Sarah Palin to Announce Run for President.

Filed in National by on May 24, 2011

Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen.

A “two-hour-long, sweeping epic” movie reintroducing Sarah Palin to the nation is set to premiere in Iowa next month, Real Clear Politics reports.

The film, produced by conservative filmmaker Stephen K. Bannon, “is poised to serve as a galvanizing prelude to Palin’s prospective presidential campaign — an unconventional reintroduction to the nation that she and her political team have spent months eagerly anticipating, even as Beltway Republicans have largely concluded that she won’t run.”

She is delusional enough to run. And the vast majority of the Republican base is crazy enough to vote for her. Sarah Palin will be your Republican nominee. Jason, send me the link to the Intrade site. Time to buy.

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  1. jason330 says:

    “She is delusional enough to run. And the vast majority of the Republican base is crazy enough to vote for her.”

    That sounds exactly right.

    Right now you can buy ten shares of “Palin to be Republican Presidential Nominee in 2012” for $8.50. It is comes to pass that Sarah Palin to be Republican Presidential Nominee in 2012, that would pay $100.00

    (I think I have that math right)

  2. Mitt Romney’d better bring his man-pants.

    And perhaps some Depends for his dog.

  3. Dana Garrett says:

    She’s not going to run. The movie is a tease to keep her profile up and to keep her status with FOX. She likes the millions.

  4. political wizzard says:

    She can make hundreds of millions with a run.
    Remember Christine O’Donnell? Just run then put the kids into big money jobs and have the drug addict go on the radio and tell the zombies it’s all part of Jesus’s plan.

  5. Joe Cass says:


  6. If Palin wins the nominee it’s proof the GOP has ceded the election to Obama and it isn’t worth having a good candidate losing.

  7. What good candidate, Brian? There are some smarter ones who don’t want to lose to the Kenyan usurper and the rest of the clown car.

  8. Aoine says:

    2 hours??? her one hour show on cable was CANCELLED for…lack of interest

    and she thinks people will watch 2 hours??

    geez – waterboard me before making me watch 2 hours of St Sarah, bears, waving American flags and cooling apple pie


  9. Auntie Dem says:

    Can you imagine how much the Koch brothers and their ilk — sorry El Som — would love to have Palin in the WH? Every veto could be bought. The bully pulpit could broadcast corporate propaganda on demand. They could write their own Executive Orders. Sarah is their dream candidate. She has already demonstrated that she’s for sale and won’t let anything like ethics, morals, or patriotism get between her and a buck. It is hard to imagine it happening, but with unlimited, secret corporate contributions to a humongeous ad campaign who knows what Americans will vote for.

  10. skippertee says:

    “And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
    Slouches towards “Iowa” to be born?”
    Sorry W.B.

  11. Delaware Dem says:

    I am moving the Israeli comments to the open thread where it belongs. The next comment about Israel on this post will be deleted and not moved, and the author banned for spamming.

  12. mediawatch says:

    Most important decision Sarah would have to make is her choice of VP. Imagine her winning. After 2 1/2 years in the WH, she’d announce that there are better ways for her to serve the country.

  13. MJ says:

    WB – and your comment had what to do with this thread? Oh, I get it, you’re just on your trolling mission. Stick to the thread of put your comments in the Open Thread.

  14. Flash Cat says:

    The only one more loony than her is Bachmann. Maybe that could be her running mate. Next thought Sarah Palin is proof that you can give a lot of head to get ahead. Maybe her Secret Service name could be “White Swallows”. Sad, that the actress that plays her in the porno version is way smarter.

  15. Von Cracker says:

    Thanks john McCain!

    It’s like he fucked the country and gave it herpes.

  16. ALL SEEING says:

    She is running. She can’t allow the other female nut to get all the glory.

  17. Frank says:

    She’ll run all right.

    But she’ll quit halfway through the campaign.

  18. Jeanie says:

    You people make me sick! No one said you have to agree or like Sarah Palin, but surely you understand what the word “decency” means. All the filth you people spew shows your mentality is lacking, immature behavior shows you are still wet behind the ears, and no one wants to here any sexual comments on the web. Get a life people — you don’t like Sarah Palin, don’t vote for her, but get off her back! Your comments are just disgusting!

  19. anon40 says:


    What “filth” was spewed in Palin’s direction?

    I’ve read the entire thread & I’ve seen NO filth directed toward Ms. Palin.

    One might consider Von Cracker’s comment “filthy,” but it was directed at John McCain, not Palin.

    Here’s a little news flash for you–

    Palin is an attention-whore.

    She thrives on media attention. I can document Ms. Palin’s media whore-edness if needed. Please ask & I’ll be happy to provide you w/ THOUSANDS of links to her publicly uttered idiocies and her moronic gubernatorial antics.

    Face it–If Palin looked like Eleanor Roosevelt, no one would give her 5 seconds of air time. Unfortunately, the (r-word) “mentally challenged” Republican dumbasses are somewhat enthralled w/ her. More power to the corrupt Democrats.


    Dear Delaware Democratic politicians:

    There are many people like “Jeanie” in our state. Please set her regarding her pension, and please focus your legislative efforts on issues that matter to the average voter.

  20. jason330 says:

    If this thread is giving you heart burn, you better throw away your computer before the first GOP debate.

    I’m a helper. That’s what I do.

  21. Aoine says:

    @Jeanine – Take your own advise – you dont like it here LEAVE!!

    Thak you! – Goodbye

  22. jpconnorjr says:


    @Jeanine – Take your own advise – you don’t like it here LEAVE!!

    Thank you! – Goodbye

  23. X Stryker says:

    Run, Sarah, run! Run the GOP into the ground!

    Actually, I’m a little worried that she’ll split the anti-Romney vote. Her and Bachmann both running could dilute the crazy vote and allow someone electable through.

  24. Aoine says:

    Why bother – Why Bother??

    I think we are all capable of feeding ourselves, and wiping our own asses – thank you

    I cannot imagine what we did before you came along to save us from ourselves

    LO! and the saviour cometh! maybe the saviour will goeth too, and soon

  25. Delaware Dem says:

    Whybother, your posts were moved to the Tuesday OPEN THREAD. These new posts will be moved to the Wednesday OPEN THREAD. They were moved because they were most decidedly off topic to the post at hand. When I moved them yesterday i told you in the comments why they were being moved, and to not do it again. You now have. You are now banned for twice violating the spam rule. You were warned. Goodbye.

    The original warning:

  26. Andrew says:

    “Mitt Romney’d better bring his man-pants.

    And perhaps some Depends for his dog.”

    HAHAHAHAHAHA – coffee meet monitor.

  27. Andrew says:

    “geez – waterboard me before making me watch 2 hours of St Sarah, bears, waving American flags and cooling apple pie”

    BAHAHAHA – even better!

    sry, you guys/gals are hilarious.

  28. anon says:

    None of the pundits believe Palin is running…She still has her contract at FAUX news! She is just the ramming board, she will say all the crazy shit and make Romney look sane. Palin is going to do two things l) keep the Ryan plan alive 2) trash Obama on his stand for a 2 state solution…thats her orders and make a few million by the way.

  29. X Stryker says:

    My favorite new nickname for Sarah Palin is “The Snowbilly Grifter” copyright TBogg.