Socialism at the Gates

Filed in National by on May 24, 2011

I gotta tell ya, I’m kind of sick of the empty cry of socialism every time the government tries to do something. Rob Tornoe always get people in an uproar on his Facebook account (and it is fun to watch) but inevitably someone starts talking about socialism-this or socialism-that when Rob talks about some egregious act done by corporate America.

So let me ask you this… should Libertarians (and the Republicans that sympathize with them) mail their bills and letters with FedEx?  How about the companies that support this line of thought? Do they use the post office to deliver their invoices and marketing material.

And honestly, don’t try to suggest that you do all of your bill payment on DARPANet the Internet either.

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  1. anon says:

    I actually haven’t heard the Socialism thing for a while now. I guess they have to get past their Medicare problem before they start using that one again.

  2. Rob Tornoe says:

    Fair warning: If you visit my Facebook page, prepare to travel backward in time to the days when Trolls existed and the rich owned everything. You know… true freedom!

  3. cassandra m says:

    Definitely don’t hear anyone screaming socialism while the Feds are funneling money and help to places hit by tornados.

  4. anon says:

    Definitely don’t hear anyone screaming socialism while the Feds are funneling money and help to places hit by tornados.

    The parody-to-reality wait time now stands at about twenty minutes and dropping:

    Cantor: No emergency aid for tornado victims without spending cuts

  5. anon says:

    If I recall, DL has a classic picture from Sussex County that goes well with any “Socialism at the Gates” post….

  6. It’s funny you write this because when I get back from vacation I want to write about the totalitarian state that is the UK.

  7. Crazy Marine says:

    But corporate socialism, the real culprit in most of our monetary problems is a sacred cow that dare not be discussed, the fact that record profits are being made virtually tax free is not even up for discussion, grandma,s medical expenses are blamed for deficits and depressions as CEO,s pile up the bonuses, this type of capitalism will leave our children in a bad way, with a much higher hill to climb than we had.

  8. CycloneRanger says:

    I don’t think the Marine is so crazy. I think corporations run the show and you aren’t contributing to the bottom line then there’s no point dropping a line to the bottom.
    Will all of you down there Please cease moaning?!? Respect the masters. They believe themselves to be conquerers. That is a fantastic win over those that were too law abiding to fight back. Buy you a government in order to beat you back. Don’t mind sending fathers/mothers/sons/daughters into the fray as long as the dividends and bonuses exceed the millions billions. You want healthcare? Support the top 2% or die. You care more about your health now? Cha-friggin-ching.

  9. Crazy Marine says:

    Cha-friggin-ching for sure, the grandparents could live to be a hundred and never buy a Kindle, or a smart phone, let,s make lowering our average life expectancy a national priority, Cha-frigging-ching!!!

  10. Joe Cass says:

    Whoa! Whoa. Whoa. @CM, I get your point that politicians would rather dust us than to lose the impending seat in the boardroom of HMOhmygodtheyarestillbreathinghowcanwemilkthesesuckersmakequotaandfindprofitintheirdeath. That, I get. I don’t understand how you tie the keepin’ up with apps into it. First page, I despise those devices. Paid in America. Apple should be the victim of bad things. These dweebs that swear by Apple! “I am so conscience! I care! I can save the world!” Yeah. Check out FoxConn numbnuts. grandparents could live to be a hundred and never buy a Kindle, or a smart phone as could we. Don’t need it. Certainly can’t justify the expense. I’m pretty sure fortunes were made using rotary phones.

  11. jason330 says:

    I love that picture. Hudson Management was so a head of the wingnut curve.

  12. anon says:

    YES! You put it up! I love that picture, it should be included in every post.

  13. Delaware Dem says:

    Hudson Management is the wingnut curve.

  14. Does socialism have a battering ram? (Sorry, I’m in Yurp, too many castles & such.)

  15. Von Cracker says:

    Less cries about socialism, overall? Guess the right’s gotten used to a black president.

    They need to come up with more code words.