

    Oh – I get it now! Risk 24 servicemen’s lives, go in, blow Osama’s brains all over the wall and THEN don’t release the photo! Perfect logic, isn’t it? The Taliban are already pretending Osama’s not dead. You really didn’t think this through, did you? All the downside risk and none of the upside reward. Typical.

    @Geezer – go back to your bong, hippie freak.

    @jpconnorjr – Contact jpconnorsr and and ask him why didn’t pull out and spare us your existence.

  56. pandora says:

    The amazing thing to me is how this operation rested entirely on its outcome. (see: Carter, Jimmy) Taking the time needed to make it work (and I’m not sure if there was ever a guarantee of that) displays not only leadership and wisdom, but guts.

    And, Nobama is simply wallowing in sour grapes. The mission was a success (and imagine Nobama’s response if it wasn’t), and it kills people like Nobama to give credit where credit is due. Very un-American, but very Republican.

  57. Jason330 says:

    How can you read that wingnut comment above and not think, “Poor thing.”

    Just like Mr. T before me, I pity the fool.

  58. anon says:

    I’m sure that it really killed their morale to wait an additional 16 hours before their boss made a decision to invade a sovereign country

    A sovereign nuclear country. That also happens to be a US ally. A country which is perpetually on the brink of a military or Taliban takeover.

  59. Nobama says:

    “The CIA and Navy Seals had to wait 16 hours?? Really? A whole 16 hours?”

    The point is that girlie-man, drapery-hanging, pretend-president Barack had to anguish SIXTEEN HOURS to decide if it would be okay to kill America’s most hated-and-hunted enemy. Really? What part of that decision was so difficult, Barry? Afraid how it might affect your re-election if it failed? Thought maybe it might P.O. our enemies? I mean – just how freakin’ tough a choice could it be?

    And don’t all you libs pretend that this is some isolated incident or careful deliberation. Your guy can never decide about ANYTHING. No-Drama-Obama is now twisting himself in a knot over the photos. Does it ever end with this guy? The only things about which he has clarity is a tee-time and his vacation schedule.

    So go ahead – start attacking W. Like that will make any difference.

  60. socialistic ben says:

    i never thought id see conservatives upset that Osama Bin Laden… a guy who killed thousands of americans…. got killed by americans. (yes i did)
    They are so upset that their leverage was killed because of the leadership of The Great Satan and not someone like $t $arah.

    @NObama, i dont think even YOU know what you are talking about. you’re just repeating the shit that was on GLenn Beck last night…. “obama is a horrible president because this operation MIGHT have gone wrong and a republican president would have done it differently with the same outcome.”

    tell ya what Nobama (by the way, TOTALLY unoriginal name… you hateful little twerps really need to do some more thinking)
    close your hateful little eyes… real tight. now take a deep breath. The year is 2008, McCain has WON the election YAY!!!! but OH NO! It was found out that he was born in PANAMA!!!! Well, the great ursurper was impeached and sent to Gitmo. now SARAH PALIN IS PRESIDENT!!!! GLORY BE TO G-D AND WHITE JESUS!!!!!!!
    3 days ago, Pre$ident Palin (almost gaged typing that) and her whole brood of little palins rode into Pakistan on a tamed wolf and KILLED BIN LADEN!!!! THEN THEY KILLED THE WOLF!!!!!
    Open your eyes. Can you now express good feelings that OUR nation’s biggest enemy has been defeated?
    (probably not… if it isnt good for the GOP it isnt good for ‘Merica)

  61. liberalgeek says:

    Yes, it was WAY better when we had a guy that would attack without thinking at all…

    Great point, you idiot.

    But good luck on continuing your inane BS about dithering. I’ll take “the thinker” over “the decider” any day.

  62. socialistic ben says:

    This reminds me of when Cartman got his ass kicked by Wendy and still thought everyone thought he was cool and relevant….
    People like NoOriginality used to piss me off, now i just laugh at them. Hear that moron? you are a JOKE. Your entire political “movement” is a JOKE. Obama did what your conservative messiah GAVE UP ON.

    keep steepin’ teabag

  63. Nobama says:

    @socialist ben – No, in actuality I walked into the office Monday morning and went right over to two of Barry’s biggest supporters and congratulated Obama on a job well-done. I’m glad Osama’s dead, I thought not bringing him to Gitmo was the right thing, and dumping him in the Arabian Sea where his grave wouldn’t become a shrine was correct.

    Now though, having read and heard of all the typical Obama indecision, being afraid of harming all the others around Osama, and the last-straw-I-don’t-know-if-we-should-release-the-photo bs it is apparent to everyone (you crybaby socialists included) that Obama is still the same spineless little thug he’s always been.

  64. anon says:

    Bush never had to face the dilemma of whether or not to release photos of Osama bin Laden’s corpse. It is a good problem to have.

  65. jpconnorjr says:

    NOBRAINA you will be grasping at straws until at least 2017. Good luck getting a grip:)

  66. socialistic ben says:

    HA! risking a war with a nuclear armed country in order to get the guy Bush GAVE UP on sure is spineless.
    So you are all about complete disregard for innocent human life. You would rather people who had nothing to do with OBL get killed so you could have your macho fireworks… ass hole.

    good to know. What you are upset about is that Obama made sure the mission would work BEFORE he went through with it.

    now your opinion matters EVEN less to me.

    keep steepin

  67. Nobama says:

    @socialist ben – So you’re contending that anyone in the compound with bin Laden is “innocent human life”? All those people in Hitler’s bunker – just passers-by. Nothing to see here.

    You are grasping at straws – but that’s fine, I expect no less from brain dead liberals. You have no critical reasoning, no rational thought process. You’re all just emotion and angst and envy. Liberalism is truly a mental disorder, a retardation of maturity. If you want to see how a liberal will respond to any given situation, take away a toy from a six year old and then just watch.

  68. anon says:

    Poor Nob lacks the circuitry to process the fact that Obama killed bin Laden.

  69. Von Cracker says:

    Wonder if Nobama was massaging the prostate when one-handed typing that last comment.

    Prolly more like the Buffalo Bill dancing scene in Silence of the Lambs, working the la poose, and muttering “I’d fuck me”. Haven’t seen more projection in one paragraph since, well, for a very long time.

  70. Nobama says:

    Massaging the prostate? Oh anus expert Von Cracker, I’m surprised that there’s room for your hand, what with your head being in the way and all.

  71. socialistic ben says:

    so you would blow up Osama’s teenage daughter? or the woman who was “given” to him as a present when she was 12? What if the blst killed the neighborhood children?

    you wont answer because you are as big a coward as Bush was….. he gave up hunting for Bin Laden, ya know.

    got it. Total disregard for innocent human life.

  72. Nobama says:

    @socialist ben – I’ll answer – yeah, I’d blow her ass to Kingdom Come right along with Papa Osama. Sleep like a baby afterwards, too.

    Put that in your pipe and smoke it, coward.

  73. socialistic ben says:

    and there ya have it.

    a conservative “man”

  74. Geezer says:

    “spineless little thug”

    Funny how a conservative’s insults always manage to descibe the speaker more than the subject.

    “Sleep like a baby afterwards, too.”

    You mean “sleep like a sociopath,” don’t you?

  75. socialistic ben says:

    he was just trying to be provocative. The thing doesn’t have the courage to say something like that using it’s real name. Instead he has to hid behind a bumpersticker slogan.. like the rest of the conservative movement.

    man-up buttercup (sorry pandora, UI, Cass, et all)

  76. SB, yes. Bin Laden had to be stopped. His family is not off limits to stopping him. He declared war on us not the other way around. If you have a problem with that, ask the Kenyans who were just walking near the U. S. embassy or the people in the World Trade Center what they think. His family is not more valuable than the innocent people who were just trying to live their lives.

  77. Geezer says:

    “He declared war on us not the other way around.”

    He is not a country; therefore he cannot “declare war” in any legal sense. Thank you, though, for parading your Christian bona fides in such a self-revealing way.

  78. U. I. we didn’t know the location until August so 5 or 6 years is meaningless. What is interesting to me is how did the Pakistani government not know when he was right under their noses? Who inside was protecting him? They need to clean house in their intelligence service. It is either corrupt or incompetent.

    • we didn’t know the location until August so 5 or 6 years is meaningless.

      Not sure the people of London and Spain would agree.

      I do agree that Pakistan has a lot of explaining to do.

  79. Von Cracker says:

    Not surprised by your lack of reading comprehension, Nob.

    Retort Fail!

    And “coward”? That’s rich. Go back to your Red Dawn porn, Macho Man. Anything else you’d like to project today, Holmes?

  80. socialistic ben says:

    sorry RD, unlike you,
    i want America to be better than OBL and the terrorists. I will not sink to their level. Where they kill innocents, i want only to kill the guilty.
    if you want to go around bombing innocent children, get the fuck out of my country, traitor.

  81. jpconnorjr says:

    NOBRAINA: I had a little seance and my dad said that guys like you never achieve sanity:). However personally I find it amusing that you are so angry. Please don’t drive or operate heavy equipment until you calm down. Oops that would mean you’d never drive:)

  82. jpconnorjr says:

    NOBRAINA: This whole picture thing is not an easy call even for those on your side WITH a brain:)! GOP Intelligence Chair Mike Rogers: Releasing Bin Laden Photo Is A Dangerously Bad Idea http://tpm.ly/jnCC9X

  83. Dana Garrett says:

    “All those people in Hitler’s bunker –just passers-by. Nothing to see here.”

    Yes, pig, there were innocent people in Hitler’s bunker: children who were poisoned by their Nazi parents. Or don’t children count as innocent in a fevered wingnut brain like yours?

  84. Von Cracker says:

    Too funny, jp!

  85. MJ says:

    What rock did this asshole Nobama crawl out from under? Talk about a mindless troll.

  86. Nobama says:

    Wow, all the sweaty little liberal piggies are out today, aren’t they?

    @Geezer – now you’re a lawyer too? “therefore he cannot “declare war” in any legal sense”. Don’t you have a Gitmo detainee to represent? I hear that Lynn Stewart could use some of your help. Another liberal saint, I’m sure you’re soul mates.

    @Dana – you’ve raised being naive to an art form – bravo. If the goal was to kill (not capture) Osama, I’d carpet-bomb that entire street with B-52’s until we were just making the rubble bounce before I’d risk the life of a single US serviceman.

  87. Nobama says:

    @MJ, Von Cracker, Socialist Ben, and especially homo-erotic artist jpconnorjr (good thing jpconnorsr can’t see what he has wrought) – you bunch of dim bulbs are a caricature of what passes for liberal “thought” these days. You’ll stomp, you’ll scream, you’ll start the name-calling – your predictable leftist twaddle belongs in the pages of Mother Jones. Or at least Chris Carney’s daily talking points.

    I’ve thoroughly enjoyed stomping in your little lefty sandbox, “delawareliberal” (kind of a poor man’s NPR except that none of you could be described as “men” in the accepted sense). I come away convinced that you’re going to get your asses kicked harder in 2012 than you did in 2010, because if this is the best you can do you are all truly f***ed.

    Hugs and kisses,


    ps. I’m not even from that little cesspool of a state you have either. As soon as I cross the DMB I hold my breath and floor it until I hit Maryland. I try to think of it as the East Coast’s version of Chernobyl.

  88. Geezer says:

    He’ll be here through Thursday night, folks. Try the veal!

  89. Nobama says:

    Is that your considered opinion, counselor?

  90. jpconnorjr says:

    NOBRAINA: There is no hope for you buddy. I am thinking that if you move to Delaware we could find a nice room for you in The Jane Mitchell Building on the grounds of DPC:).

  91. Geezer says:

    C’mon, we all know you’re really Andrew Dice Clay. Don’t play coy.

  92. MJ says:

    Oooh, I’m so hurt by your insults. It figures that a tejhadi from PA or NJ (one in the same) could only come up with ad hominem attacks instead of presenting facts to back up his statements. Hell, at least David offers up interesting conversation from time to time. This guy, just a worthless wanker (with apoligies to Knotts for using his line).

  93. Dana Garrett says:

    Nobama just advocated murdering innocent people, including children. Why must the sensible and diverse readers of DL suffer reading the refuse of this monster of iniquity?

  94. MJ says:

    Well, Dana, advocating the murder of innocents makes him feel big and powerful, because he was too chicken to put on the uniform many of us have worn. He’s a chicken hawk. G-D forbid we had to have a national call up of all able-bodied men and women to defend the country. My guess is that this little troll with the 2-inch penis, who probably drives a muscle car down I-95, would find a cave to hide in.

  95. Von Cracker says:

    Nob’s an unpatriotic fuck for wishing death to thousands of his fellow citizens. But what would one expect from a seriously confused self-loathing individual? I’m concerned for his well-being and for those physically around him.

    You know what is really homoerotic (one word douchy), Top Gun. 🙂

  96. cassandra_m says:

    Nob is probably one of those teajadis paid to troll on liberal sites. Of course he doesn’t have the cojones to do this belligerent shtick except from a fake name.

    Wanker indeed. But at least the people who pay him to come over here aren’t exactly getting their money’s worth.

  97. anon says:


  98. jpconnorjr says:

    Well based on the below it appears NOBRAINA is none other than Todd Palin!!!!
    Sarah Palin has come around to claim he’s “pussy-footing around” — specifically by not immediately releasing photos of the deceased al Qaeda leader. To underscore the irony, Palin claims the pictures should be released “as warning to others seeking America’s destruction

  99. Nobama says:

    Sorry it took a while to get back. I have a job you see, and can’t just sit around on the sofa smoking dope all day.

  100. Nobama says:

    @Von Crackhead – I have to reevaluate my opinion of you, Crackhead – you’re dumber than I thought. What I said was that I would kill all those around bin Laden in order to get him. Maybe you consider Al Queda “thousands of your fellow citizens” asshole, but I don’t. I consider them my enemies and welcome sending them to meet their 72 virgins. Oh, and thanks for the spelling correction for “homoerotic”. Your career modeling for Mapplethorpe continues to pay dividends. Don’t worry though, your rectum will one day return to normal size.

    @Dana – Keep up the good work, you are more of a man than all the rest of these twats combined. Shave your legs once in a while though, will ya? You vegan freaks are really gross.

  101. Von Cracker says:

    Pure mouth-breathing! I love it!

  102. socialistic ben says:

    Nobama, are you one of the many many Texas-dickball sockpuppets? or are you a new troll?

    You’re much angrier than the usual right wing T-hadist. It’s kind of cute. Like a gibbon fighting his reflection in the mirror or something. The tenacity and grit…. makes you seem like a feisty little spider monkey in a flight suit. The best part is where you announce your last post, then just CANT resist throwing more poo. WHO WANTS A TREAT…. YOU DO!!!!!

  103. dv says:

    In all fairness to Bush. He did say OBL was barely even on his radar and he hardly cared. So, I mean, it’s not like he was trying or made it a promise or anything.

    You guys love to engage trolls (self included)

  104. Nobama says:

    @Socialist Ben – I stand corrected (again), because Von Crackhead isn’t the biggest dimwit in this little echo chamber of yours, YOU are (Von Crackhead can breathe a sigh of relief). Your “best part” never happened, since I never “announced (my) last post”. Of course, you insipid liberals just make it up as you go along anyway. Never let facts get in the way of your opinions.

  105. socialistic ben says:

    are you available for parties Nobama? i MUST show you to my Young Communists/ immigrant gaybortionist group. I didnt think your kind existed anymore.

    truly an amazing specimen

  106. jpconnorjr says:

    NOBRAINA: I figured you were off station for a while because homeless shelters limit times of internet use:) BTW there is really cool blog http://www.delawarepolitics.net they would love to have your input:)

  107. Why are we engaging the troll? It’s not particularly interesting or original.

  108. MJ says:

    Well, the smoking dope comment sounds like it came right from the lips of the Fatman (he loves saying that about liberals).

  109. Von Cracker says:

    Guilty pleasure, UI.

    Sorry ;–(

  110. Nobama says:

    Yawn…. Let’s see what the little morons have been doing while I was sleeping. Um…hmm. UI wants everyone to stop because he’s getting his comeuppance. Check. Socialist Ben is portraying himself as being of superior evolution. Check. MJ is too stupid to arrive at his own comment, so he needs to plagiarize “Fatman”. Check. Jpconnorjr (resident anal artist) also portrays himself as superior. Check.

    Wow, all the infantile liberal bullet points covered, except none of you dopes has yet called me a racist – what’s taking so long?

    You know, this all started innocently enough when I wrote that I couldn’t understand your hero, the Teleprompter of the United States. It looked like he’d finally manned-up for once but then returned to his old indecisive form (and look at him yesterday! Now he WON’T release the photos – pussy). Well, that was a little too much for the crowd that runs around preaching against the “politics of personal destruction” and bemoans the loss of civility in discourse, all while portraying themselves as the guardians of peace and love. It only took until the second response (from gayboy jpconnorjr) to call me an asshole. Nice going.

    You pathetic cowards deserve everything you get

  111. Nobama says:

    Oh, and the vanguards of free speech that liberals always pretend to be? Well, your admin keeps trying to block me by IP address – but he’s not too clever. You champion diversity in everything but opinion, and in that you’re just a bunch of infantile pussies.